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Historic Revision Notes for Previous Versions of NLMCatalogRecord DTD

The following changes were made:

The nlmcatalogrecordset_160101.dtd used for the 2016 production year:

  1. Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_150101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_160101.dtd.
  2. Add ISSN? (optional and not repeatable) as a child element to TitleRelated.
  3. In the IndexingStatus attribute, change the value “Continued-by-another-indexed-title” to “Continued-by-another-title”

The nlmcatalogrecordset_150101.dtd used for the 2015 production year:

  1. Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_140101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_150101.dtd.
  2. Deleted ChemicalList envelope including all associated subelements: Chemical, RegistryNumber, and NameOfSubstance.
  3. Added UI attribute to MeSH related elements: DescriptorName, QualifierName, and PublicationType.
  4. Deleted TitleOther element.
  5. Moved Sort attribute from TitleMain to Title.
  6. Created TitleAlternate envelope with
    1. pre-existing subelements Title, MaterialSpecified, and OtherInformation,
    2. pre-existing Owner attribute, and
    3. TitleType attribute with values: Former, Key, Other, OtherTA, Translated, Undetermined, and Uniform.
  7. Created TitleRelated envelope with
    1. pre-existing subelements Title and OtherInformation,
    2. new RecordID element with Source attribute (values NLM, LC, and OCLC), and
    3. TitleType attribute with values: Absorbed, AbsorbedBy, AbsorbedInPart, AbsorbedInPartBy, Analytic, MergedTo, MergerOf, Other, Preceding, PrecedingInPart, Related, Reversion, Series, SeriesAuthority, SplitFrom, SplitTo, Succeeding, SucceedingInPart, SupersededBy, SupersededInPartBy, Supersedes, SupersedesInPart, Translated, and Undetermined.
  8. Deleted the preface note concerning the use of "Medline" in element names and inserted a related comment in the DTD above the MedlineTA element.
  9. Deleted the value “Date-range-of-indexed-citations-unspecified” from the attribute IndexingStatus, under the element IndexingSourceName.

The nlmcatalogrecordset_140101.dtd used for the 2014 production year:

  1. Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_130101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_140101.dtd

The nlmcatalogrecordset_130101.dtd used for the 2013 production year:

  1. Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_120101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_130101.dtd
  2. Added CopyrightDate to PublicationInfo Element
  3. Changed NameID Element to Identifier Element
  4. Changed Publisher Element to Entity Element
  5. Moved Place, Entity and DateIssued to Imprint Element
  6. Added ImprintFull to Imprint Element
  7. Removed Place ImprintType attribute
  8. Removed Entity ImprintType attribute
  9. Removed DateIssued ImprintType attribute
  10. Added new FunctionType attribute with valid values to Imprint Element
  11. Changed Imprint ImprintType attribute to required
  12. Added ResourceCharacteristics to NLMCatalogRecord Element
  13. Added new Format attribute with valid values to ResourceCharacteristics Element
  14. Added BookFormat, Generation and Polarity to PhysicalDescription Element

The nlmcatalogrecordset_120101.dtd used for the 2012 production year:

  1. Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_110101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_120101.dtd
  2. Added Role to Author Element
  3. Added new Coded attribute to Role Element
  4. Deleted LanguageAlternate Element
  5. Moved LangType attribute to Language Element and added new valid value Primary
  6. Added Resource to ResourceInfo Element
  7. Moved ContentType, MediaType and CarrierType from ResourceInfo to Resource Element
  8. Made ContentType, MediaType, CarrierType repeatable optional elements
  9. Added MaterialSpecified to TitleOther Element
  10. Deleted Affiliation from the NLMCatalogRecord Element
  11. Deleted valid value Currently-indexed-Title-changed for IndexingStatus attribute of IndexingSourceName Element
  12. Added new NLMCatalogRecord Status attribute valid value Withdrawn

The nlmcatalogrecordset_110101.dtd used for the 2011 production year:

  1. Changed nlmcatalogrecordset_100101.dtd to nlmcatalogrecordset_110101.dtd
  2. Removed NLMIndexNote from nlmcatalogrecord
  3. Added NameID element to Author
  4. Added Type attribute to DescriptorName
  5. Added new value of Captions to LangType Attribute
  6. Changed NoteType attribute value Usage to CopyrightStatus
  7. Added a new value of CopyrightHolder to NoteType attribute

The nlmcatalogrecordset_100101.dtdused for the 2010 production year:

  1. The nlmcatalogrecord and nlmmedlinecitation have been used as a base
  2. The nlmcommon and sharedcatcit external entities have been merged in this DTD
  3. No internal DTD entity references are used
  4. Added BoundWith, Dissertation and LinkComplexNote to the NoteType attribute
  5. Added ContentType, MediaType and CarrierType to ResourceInfo
  6. Added AbsorbedInPart and AbsorbedInPartBy to the TitleType attribute
  7. Removed FirstName and MiddleName from Author,Investigator and PersonalNameSubject
  8. Removed Hour, Minute and Second from DateAuthorized, DateCompleted, DateCreated, DateRevised and DateRevisedMajor
  9. Removed CopyrightInformation from Abstract
  10. Removed ValidYN attribute for Author
  11. Removed DOI value from EIDType attribute
  12. Removed Article, ArticleTitle, VernacularTitle and ArticleDate
  13. Removed Journal, JournalIssue, ISOAbbreviation, Volume, Issue, PubDate and Season
  14. Removed Book, CollectionTitle and Volume
  15. Removed DataBankList, DataBank, DataBankName, AccessionNumberList and AccessionNumber
  16. Removed GrantList, Grant, GrantID, Acronym and Agency
  17. Removed Pagination, StartPage, EndPage and MedlinePgn
  18. Removed NCBIArticle, PMID and MedlineJournalInfo
  19. ForeName made optional in Author, Investigator and PersonalNameSubject

The nlmcatalogrecord_090101.dtd used for the 2009 production year:

  1. Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_080101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_090101.dtd"
  2. Added PrecedingInPart, SupersedesInPart, SucceedingInPart, SupersededInPartBy values to entity TitleType

The nlmcatalogrecord_080101.dtd used for the 2008 production year:

  1. Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_070101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_080101.dtd"
  2. Changed ElectronicAccessList to ELocationList
  3. Changed ElectronicAddress to ELocationID
  4. Changed ElectronicAccess to ELocation
  5. Added entity EIdType with doi and url values
  6. Added element ISSNLinking with attribute ValidYN to NLMCatalogRecord element

The nlmcatalogrecord_070101.dtd used for the 2007 production year:

  1. Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_060101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_070101.dtd"
  2. Added CIT value to Owner and Source entities--CIT is NIH's Center for Information Technology, with which NLM is working to provide better access to streaming videos of NIH events
  3. Added NoteType attribute to GeneralNote element--this new attribute will be used to add specificity to certain types of <GeneralNote> so that they can be individually labeled in the NLMCatalog display
  4. Added IHM value to Owner and Source entities

The nlmcatalogrecord_060101.dtd used for the 2006 production year:

  1. Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_041101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_060101.dtd"
  2. Added external entity value of PublicationType.Ref
  3. Removed FullyIndexedYN from IndexingSource Name element
  4. Added IndexingTreatment attribute to IndexingSource Name element
  5. Added SubjectType attribute to OtherSubjectName element

The nlmcatalogrecord_041101.dtd used for the 2005 production year:

  1. Changed entity reference from "nlmsharedcatcit_031101.dtd" to: "nlmsharedcatcit_041101.dtd"
  2. Added Absorbed, AbsorbedBy, MergedTo, MergerOf, Reversion, SplitFrom, SplitTo, SupersededBy and Supersedes to the values in TitleType

The nlmcatalogrecord_031101.dtd was the initial version of this DTD. It was introduced in April 2004 and used for the remainder of the 2004 production year.

Last Reviewed: July 26, 2017