Choose a letter from the alphabet to go directly to that section:
- 800 Number, 1/90
- 21st Century Science, 5/94
- A Right to Health Care, 1/93
- Abell, Joan, 3/03
- Abramsky, Dr. Oded, 5/93
- Abramson, Alicia, 9/94
- Abridged Index Medicus: 6/78,9/78,9/93,
- Ceases publication,3/97
- Expands Journal Coverage, 10/78/84,10/84
- Access Fees Lowered,11/92
- Acid-Free Paper:
- Congress Pursues Nat'l Policy on Use of, 4/89
- National Policy, 11/90
- NLM News, 6/88
- Paper, 1/85
- Ackerman, Michael J., Ph.D., 4/87,11/92,11/94,3/95,7/95,11/95,9/96,3/97, (Crosby award, 1/98)
- Acquisitions, Consol., & Mergers, 6/89
- ACTION Program receives award, 9/95
- Active Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, 1/93
- Adams:
- Myron J., M.D.,5/77,1/78,10/78
- Randall, 7/80
- Scott, 10/82, 3/81
- Adopt-a-School Program, 5/94,1/00
- Adriani Papers, 3/91
- Advocat, Annie,8/96
- Aerospace Med. Assoc., 6/79
- African-American
- History Lecture, 1/00
- History Month, 11/94,1/97,1/98,1/01 (features photo of Kent Smith, Dr. Yvonne Maddox, David Hash, Dr. Christian-Christensen and Dr. Lindberg)
- Medical Experience, 3/99
- African Burial Ground Project Howard University, 1/01 (features photo of Dr. Michael Blakey, Howard University and Dr. Lindberg)
- Agarwal, Shree, 12/77
- Agayoff, Doralee, 1/95
- Aged & Alloc. of Health Care, 4/90
- Agency for:
- Health Care Policy and Research, 9/90 Toxic
- Substances & Disease Registry, 4/88
- Aging Conference, 9/91
- AIDS/Toxicology Info. Project Receives NACO Award, 8/96
- and Nutrition, 5/91
- Bibliography, 6/87,9/93,11/93,5/94
- Conference, 7/93,11/93
- Conference Report, 1/94
- Ephemera Exhibition opens, 7/02
- Guide, 3/94
- HIV Collection Development Statement, 3/93
- Information Resources Fact Sheet, 1/91,1/93,1/95,3/95
- Literature Search, 6/87,11/87
- NN/LM, 9/94
- Outreach initiatives, 9/94
- Outreach projects, 9/95
- Res. Methodology, (NCBI Res), 1/91
- Treatment Information Service,1/95
- Ahlenius, Tor, 8/96
- AIDSDRUGS, 8/89, 1/94
- Debuts, 8/88
- No Charge, 1/94
- AIDSTRIALS, 8/89,1/94
- Air Pollution, Indoor, (CBM), 12/88
- Albright, Dr. Tenley E., 7/95,3/97,7/98,3/99,4/03
- Alexander, Evangeline,1/02
- Allard, Rhonda,7/98
- Allen:
- Beverly, 9/91,11/91
- Cassandra Ricks, 10/86,11/92,7/98,4/03
- Cynthia, 10/82,5/93,9/99
- Ernest, 7/77,11/81
- Marin, 3/03
- Steve, Jr., Video on Humor & Health, 9/96
- George, 9/87, 6/88
- Almodovar, Ismael, 1/79
- Altamor, Rita, 11/93
- Altemus, Anne, film award, 9/97
- Alternative Medicine
- Chief visits NLM, 4/00
- and complementary medicine on PubMed,1/01
- Altman, Dr. Lawrence K., 3/93, 9/97
- Altschul, Stephen,Ph.D., 5/89,7/98
- Alvarez, Walter C., Memorial Award, 11/89
- Amazing GRACE, 11/86
- American:
- Academy of Clinical Toxicology (AACT) Honors NLM, 10/86
- Association for the Advancement of Science: (AAAS)
- Delegation to China, 1/79
- Members Visit NLM, 3/78
- Association for Information Science Award, 12/88
- Association of Dental Schools, 4/78
- College of Cardiology, 9/93
- College of Informatics Class of 2001 (NLM employees elected to) (Stephen Altschul, Dennis Benson, Stephen Bryant, William Hole, Eugene Koonin, David Lipman, Stuart Nelson, James Ostell, John Wilbur) 7/01
- College of Physicians: 1/93
- Award, 5/80
- Hospital Association Briefings, 1/92
- Convention, 9/87
- Disaster Planning, 11/93
- Free Bibs., 3/89,6/88,5/89,6/89,8/8912/89,3/90,4/90,7/90,9/90,11/90, 1/91,3/91,7/91 ,5/95
- Hospital Literature Index, 11/94
- Management Advisory, 5/91
- Periodicals Holdings, 12/86
- Resource Lists,11/92,1/93,5/93,1/94,5/94,9/94
- Vocabulary Search Guide, 7/94
- College of Physicians: 1/93
- Indian Health, 1/04
- Library Association Visits NLM, 6/98
- Lung Assoc., 6/79
- Medical Association: (AMA)
- Films Available on Loan,6/83
- Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), 12/89,3/96,6/98
- Medicine and Statistical Thinking, 1800-1860,4/84
- Portrait Series, 10/85
- Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons, 11/93
- Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons, 11/93
- Americans with Disabilities/PSD, Open House, 9/96
- America's Women Physicians (Changing the Face of Medicine exhibit) 4/03
- Amin, Riyad, 8/96
- Amoruso, Philip, 2/81
- Anderson:
- Cheryl,11/92
- French, 1/92
- John E., 11/80,2-3/82,12/85,7/90,1/91
- Philip C., M.D., 1/92
- Rachael K., 11/90,5/93,9/93,5/94
- Anfinson, Christian, 12/00
- Animals, Use of in Research, (Bib.), 4/89
- Annual Report, 2/78,2/79,2/81,10/82,6/83,1/87,10/87,4/88,5/89,4/90,5/92,
- 5/93,9/94,3/97,6/98,4/00,1/01,7/01, 3/03
- Arabic and Persian Manuscripts(exhibit), 7/94
- ArcticHealth Website, 7/01
- Arenales, Duane, 10/78,6/81,4/85,7/98
- Arnesen, Stacey,1/95
- Aronson, Jules, 4/03
- Arizona Health Information Network, 9/93
- Arluk, Natalie, 11/90
- Armitage, Frank, Exhibit of Paintings and Sketches, 11/83
- Army Medical Library, 12/86
- Arnesen, Stacey, 8/89
- Art of Medicine, 1/94
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Workshop, 8/85
- Asbestos in Air, 9/80
- Asian Americal Health Web Site Debuts, 4/03
- Asian/Pacific Islander American Health, 5/95
- Aspen System, 1/90
- Assistant Director for Policy and Legislative Health, 12/00
- Assistant Secretary for Health Award for Exceptional Achievement, 5/84
- Associates,9/76,6/77,11/77,10/78,10/81,11/81,12/81,9/82,10/82,10/83,
- 10/84,10/85,10/86,9/93,11/87,10/89,9/90,9/91,9/92,9/94, 9/95, 9/97,7/00, 7/01 (Laura Hileman, Cynthia Vaughn, Teresa Lee, Claire Twose, Nancy Kamu); Selections 2002-03; Evangeline Alexander, Natalie Kamper, Shannon Jones, Michelle Ochillo, Marcus Banks, Molly Cahall, 7/02; 2003-2004, 4/03; Second Year Placements for 04-05 Associates, Aspinall, Erinn, 1/04; Bakker, Theodora, 1/04; Charles, Lonelyss, 1/04; Gaines, Julie, 1/04; Loo, Jefferey, 1/04; Pulsipher, Nancy, 1/04; Ryce, Andrea, 1/04; Frant, Loren, 1/04; Gyore, Rachel, 1/04; Hutcherson, Lidia, 1/04; Tao, Sandy, 1/04.
- Associates Program, 12/80,9/90,11/91,9/92,9/95,7/98
- Coordinator, 5/90,9/94,4/00, 1/02 (Rapp)
- Audiovisual:
- Catalog, 5/78,2-3/82,10/84,4/84,3/93,5/94
- Cataloging in Publication (CIP), 3/78,12/78
- CD-ROM, 10/89
- Center for Individual Learning, 1/80 Collection
- Development Policy, 3/89 Continuing Education, 6/77
- Health Sciences,1985, 10/84 Interlibrary Loan,3/85,11/85
- Learning Program, 5/78
- MEDLARS, 4/77
- Nursing, 6/79
- Publications, 5/78
- Resources Unit Formed, 9/82
- Selection/Acquisition Process Studied, 1/83
- Services Grant, 7/77
- Workshops, 1/80
- Asthma
- Exhibit,3/99
- Exhibit that fits in your pocket (features photo of Anne Altemus and exhibit)7,01
- Austin, Tracy, 6/88
- Auston, Ione,3/97,7/98
- Australian:
- Connection, 12/81
- Librarian, 8/76
- Authoring Systems, 9/93
- Authors Cited in IM and Medline, Ten is Limit, 12/83
- Ave atque Vale - NLM's Copyflo, 6/81
- Avery,
- Dr. Mary Ellen, 4/03
- Oswald Theodore,7/98
- Aviation Medicine, 1/79,2/79,3/79,6/79
- AVLINE,12/76,5/77, 7/77,1/79,5-6/84,8/85,12/85,5/93
- Avnet, Katarina, 9/96
- AVPD Branch, film receives award, 9/97
- Award: (see particular title of award)
- Ceremony 10/78,12/80,1/82,11/82,6/83,12/84,12/85,12/86,11/87, 12/88,12/89,11/90,1/92,1/95,11/95,9/96, 9/97,1/98,7/98
- Axelrod, Dr. Julius,4/89,4/00
- AZHIN,9/93
- Bachrach, Clifford A., M.D., 4/79,4/85
- Backus, Joyce, 10/85,5/93, 11/95,3/97,7/00,3/03,4/03
- Bain, Evelyn,7/98,7/00
- Baker:
- Edward, 5/95
- Richard, 10/86
- Bakker, Theodora, 4/03
- Baldinger, Esther,7/98
- Ball, Marion, 11/94
- Banks, Marcus, 1/02
- Banvard, Rick, 9/91
- Barkley, Elaine, 9/95
- Barnes:
- Alvin J., 5/90,1/92,5/94,9/94,1/95
- Susan J.,10/78
- Barry, James W., 9/77,11/80,1/92
- Baruch, Dr. Jordan, named to Regents, 9/97
- Basket, Margaret, 1/04
- Bassit, Ahmad, 8/96
- Bathtub Collection, 1/02
- Bayorgeon, Mary, 2005
- Bean, Dr. William, 6/79
- Beavers, Peggy, 10/78
- Beavin, Daniel, 9/95
- Beckelheimer, Melvin A., 1/82
- Becker, Lt. Gen. Quinn H. Becker, 10/86
- Belton, Gracie, 6/86
- Benford, Robert, 1/79
- Bennett,
- Harry,3/95
- William, 3/03
- Benson, Dennis, 8/88
- Benzer, Martha, 11/77
- Berkowitz, Albert M., RSD Chief Retires, 9/84,7/98
- Berlage, Derick, 9/95
- Bernstein, Lionel M., M.D., Ph.D.,2/77,12/77,7/78,10/78
- Besch, Lynn, 7/93
- Betancourt, Virginia, 1/86
- Bethesda 15, 6/98
- Betley, Beverly, 5/95
- Betrayal of Care (HMD Lecture Series) 6/98
- Beverly, Kevin, 9/82, 10/81
- Bibliographic Citations, Rec. Format for, 5/91
- Bibliography:
- Alternatives to Use of Animals in Testing & Res., 4/89
- Billings, John Shaw, 5/94
- Bioethics, 1/86,12/88
- History of Medicine, 1/81,1/83,12/83,9/84,9/94
- Medical Reviews, 4/77,8/81
- Medicine and the Arts, 5/86
- WWII Post History Med, 3/81
- Bicentennial:
- Colq. on Videotape, 9/76
- Essays Published, 2/77
- Billings, Dr. John Shaw, 10/85,2/86,3/86,4/88
- Bibliography, 5/94
- and Medical Lexicography, 3/83
- NLM Produces Documentary on, 10/83
- Bioethical Religious Perspectives,1/95
- Animal Experimentation, 6/86
- Bibliography of, 1/86, 12/88,11/94 Database and
- Eugenics, Gender
- Issues, 9/95
- BIOETHICSLINE: 4/78,11/84
- Fact Sheet, 10/85
- Biomedical:
- Communications Center Dedicated, 3/92
- Delegation visits USSR, 8/76
- Effects of Volcanoes, 11/80
- Information, US/USSR, 4/79
- Library Review Committee,10/78,7/80,3/81,4/82,4/84,5/85,10/88, 9/93,11/93
- Origin of, 1/82,2-3/82
- Biotechnology:
- Audiovisuals, 3/88,8/88,10/88,10/89
- Branch Chief Named for National Center, 8/88
- Center Director Named, 1/89
- Center Proposed, 4/87
- Col. Dev. Policy Statement, 12/89
- Directory, 10/88
- Information Functions Formalized, 3/88
- Information Sources, 9/94
- Information Update, 8/88,12/88,1/89,6/89,8/89,3/92,5/92
- Lecture Planned, 7/87
- Literature Journal Coverage, 12/88
- Literature, NLM Policy for Collecting, 4/87
- Meeting, 11/88
- President Signs Bill Creating Center, 11/88
- Seminar, 1/88
- Videotapes, 7/90
- Bird:
- Kenneth T., M.D., 11/80
- Robert M., 1/77
- Bishop, David, 1/90
- BITNIS, 1/93
- Black, Dennis, 1/83,12/84,6/89
- Blacks in American Medicine, Exhibit, 2/88
- Blackwell, Dr. Elizabeth, 3/99
- Bladen, Nancy,7/98
- Blair, Edith, 9/78
- Blake, John B., Ph.D., 6/77,7/80,10/82,11-12/82
- Blake, William, exhibit, 9/97
- BLAST Network Service, 5/91,9/99
- Blecic, Deborah D., 5/95
- Blizzard, 11/95
- Blois, Marsden S., 8/88
- Blood Donor Day, 7/86
- Board:
- of Regents, 4/78,6/78,6/79,8/85,11/86,6/88,11/94,Chairman,(Hill)6/79,(Williams)6/81,
- (Bowles)5/84, (Brandt)6/87,(Anderson)5/93,(Walker)9/94; (Baruch) 9/97; (Klein)9/97;
- Award, 9/97,(Bryant & Thoma),7/98,7/00; 12/00 (Elizabeth Fee); 1/02 (Bunting);4/03;
- (Chabran), 1/04; (Gingrich), 1/04
- Expanded, 12/85
- First Chairman dies, (Daniels), 6/78
- Hearing on Permanent Paper, 3/87
- of Scientific Counselors, 7-8/83,5/85,7/86,11/93
- Resolution, Public Health Info.,9/99
- 3/03
- Boehr, Diane,7/00
- Boguski, Mark,Ph.D., 5/89,11/94,9/96,3/97,7/98
- Bonner, Dr. Thomas, 1/87
- Booker, Naomi C., 9/92,1/93
- Bookmark, Going, Going, Gone, 12/89
- Bortz, Ruth,11/92
- Bosma, Pat, 9/76,9/99,4/03
- Boucher, Tracy, 10/85
- Bowden, Virginia M., 7/86
- Bowen, Otis R., M.D., 6/86,1/88
- Bowles, L. Thompson, M.D., 9/82, 5/84,5/85
- Boyd, Lisa M., Associate, 10/83
- Braithwaite, William R., 7/95
- Branch, Katherine, Associate, 10/81
- Brand, Dr. Jeanne L., 7/80,1/82, 12/83,6/86,7/91
- Brandt:
- Alan, 9/93
- Edward N., Jr., M.D., 8/85, 6/87,11/88,1/89
- Braude, Robert M., 7/80
- Brdlik, Mel,7/98
- Breast: A Cultural History, 6/98
- Breath of Life Exhibit, 3/99, 9/99,1/00
- Breeden, Laura, 5/95
- Bridgers, Jeff, 9/91
- Bridgman, Charles F., Ph.D., 1/86,5/90,1/94
- Brinkley, James F., 11/93
- Broering:
- Arthur,11/81,3/92
- Naomi,11/93,1/00,4/03
- Brooks, Sister Anne, 9/91
- Brown:
- Brown, Carol, 1/98
- Jesse, 9/97
- Representative George E., Jr., 1/92
- Brubaker, Merlin, M.D., 3/81
- Bryan, Jacalyn, 1/98
- Bryant:
- Jane L, 10/84
- Pauleze, 3/94, 9/95
- Stephen,7/98
- Bube, Judith, 9/76
- Buckner, Donald R., Ed.D., 10/80
- Budget 10/77,7/98,7/01
- Budget Officer, 8/88,12/89,3/99
- Building:
- A National Health Info. Infrastructure, 3/94
- The Library/Info. Ctr of the Future, 3/94
- Project, 2005
- Bullock,
- Harvey Jr., Award, 11/90,7/98
- Tina, 3/03
- Bumbray, Michael, 9/97,7/98
- Bunting, Alison, 11/93,1/00,1/02,3/03
- Burbano, Fernando, 1/94,9/96
- Burke:
- Cynthia, 9/93
- Sally, 5/90, 11/95, 9/97
- Burn Treatment, Advances in, 9/93
- Burnside, Joan, 7-8/84
- Buschmeyer, Fred, 5/95
- Busts donated to NLM, 1/02
- Butler-Truesdale, Sandra, 3/94
- Butz, David, 6/88
- Buyer, Susan P., 11/95,8/96
- Byrnes, Margaret, 10/86,7/90,8/96, 9/97
- Cable News Network Interview at NLM, 12/86
- Cagle, Becky, 9/97
- Cahall, Molynda, 1/02
- Cahn, Marjorie, 7/91,9/93, 9/97,1/98
- CAI Report, 12/76
- Cain, James C., 11/77,5-6/82, 7/84
- Calcium Intake, 5/94
- Caldwell:
- Anne, 2/78,9/90
- William, 9/92
- Calendar, 9/90, 11/92,9/94
- Canadian Health Care, 3/90
- Cancer:
- Genome Anatomy Project Website Launched,3/97
- Rehabilitation (Gunn, Albert E., M.D., Publishes Work), 7/86
- Summit, 4/88
- Canese, Kathi,7/98,4/03
- Cape, Ronald E., Ph.D., 1/89
- Carangi, Dan, 3/91
- Card Catalog, NLM Closes, 2/81
- Cardiac Life Support Training Film, 5/78
- Cardiovascular Health, Physical Activity and, (CBM), 11/95
- Carle, Daria, 10/89
- Carney, Ken, 2/81, 5/81,3/95, 11/95
- Carr, Dr. Victor H., Jr., 3/86,7/98
- Carson, Pat, 9/93, 9/97,7/98
- Carter:
- Janeen, 7/93
- Ernest L., 3/03,4/03
- Wendy, 5/95
- Casey, Karen,4/03
- Cassedy, Dr. James, 6/78,4/84,12/84,7/80,1/96,8/96,4/00
- Catalog: 10/85
- Records, Pre-1965, 10/83
- Section Head Named (Kozuma), 6/78
- Supplement, 11/85,7/87,12/88
- Cataloging:
- Cooperative Effort Begins, 9/84
- in Publication (audiovisuals), 3/78
- Quality Control in, 9/86
- Catalogue:
- A Short Title of Eighteenth Century Books, 4/89
- Incunabula & Manuscripts in the Army Med. Library, 4/89
- Incunabula & Sixteenth Cty. Books in the NLM
- 1st Supplement, 4/89
- Cataract Surgery History, 1/90
- Cathcart, H. Robert, 11/86
- CATLINE, 4/77, 2/83,11/92
- Monograph Records Available in OCLC, 10/79,
- Cavazos, Dr. Lauro, 3/90
- Audiovisuals, 10/89
- Bib. Available, 10/88
- Conference, 3/88,10/88
- Evaluating MEDLINE on, 10/88
- Sequences Databases on, 5/92
- Cedergren, Dr. Robert, 11/90
- Celebrations, 12/86
- CENDI Meeting,3/97
- Centenary of Index Medicus, 6/79
- Cervantes, JOrge, 8/76
- Cesarean Section, The History of, Exhibit, 3/93
- Chalmers, Thomas C., 1/96
- Chan, Liza,7/98
- Change of Citation Format, 1/80
- Changing the Face of Medicine Opens, 4/03
- Chapman, Carleton B., 5/94
- Charen, Thelma, 1983, 2/83,12/84,6/85,9/94,11/94,1/95,1/98
- Charges, Offsearch, 5/78
- Charles, Lonelyss,4/03
- Chemical:
- Dump Cleanup Program, 10/83
- Structure Homepage,1/98
- Waste Disposal, 3/81
- Chemical & Toxicological:
- Databases, PC Demo Disk Available, 1/87
- Files, 11/82,4/82
- Files Information Materials, 2/83
- Chemicals:
- Health Effects of Environmental on Adult Reproduc. Sys., 4/83
- Identified in Terrestrial and Acquatic Waste Disposal, 3/81
- CHEMLEARN, 7/87,6/88
- CHEMLINE, 9/77, 3/81,1/83,10/84
- Chemotherapy for Tuberculosis, 9/93
- Chen, Lucie, 3/99, 1/01
- Chesney, Lt. Gen. Murphy A., 10/86
- Child Guidance Clinics, 7/78
- China:
- Becomes 16th International MEDLARS Center, 1/87
- Delegation, AAAS, 1/79
- LHC Educator Teaches Teachers in, 3/86
- Medlars Center Head Visits NLM, 5/89
- MEDLARS Center Opens, 7/87
- Satellite Conference, 4/86
- Chinese Scholars Help Catalog NLM Items, 5/81
- Chivers, Robin, M.D., 12/86
- Chocolate, 3/91
- Christenson, Dr. Ralph P.,4/03
- Christian-Christensen, Rep. Donna addresses NLM, 1/01
- Christian, Eliot, 1/98
- Chung, Chong,7/00
- Chuo, Yu-Tzuon, Josephine, 5/95
- Civil War Broadside Acquired by HMD, 7/95
- Circulation and Control Section, 6/86
- CIT Study, 10/89,9/93
- CITE, 5-6/82, 6/83
- Clark:
- Terri, 9/95
- Tim, 1/91
- Clarke, Tamar,7/00
- Classification:
- Addenda, Errata, 9/78
- Change in Scheme, 10/78
- Fact Sheet,3/95
- Fifth edition, 7/93,5/94,11/94,1/95,3/95
- Fourth Edition, 6/78
- Online, 7/02
- Policy Changed for Nursing Materials, 4/84
- Updated, 4/03
- Clausen, Carol, 3/99
- Claverie, Dr. Jean-Michel, 11/90,9/91
- Clepper, Peter, 11/95
- Clinical Alerts, 1/91,5/91,1/00
- Clinical Trials
- Award, Plain Language, 12/00
- Award, Innovations in American Gov, 1/04
- Coffee, Leona, 9/91
- Cogdill, Dr. Keith W.,4/03
- Cohn, Lawrence H., 1/90,5/92
- Cohen, Dr. Sheldon, 1/02 (donates busts to NLM)
- Colaianni, Lois Ann, 5-6/84,1/81,7/87,8/87,6/89,10/89,5/92,5/94,
- 5/95(MLA award),7/95,EAHIL Award, 8/96,3/97,3/97,7/98,3/00,9/99
- Colavecchio, Lillian, 9/97
- Coleman:
- Award, 1/92,11/92, 11/95 (Melvin L. Spann); 9/97,7/98; 12/00 (Margarita Ortiz)
- Philip C., 3/90
- Collaborative Tech. for Real-Time Treatment of Patients, 9/93
- Collection Access Head Appointed,10/86
- Collection Development:
- Grants Awarded, 2-3/82,5/85
- Manual, 9/90,7/93
- Officer Named, 6/88
- Policy (audiovisuals), 3/89
- Collen, Morris F., M.D., Named to Board of Scientific
- Collins-Lee, Kym 3/03
- Colloquium:
- Features Astronaut and Space Lab, 12/86
- Medicine and the Arts, 5/86
- Videotape, Article, 5/86
- Colon:
- Angel, 11/93
- Cancer & Computers, 9/91
- Colton, Karin, 6/85
- Columbia Univ., 12/88
- Comeau, Elizabeth Anne, 3/90
- Commissioned:
- Corp Centennial Reception,4/89
- Officer's Commendation Medal, 11/87
- Communications:
- Relay System for Hearing Impaired, 4/87
- Technology Report, 4/79
- Community Health Information Network, 12/77
- Computational Molecular Biology, 9/90
- Computer-Based Education Technologies: 4/78
- Capacity, NLM Upgrade, 11/82
- Science Branch Chief Named, 6/87 Services Head
- Named, 6/87
- Technology Branch, 4/77
- Computer-Based Educ. in Nursing, 4/90
- Computer Room Iris Scanner, 12/02
- Computerized Item Banking, 6/83
- Medical Records, Awards for 9/94
- Computers in Medicine, Videocassette Interviews, 4/88
- Computing & Molecular Biology, 5/90
- Conerly, Wallace, Sr., MD 3/03
- Conference on:
- AIDS, 7/93
- Consumer Health and Public Libraries,7/00, 1/01
- Health of the Public & National Information Infrastructure, 5/95,
- 7/95 (conf rept avail)
- History of American Physiology, 2/86
- Information Services for Hospitals, 11/90
- Medical Pluralism in the Indian Princely States,9/95
- Medicinal Muses, 5/90
- Translating National Health Policies into Health Practice, Final Report, 12/77
- Conner, Zoe, 10/86
- Conquest of Smallpox: From Inoculation to Vaccination, 11-12/82
- Conservation, 1/02
- Construction, LHC,5/78
- Consumer Health
- and Public Libraries Conference,,7/00
- Info., 9/99
- Cooke, Kenneth, 5/81
- Coolidge High School, 3/94,1/95,
- Cooper, John A.D., 1/02
- Cooper, Dr. William G., 3/80,6/81,4/84,10/85
- Cooperative Cataloging Effort Begins, 9/84
- Copeland, Robert, 3/03
- Copyflo, NLM's, 6/81
- Copyright:
- Addendum, 2/78
- to Affect Interlibrary Loans, 11/76,12/77
- Corellus, Joanne,7/98
- Corn, Milton, M.D., 9/90, 5/94,4/00
- Corning, Dr. Mary E.,1/77,5/77,6/77,12/77,2/78,5/78,78/83,10/83,7/82,10/80
- Cornish, Al, 6/98
- Corset, the effects of 1/02
- Cortez, Edwin Michael, Ph.D., 3/94
- Cosmides, George,3/95
- Cosmo, NLM Customer Service Feature, 4/03
- Cost Recovery & Competition with Private Sector, 7-8/84
- Counselors, 11/84, 11/95
- Courier Service Aids Local Self-sufficiency in Idaho, 10/80
- Cowdrey, Albert E., Ph.D., 2/86
- Cox:
- Donna, 3/92
- John W.,11/80, 12/82, 5/95
- Craft, Atsuko, 11/89
- Craig, Daza, 11/77
- Cravedi, Kathleen Gardner, 10/99
- Crawford, Susan, 7/93
- Critical Incident Technique, 9/93
- Cruse Collection in Immunology, 4/87
- Cruzat, Gwendolyn S., Ph.D., 2/78,10/80,7/93
- CTS:
- Brochure, 7/78
- Satellite, 11/77,4/78,10/78
- Cummings, Dr. Martin M.: 11/76,12/76,6/77,3/78,5/78,4/79,6/79,9/83,3/85,5/85,
- 9/93,1/94,1/95
- Announces Retirement, 6/83
- Elected Chairman, Council of Library Resources, 1/95
- Leiter Lecture, 3/84
- Named Member Chile Acad. of Medicine, 6/78
- PAHO honors, 11/83
- Portrait Unveiled, 11/84
- Retirement Letter, 9/83,11/83
- Message from the Director, 11-12/82
- Visits NLM 12/02
- Cumulated Abridged Index Medicus, 1/81, 1/83,1/84,1/95, 11/95
- Cumulated Index Medicus: 12/77,12/84,11/81,11/82,1/84,7/91,1/92,1/93,1/94,1/95,1/96,9/96
- Check for Defects, 4-5/83
- End of an Era, 12/00
- Order Form, 1/85,1/93,1/95
- Current Bib. of Epidem., 4/77,10/77
- Current Bibliographies in Medicine,3/88,4/89,8/89,1/92,11/92,1/93,3/93,5/93,1/94,3/94,
- 5/94,7/94,9/94,1/95 ,5/95, 9/95,11/95,11/96,1/97(becomes electronic)
- Current Catalog:
- Annual, 5/94
- Expanded, 4/77
- Microfiche Published (1976-80), 1/83
- Order Form, 5/85,4/83,6/83,5/84
- Termination, 3/93
- Curtin, Philip D.,8/96
- Customer Srvice Policy,1/96
- Cybulski, Walter, 4/98
- Daniels, Worth B., M.D., 6/78,3/92
- Darling, Louise, 3/99
- Data Entry Contract Suspension Lifted, 3/96
- Databases: A Primer for Retrieving Information by Computer, 2/86
- David, Dr. Igor B., 7/90
- Davidson, Rebecca, 9/76
- Davies, Nicholas E., M.D., 10/80,3/91
- Award to Dr Tang, 6/98
- Davis:
- Carolyn, 10/78
- Rebecca, 10/85
- Ruth M., 3/86,5/86,8/89,1/92
- Dawson, JoAnn, 3/94
- Day, Melvin, 7/77,10/78
- DBIR Database, 4/89
- de Varona, Donna, 6/88
- De Nardis, Lawrence J., Ph.D., 11/90, 5/94
- Dead Sea Scrolls, 9/99
- Dean,
- James,4/03
- Richard Henry, 3/03
- Death and Disease in the Neighborhood: Medical Maps of Washington, D.C., 1878-1909 (exhibit), 11/95
- DeBakey:
- Award, 9/99
- Award, David E. Rogers, 1/04
- Barney Clark Award, /98
- Center Dedicated, 11/80
- Elected Board of Regents Chair,3/97
- Honorary doctorate, Penn Univ, 1/98
- Library Services Outreach Award, 9/92
- Lifetime Achievement Award, 10/99
- Lois, Ph.D., 9/82,7/83,9/92
- Michael E., 11/80,3/90,5/90,1/92,11/94,3/96,8/96,9/96, 9/97,7/98
- Public Service Announcement, 12/86
- Radio Announcements Available, 10/86
- Reader's Digest Article, 7/87
- Receives Honorary Degree from Karolinska Institute,3/97
- Siena College Awards Doctorate, 6/98
- Decker, Walter, 1/01
- Dennis, Stephanie, 1/04
- Dental:
- Informatics, 5/90
- Research, A Century of American, 6/88
- Schools, 4/78
- Dentistry Illustrated Dictionary, 7/82
- Denton, Ira, 7/93
- Depository Libraries,7/00
- Deputy:
- Associate Director for Library Operations Named, Colaianni, Lois Ann, 1/81
- Director for Development, OCCS, 5/90
- Director Named, 4/79
- Executive Officer, 5/90,4/00
- Detmer, Don E. 10/87,7/98,3/99
- Detre, Dr. Thomas, 5/95, 3/03
- Detweiler, Michael, 9/97
- Dev, Parvati, 1/04
- Devin, Robin, 5/95
- Dickinson, Patricia,1/95
- Dictionary:
- Dentistry, 7/82
- Jablonski's, 5/91,11/92
- Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations, 4/87,11/92
- Difficult Women, 3/99
- Digital Libraries,7/98, 2005
- Dillow, Candee, 9/97
- Dimitroff, Alexandra, 10/84
- Director:
- Acting, Message from, 12/83
- Addresses Latin America Via Worldnet, 4/89
- Information Systems Named (John E. Anderson), 2-3/82
- Message,11/76,12/77,12/78,12/80,12/81,12/82,12/85,12/86,12/88,12/89,11 /90,11/91,11/92,11/93,11/94
- NIH, 7/91
- NLM, Sworn in, l0/84
- Director's Award:
- Allen,Cassandra
- Barnes, Alvin, 5/94,1/95
- Black, Dennis, 7/93
- Blake, John, 6/77
- Carney, Kenneth, 11/95
- Carson, Pat, 9/93
- Charen, Thelma, 2/83
- Colton, Karin, 6/85
- Cooper, William G. 6/81
- Corn, Dr. Milton, 5/94
- Corning, Mary, 5/77
- Farkas, Maria, 11/92
- Fitzgerald, Joseph,8/96
- Fowler, Clement, 10/78
- Hanks, Hanks, 7/87
- Hartman, James, 6/79
- Henderson, Earl, 7/90
- Humphreys, Betsy, 6/88
- Hutchins, Joe 1/02
- Johnson, Nelson, 7/91
- Kenton, David, 12/84
- Kingsland, Larry, 9/93
- Kissman, Henry, 6/85,11/92
- Kotzin, Sheldon, 7/90
- Leiter, Joseph, 10/80
- Lipman, David, 8/96
- McCray, Alexa,12/00
- Miles, Wyndham, 10/82
- Miller, Naomi, 1/02
- Olch, Peter, 6/77
- Rotariu, Mark, 7/86
- Schoolman, Harold M., 11/95
- Schuyler, Peri, 7/91
- Vasta, Bruno, 11/92
- Weise, Freida, 11/81
- Welsh, William, 10/88
- Wilson, Ennis, 11/95
- Directory:
- Health Sciences Libraries in the U.S., 7/78
- Bioethics Organizations, 7/93
- Accessible through Locator, 9/94
- and CANCEREXPRESS: New Medlars Databases, 6/83
- Fact Sheet, Self-Instructional Guide, 9/86
- Locator Accessible, 9/94
- NIHRES File Updated, 5/93
- Poison Control Centers Added, 10/86
- Subfile on Drug Abuse Added to, 12/86
- Toll Free Number, 10/87
- Dittmar, Rebecca,7/98
- Ditzler, Carol J., 11-12/82
- Diversification, 8/89
- Dixon Jones, Dr. Mary, 3/99
- DNA Literature Search, 12/77
- Doby, Chandra, 10/99
- DOCLINE: 4/85,9/91,7/00
- Available, 4/87
- Enhancements,11/92
- Fact Sheet, 4/85
- Marks First Year of Service, 4/86
- No Plans to Charge, 10/87
- Octanet Users Switch to, 1/87 Videocassette
- Reaches milestone,7/98
- Doctors at the Gate (exhibit), 1/98
- Document Delivery Network, 7/77,1/78
- Documents Policy, 4/77
- DocView, 6/98
- Dodson, Donald, 11/89
- Doszkocs, Tamas E., Ph.D., 12/80,10/83
- Dream Anatomy exhibit 12/02
- Drew:
- Charles, 1/97
- Howard P., 6/85,1/02
- D'Souza, Ivor, (Chief, STB, OCCS), 1/04
- Duff, Judith, 12/84
- Duffy, Dr. John, 5/85
- Dugan, Mary Kate, 9/96
- Duggan, Lou,7/00
- Duke Receives IAIMS Phase II Grant, 9/87
- Duncan, Douglas, 9/95
- Dunn, Kathryn, 5/95
- Durkin, Cecilia 1/01 (in memoriam)
- Durling, Richard, 10/99
- Dutcher, Gale, 8/89,1/97,7/98,3/03
- Dwyer:
- Mary Jo, 3/90,3/93,7/93
- Samuel J., III, Ph.D., 7-8/83
- Dyer, Gerri Michael, 3/94
- Dysart, Capt. Noel K., Jr., 7/90
- E-CIP Program,7/00
- E-Mail Addresses, 5/95
- EAHIL Award (Colaianni), 8/96
- Early:
- Identification of Hearing Impairment in Infants and Young Children, 1/93
- Western Manuscripts, 1/90
- Modern Childbirth, 4/03
- Earm,Yung,8/96
- Ebert, Robert H. ,1/96
- Echelman, Shirley, Named Regent, 11/81
- Edge, Jerry R., 11-12/82
- Education of Physicians in the 19th Century, 8/88
- Educational:
- Codes (for MEDLARS), 9/87
- Technology Branch Chief Named, 4/87
- Edwards, Charles C., 2-3/82
- EEO:
- Congressional Speakers, 3/91
- Officer, 5/90
- Officer Honored,(Nash), 3/93
- Special Achievement Award: ,4/03
- Allen, Cassandra, 11/92,7/98
- Bain, Evelyn,7/98
- Beavers, Peggy, 10/78
- Carson, Pat
- Hartman, James, 10/78
- Scannel, Kristine M., 11/95, 9/97
- Spann, Melvin, 10/78
- Effects of Environmental Chemicals on the Immune System, 4/82
- Egeberg, Dr. Roger, 1/92
- Egypt:
- Delegation, 5/91
- New Medlars Center Opens, 4/86
- Eighteenth Century Catalog, 3/79,4/89
- Eisenberg, Laura, 7/77
- Eldon, Ullmer,7/98
- Electronic:
- Cataloging in Publication Program,7/00
- Document Storage and Retrieval, 12/80
- Health Information for the Public, 3/03
- Imaging:
- Planning Pan el Report, 1/90
- Projects, 1/90
- Medical Records System, 9/94
- Elephant Man's Disease, 9/90
- ELHILL: 9/99
- 3.3, 11/88
- LEARN, 5/90
- Transition, 1/98
- Elion, Gertrude, 10/99
- Ellero, Nadine, 10/89
- Ellis, Larry S., 10/78
- Elstein, Arthur S., Ph.D., 7/80
- Embryology Exhibit, 5/90
- Emotions & Disease, Exhibit, 9/96
- Emr, Marian, 3/03
- End-User Training Begins for Chemical/Toxicological Files, 10/84
- Endoscopy Videocassette, 5-6/84
- Epstein, Martin M., 2/83, 6/83; Memorial Award, 6/83
- ER features NLM, 9/97
- Erdman, Ben, 9/81
- Escher, Albert,8/96
- E.T. Net, 10/89; Nursing Care Research, 5/91
- Ethics Committees in Hospitals, 1/93
- Eugenics, 9/95
- Evaluation of Medical Information Science in Medical
- Education, 9/86
- Evans, Carol, 9/95
- Evolution of Anatomic Illustration, Exhibit, 9/81
- Executive Officer Named, Kenneth Carney, 5/81; Donald Poppke, 9/95; Jon Retzlaff, 7/02
- Exhibition Team (Jiwon Kim, Margaret Hutto, Michael Sappol, Elizabeth Wood, Hunter crowther-Heyck, Susan Speaker, Kevin Schlesier, Patricia Tuohy) 1/01
- Exhibits: 1-2/84,3/84,9/80, 5/85, 7/95
- 19th Century French Dentistry, 11/90
- Allopaths, Maharajas, and Vaidyas; Nizams, Jams, and Hakims: Medical Pluralism in the Princely States of India, 7/95, 9/95
- Amer. Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine and
- Surgery, 9/86 American Lung Association, 6/79
- An Opportunity Lost, 5/80
- Arabic and Persian Manuscripts, 7/94
- Asthma, 1/02
- Aviation Medicine, 1/79, 6/79
- Blacks in American Medicine, 2/88
- Blake, William, 9/97
- Breath of Life, 3/99,1/00
- Changing the Face of Medicine 4/03
- Chinese Medicine, 3/99
- Conquest of Smallpox, 11-12/82
- Death and Disease in the Neighborhood: Medical Maps of Washington, D.C., 1878-1909 (exhibit), 11/95
- Decade of Historical Acquisitions, 3/91
- Doctors at the Gate, 3/96,1/98
- Dream Anatomy, 12/02
- Ellis Island (Doctors at the Gate), 3/96
- Evolution of Anatomic Illustration, 9/81
- Emotions & Disease, 9/96
- Expand Your Information Horizons, 11/93
- Extraordinary Objects -- ExtraordinaryStories, 8/96
- Features Military Art, 1/80
- Frankenstein, 9/97, 6/98
- Greek Medicine, 7/01
- Health Care to Native Americans, 3/94
- Health Sciences Comm. Tech., 9/77
- Historic Hospitals of Europe, 9/84
- Historical Treasures of the NLM, 11/85
- History of Cataract Surgery, 1/90
- History of Embryology, 5/90
- History of Medical History in the U.S., 4/82
- History of Neurosurgery, 3/89
- History of Ophthalmology, 1/92
- History of Physiology, 1/87
- HMB, "Strange Hells Within the Minds War Made", 1/04
- Hospital Pharmacy, 5/92
- Immigration and Health, 10/87
- Index Medicus, 6/79
- Interactive Medical Expert Systems, 1/87
- L.A. County Hospital Through Eyes of Artist, 9/80
- Medical Bibliography: Tool of Science," 1/78
- Medical Ephemera,3/95
- Medical Expert Systems, 1/87
- Medicine & Science in American Art, 5/81
- Medicine & the Naturalist Tradition, 10/89 Medicine and Music,5/77
- Medicine Men, 1/84
- Medicine on the Early Western Frontier, 5/78
- Midwifery, 7/91
- Mind and Body, 7/92
- MLA Annual Meeting, 5/85,1/97,3/97,1/01 (features photos of Betsy Humphrey, (delivers Janet Doe Lecture); Marlo Maldonaldo Young, (receives the 2001 Rittenhouse Award for paper); Alison Bunting (receives Marcia C. Noyes Award));
- Office of Health and Human Services, 1/87
- Once and Future Web 1/01,
- Paintings and Sketches by Frank Armitage, 11/83
- Paracelsus,9/93
- Perez on Medicine, 3/94
- Preservation, 11/88
- Public Health History, 9/90
- Public Health Posters, 1/90
- Revolutionary Medicine in Post-revolutionary Paris, 11/94
- Smallpox, 1/02
- Surgeon at Work, 3/90
- Tempest in a Teapot, 1/01
- The History of Cesarean Section, 3/93
- The New Age of Health Laboratories, 1885-1915, 4/87
- The Proud Profession: Nurses in the Federal Service,1/93
- The U.S. Public Health Service, 12/88
- That Girl there is Doctor in Medicine, 3/99
- Turning the Pages, 1/01
- We Were Here First, 1/98
- William & Mary, 1/89
- William Harvey, 9/78
- Expand Your Information Horizons, 11/93
- Extramural Programs: 10/84,5/84,1/85
- Acting Associate Director, 9/90
- Appointments (Merlyn Rodrigues, Carol Bean, Valerie Florance, 1/01
- Collection Dev.Grants Awarded, 2-3/82
- First AIMS Grants Awarded,9/84
- Information System (EPIS), 10/78
- New Announcements for, 4-5/83
- Research Training in Medical Informatics, 3/84
- Extraordinary Ojbects -- Extraordinary Stories (exhibit), 8/96
- Faba, Gladys,8/96
- Faiks, Erinn,4/03
- Falkenburg, Goran,8/96
- Fall Hours, 7/92
- Faludi, Jeremy, 2005
- Farkas, Maria, 11/92,1/00
- Farmer, Charles, 3/79,3/80
- Fasciculus Medicinae, 6/89
- Fasiculo de Medicina, 7/02
- FASST, Satellite Transmission, 6/77
- Fauci, Anthony, 7/93,11/93
- Federal Physicians Assoc. President (Sneiderman),7/92
- Federhen, Scott, 7/90
- Fee, Elizabeth, 9/95, arthur Viseltear Prize, 9/97,4/00,4/03
- Feigenbaum, Edward A., Ph.D., 11/86, 1/95
- Fellowship Program, Medical Informatics,11/92
- Female Reproductive System, NMAC Manual, 2/78
- Feng, Cyril, 1/90
- Fenninger, Leonard D., M.D., 7-8/83
- Fenwick, Russell L., Regent, 12/84
- Fergerson, Gerard, 1/98
- Ferguson:
- Emmet F., Jr., 1/79
- Tyrone, 10/86
- Fevers Manuscript, 5/85
- Few, Barbara,4/03
- Fifty year award (Charen) 1/95
- File Transfer Protocol, INTERNET, 5/93
- Film:
- Archives Program, NLM, 2-3/82
- Distribution Program, Resumption of NLM/NMAC, 2/80
- Distributor, New, Modern Talking Picture Service,8/81
- Festival, NLM to Host, 11/86
- Loan Rental Program Discontinued, 9/84
- Loans Charge Announced, 6/81
- Films Available on Loan, AMA, 6/83
- Fishel, Martha, 12/89,11/92,9/95, MLA President's Award 1/04
- Fitzgerald, Joseph, ,8/96,9/96, (and wife, Jean)9/97,4/03, 1/04
- Fitzgerald, Paula, 11/93
- Flat Fee Program, 1/92,1/93,7/94
- Fleish, H.,8/96
- Fleshman, James, 12/89
- Fletcher:
- Louise, 10/87
- Robert, 9/86
- Flexitime, 5/77
- Florance, Valerie,4/03
- Fluoride Benefits and Risks, 3/91
- Ford, Barbara, 1/98
- Ford's Theatre:
- Celebration, 7/86
- The Library in, 5/86
- Fordyce, Mrs. Alice, 11/85
- Forsman, Rick, 2005
- Foster, Henry W.Jr.,7/98
- Fowler, Clement, 10/78
- Frankenstein Exhibit, 9/97,6/98
- Travels, 1/02
- Frant, Loren, 1/04
- Fraser-Howze, Debra, 7/93
- Fredrickson, Donald,8/96; papers added to Profiles in Science,7/02
- Free Show Tonight, HMD, 3/84
- Free Web Access, Assocs. Switch,1/98
- Freedom of Info. Suit, 11/76
- Freeman, Colin, 8/76
- Frelinghuysen, Congressman Rodney, 6/98
- French Herbal, HMD Acquisition, 1/91
- Friede, Andrew,1/95
- Friedman, Richard B., 9/84, 7/83
- Friend, Be an NLM, 7/86
- Friends:
- Award to Jerry Bishop, 9/96
- at MLA, 3/91,3/94
- Begin Members Series, 6/87
- Calendar,11/92,9/94
- Honor Dwyer and Altman, 3/93
- Honor Rep. Pepper, 3/89
- Host "Emerging Health Info. Infrastructure: Enabling the Vision" Conf., 9/96
- Notecards, 11/86
- Public Service Announcement, 4/89
- Publish "America's Nobel Laureates,"1/89 Start
- Newsletter, Host Gala Dinner, 12/86
- Frist, Senator Bill, 3/96
- FTP, 5/93; Servers,5/94
- Fuller, Sherrilynne Shirley, 7/95
- Furlough, 11/95
- Futrowsky, Selda, 9/86
- Future of Bibliographic Standards in a Networked Information Environment,3/97
- Gage, John, 3/99
- Gaines,
- Julie,4/03
- Cynthia, 11/90,1/92,11/92,7/94,3/03
- Gantner, Joseph F., 7/86
- Garrison, Fielding Hudson, 10/86; (portrait, 1/98)
- Gartenfeld, Ellen, 12/77
- Garton, Helen, 9/97
- Gary, Dr. Nancy,4/03
- Gateway, NLM 12/00
- Gay and lesbian scientists,4/00
- Gedeon, Penelope, 10/89
- Geison, Professor Gerald, 2/86,2/88,3/88
- Geissler, Julie, 9/90
- Geisslerova, Zdenka, 9/95
- GenBank,11/92,7/94,9/94,3/97, 9/97(logs billionth base);
- Gender Issues in Health Care, 9/95
- Gene Linkage Maps/Phys. Maps, Chromosomes, 6/89
- Gene Map
- on Web, 9/96
- Profiles in Science,7/98
- Gene Sequence Database, 9/94
- Genes, Computers, & Macromolecules, 11/88
- Genetic code, Need help cracking? 1/02
- Genetics Home Reference, 4/03
- GenInfo:
- Backbone Database, 7/90
- Launched, 8/88
- Georgetown Univ., 12/88
- Geringer, Gov. Jim,6/98
- Ghosh, Davis, 12/89
- Gibbs, Nona, 1/98
- Gibson, William C., M.D., Visits NLM, 5-6/82
- Giffhorn, Monica,7/98
- Gift items, 1/02
- Gilkeson, Roger, 5-6/84,12/84
- Gill, Michael, 10/99
- Gillikin, David,4/03
- Gingrich, Newt, 6/98
- Ginter, Karen, 9/92,11/94
- Gish, Warren, 10/89
- Glazer,
- Adam,7/98
- Joe, 1/92
- Gluckstein, Fritz,1/94
- Going, Going, Gone, Bookmark, 12/89
- Goldberg, Barry, 6/88
- Goldstein, Charles, 7/77,11/81,6/88,7/91,3/94,1/96
- Gonzales, Kelly, 7/93
- Good Health is Your Most Precious Possession, 12/86
- Gopher Servers,5/94
- Gore, Vice President Al, Free Medline,3/97
- Gorelova, Eugenia, 5/95
- Goshorn, Jeanne,11/89,1/95
- Government Technology Leadership Award, Visible Human Project, 9/97
- Goysookho, Vipa, 5/95
- GPO:
- Changes in Subscription Rates, 6/81
- Memo of Understanding,7/00
- Prices for 1982, 12/81
- GRACE, Amazing, 11/86
- Grady, Jennifer, 9/93
- Grant:
- Applications, Change in RML Review of, 7-8/83,11/85
- Awards,3/78,7/78,2/81,10/84,7/83,4/85,8/85,9/86,10/86,11/87,11/88,12/88, 3/90,1/91,3/92,1/93,1/94,11/94,11/95
- Funded program receives award, (AHEC Center), 9/95
- Idaho State Library, 5/77
- News,7/77,10/77,12/77,1/78,5/78,7/78,2/79,3/79,1/80,10/80,12/86,8/88,1/89
- Programs, 7/92
- Grants:
- Applied Informatics, 7/92
- Computerized Medical Records, 9/94
- EPIS, 10/78
- HPCC, 3/96
- Improvement, 11/76
- Information Access, 7/92
- Information Systems, 7/92
- Internet,11/92,1/94
- NLM funds Internet Access to Digital Libraries, 7/02
- PHS, Policy Change, 11/76
- Special Scientific Project, 12/76
- Grateful Med: 2/86, 6/87
- 2.0, MeSH, and Other Enhancements, 3/87
- Advertisement, 7/92
- At a Glance, 4/86
- Award received, 8/96
- BITNIS Program, 1/93
- By Satellite, 12/86
- Contracts, 9/92
- Demo in Moscow, 11/90
- Developer Honored, 7/94
- Fact Sheet, 7/92
- Internet Access, 3/93, 3/96,1/97
- Introducing, Live Broadcast Via the Hospital Satellite Network, 4/87
- Latin American Countries, 1/93
- Macintosh Version, 8/89
- On PBS, 1/91
- Outreach Contracts, 1/91
- Poster, 5/90
- Tutorial Available, 4/89,9/93
- Version 3.0, 1/88
- Version 4.0, 12/88
- Version 5.0, 4/90 Mac version 5.1, 3/91
- Version 6.0, 3/92
- Video Tutorial, 9/93
- Windows version, 9/96
- Gratefully Yours,7/98
- Graves, Stella, 11/81,1/87,4/88
- Great Human Race - Medicine Men, Exhibit, 1/84
- Greenberg, Stephen, 9/95,8/96
- Greene, Brenda L., 10/78
- Greenes, Robert A., M.D., Ph.D., 7/86
- Grenberg, Dr. Stephen J.,4/03
- Greenwood, M.R.C., Ph.D., 5/94
- Grier, Richard, 11/80
- Griffin, Agnes, 9/95
- Griffith, Jane Bortnick, 12/00,4/03
- Grigaitis, Leo,8/96
- Grof-Tisza, Kathryn, 9/90
- Gross, Chaim, 1/93
- Growth & Change in 67 Medical School Libraries, 1975-1989, 1/92
- Guckenheimer, Vivien, 3/96
- Guide for Development and Management of Nursing Libraries & Information Resources, 9/97
- Guide to:
- Information Sources for Health Statistics, 5/80
- Locating Patient Education AV Materials, 12/89
- Gunn, Albert E.,M.D.,(BOR) 1-2/84,7/86,10/86
- Guns, Roses and a Few Other Matters, 6/98
- Guo, Ji-jun, 9/92
- Gyore, Rachel, 1/04
- Haaland, Maren, 9/96
- Haberman, Carol,1/95
- Hagarty, William J., 6/87,11/90
- Hall, Thomas S., Ph.D., 1/85
- Halsted, Deborah, 7/93
- Hammer Award, 10/99
- Hammond, W. Ed, Ph.D.,5/95
- Hanaway, Caroline,8/96
- Handelsman, Meir,8/96
- Hanke, Maxine, 10/78
- Hanks, Dorothy, 12/80, 7/87,1/02(obituary)
- Hannans, Albert, 3/03
- Happy Mother, 1/93
- Harbourt, Anna M., 9/91
- Harden, Victoria,8/96,11/93
- Harding, Prof. Sandar,4/00
- Harkin, Senator Tom 3/03,4/03
- Harless, William G., Ph.D., 10/85,7/86
- Harley, Dr. Anthony J., 9/87
- Harper, Cynthia, 10/88
- Harris, Carmen Dee, 10/99
- Hart, Katherine H., 9/90
- Hartman, James, 4/77,10/78,6/79
- Hatem, George, M.D., 6/78
- Hatfield, Senator Mark O., 1-2/84
- Hauser, Susan, 7/93,1/00
- Hawk, Susan, 9/82, 10/81
- Haynie, Steve, 9/96
- Haz-Map Database, 4/03
- Hazard, George, Jr.,1/95, 11/95
- HBCU workshop, 3/99
- Health:
- Aspects of Urea/Formaldehyde Compounds, 3/81
- Benefits of Pets, 10/87
- Database fact sheet,1/95
- Effects of Environmental Chemicals on the Adult Reproductive System, 4-5/83
- Hotlines, 10/88,5/90
- Information Infrastructure 98 Conference, 6/98,9/99
- Improving through Advanced Computing & Comm.,: Conference,7/94
- Information Sharing Project, 4/82
- Networks, NLM explores, 1/02
- Planning & Admin.Database, 10/78 Planning Center, 6/79
- Sci. Libs. in Hospitals, 6/89
- Science Library Management Internships Announced, 7/80
- Sciences Librarians, Education & Training, 5/95
- Video,11/94
- Health Care:
- Informatics, Toward a National Col.,3/94
- Institutions Governance (bibliography), 5/89
- Native Americans Idaho Tribes, 3/03
- Standards, 1/93
- Trends in U.S., 6/89
Health Information Rx 3/30
Health Science Librarians,1/94Health Sciences:
- Audiovisuals, 1985, 10/84,12/88
- Decision Making Tools, 3/94
- Library Association of New Jersey, 6/87
- Librarianship, 3/94
- Serials, 7/78,10/84,9/94,9/96(ceases publication)
- Health Services:
- Publication,11/92
- Res. Info., 7/91,1/94
- Res. Info. Program Selection Criteria, Fact Sheet,5/94
- Research Project, 11/91
- Technology Assessment Text (see HSTAT)
- Health Statistics:
- Guide to Information Sources, 5/80
- Sources, (bibliography), 5/89
- HealthSTAR,1/96
- Healy:
- Bernadine, 7/91
- Patricia, 11/77
- Heart Attack Alert Program,7/98
- Hebrew University, 5/93
- Heiland, Jennifer,7/00
- Henderson:
- Carol, 9/95
- Donald, 9/93
- Earl, 6/78,10/78,11/83,7/90,7/93
- Henry, Jacquelyn, 7/93
- Herb Garden, 9/76
- Herzog, Pnina, 5/93
- Guide to AV's in Patient Education: 12/89
- NLM CIP Project, 12/78
- NLM Participates in, 6/78
- Hetzner, Bernice,7/98
- HEW Changed to HHS, 5/80
- HHS Sec'y Visits NLM, 4/89
- Hibbott, Yvonne, 5/95
- Hickel, Dr. Walter,1/02
- High Performance Computing Program,(HPCC): 9/90,3/92,3/93,7/92,11/92
- Asst. Dir Named (Ackerman), 7/95
- Awards,3/94, 9/95
- Conference, 7/93,7/94
- Contract awarded, 9/93
- Director to Head, 7/92
- Director (Lindberg) resigns,1/95
- INTERNET Grant, 3/92,11/92
- Highlights in Medicolegal Relations, 2/77
- Hill:
- S. Richardson, Jr., 6/79,4/03
- Senator Lister, 1/85,8/76
- Hip Replacement, CBM, 7/94
- Hirtle, Peter, 4/89
- HISTLINE: 9/78
- Fact Sheet, 1/85
- Historic Hospitals of Europe, 1200-1981, 9/84
- Historical Acquisitions: 9/76,12/76,4/77,5/78,7/78,12/78,9/80,1/81,9/81,4/83,12/83 7/84,10/86,10/88,6/89,1/91,3/91, 9/92
- Associations, Staff Active in, 7/80
- Collections Expanded, 1/87
- Images via Internet, 9/94
- Treasures , 11/85
- Works, Collecting, 4/86
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- Online Health Information, 3/03
- Workshop, 3/99
- History of:
- American Contributions to Cardiovascular Medicine, 9/86
- Chemistry Resources at NLM, 5/86
- Medical History in the U.S. (exhibit) 4/82
- Medical Informatics Conference, 11/87
- Medicine Division (HMD): 3/84; "Acquires 16th century Pharmacopoeia", 1/04
- Acquires Rare Civil War Broadside, 7/95
- Acquisitions,1/96,1/97
- Automation of Visuals Catalog, 4/87
- Books in Smithsonian Museum Exhibit, "Generations," 10/87
- Chief Named (John L. Parascandola) 7-8/83; Fee, Elizabeth,9/95;
- Chief Receives Regents Award, John Blake, 10/82
- Chief Retires, John B. Blake, 10/82
- Collections, 7/80
- Discontinues Saturday Hours, 11/81
- Fact Sheet, 4/80
- Lecture Series, 6/98
- Anniversary, 5/92
- Medicine Murals Installed, 11-12/82
- NLM, 9/82
- Nursing, Resources for in NLM, 5-6/82
- Physiology Booklet, 3/87
- Physiology Exhibit Opens, 1/87
- Hitchings, Dr. George, 10/99
- HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials: Knowing Your Options, Video, Wins Award, 1/97
- HIV/AIDS Guide,3/94
- Hoak, John C., 11/93
- Hochstein, Colette, 9/94
- Hodes, Dr. Richard J.,4/03
- Hoffman, Christa F.B., 11/80,1/95,1/98,4/03
- Hoffman-Anuta, 3/96
- Hole, William, 9/97
- Hollenberg, Leah, 9/92
- Honeyman, Elizabeth, 9/90
- Horne, John, 1/92
- Hospital:
- and Health Administration Index,1/00
- Conference Report, 5/91
- Librarians at NLM, 2/77,2/78
- Libraries and NLM: Recomendations and Response, 7/80
- Libraries Survey, 5/89,1/90,1/91
- Library Survey, Region 6 Publishes, 4/87
- Literature Index, 1/78,11/94
- Medical Staff Relationships, 8/89
- Pharmacy Exhibit, 5/92
- Tax-Exempt Status,(bibliography), 5/89
- Hot Air Balloon, 6/79,10/87
- Hours of Service,12/81,8/85,9/94
- House Commerce Subcommittee on Health & Environ., Lindberg, Lipman testify, 9/97
- Household Products Databasse 4/03
- How Times Have Changed,7/98
- How to Write and Publish Papers in Medical Sciences, 11-12/82
- Howard:
- Frances Humphrey,1/79,2/80,8/81,11/84,3/85,6/85,12/85,6/86,11/87,3/88,4/89,7/90,1/93, 9/ 94,8/96,9/99,10/99, passing of, 7/02
- Joseph, 12/85
- Stacy, 1/98
- Hoyer, Representative Steny, 1/92
- HPCC (see High Performance Computing Program)
- HSA, 7-8/84
- Hsieh, Dr. Richard K.C., 7/87,5/89,11/91,9/93,1/95,3/95,5/95
- HSRProj,1/95
- HSS, 7-8/84
- HSTAR,1/94
- HSTAT: 3/94,5/94
- ATIS Database,1/95
- Full-Text Retrieval System Dev. Team,3/94
- Hubbard, William,1/95
- Hudson, Vera,1/95
- Hu, Tiejun,8/96
- Human:
- Gene Map on Web, 9/96
- Gene Therapy Scope Notes,5/94
- Genome Mapped 1/01
- Nutrition and Related Subjects, 3/87
- Population Genetics, 4/77
- Humane Understanding, 9/92
- Humor and Health, 9/96
- Humphrey:
- Dedication of Statue in Norway, 8/81
- Hubert Fellows, 2/81
- Hubert H., Bust of, 11/87
- Susanne, 12/88,11/94
- Humphreys, Betsy, 10/78,1/80,12/80,9/84,6/88,11/90,9/93,3/94,7/95 1/98,9/99,10/99,4/00
Award, MLA Presidents, 1/04
- Hunkapiller, Michael, 11/93
- Hunt, Timothy, 2005
- Hunter, Lawrence,1/95
- Huntzinger, Randy,4/03
- Hutcherson, Lidia, 1/04
- Hutchins, Joe, 5/93,9/93, 7/95,3/97,7/00,1/02
- HyperDOC,5/94; 9/95 (fact sheet);
- IAIMS: 3/83
- And Health Sciences Education Proceedings, 3/87
- Announcement Mailed, Other Grant Proposals Sought, 7-8/83
- Contracts Awarded, 10/83
- First Grants Awarded, 9/84
- Grant Applications Sought, 5-6/84
- Grant Program Revised, 3/93
- Phase II Grant Awarded to Duke, 9/87
- Phase III Support, 8/88,12/88
- Planning Grants, 5/86,11/88
- Symposium, 11/84,5/85,4/86
- ICSTI, Kent Smith Named President, 7/92
- IDA-HEAL-NET, 5/77
- ILS Licensing Guidelines Established, 11-12/82
- Images from the History of Medicine:
- Fact Sheet, 9/94
- Database, 9/94
- Rescanned,1/00
- Images of the Health Professional:
- Bib., 10/87
- Videotape, 6/88
- Immigration and Health Exhibit, 10/87
- Immunology, The Julius M. Cruse Collection in, 4/87
- IMPAG, 8/96
- Improvement Grants, 3/79
- Index Medicus: 6/77,9/93,9/94,1/04
- Authors Cited in, 12/83
- Centenary Essays Published, 9/80
- Centenary, 6/79
- Editor Appointed, 6/79
- Editorial Board Named, 11/88
- Exhibit, 6/79
- GPO Drops Rates for, 9/78,10/83,10/84
- Subscription Change, 1/77
- Titles Added, 4/79
- Tools for User, 12/85
- Index:
- of NLM Serial Titles, 12/78,1/81, 1984,10/84
- to the Correspondence of Rene Descartes, 1/87
- Index-Catalogue Geographic Subheadings, 4/80
- Indexing:
- Aid Project, 7/87
- Beginnings of, 3/86
Indian Club Exercise, 3/03
Informatics, Applied, Fellowships, 7/92
Access Awards, 1/89
- Infrastructure, 5/95
- Materials on Chemical and Toxicological Files: 2/83
- Services for Hospitals, 11/90
- Stat: Rx for Hospital Quality, 11/92,3/93
- Superhighway,3/94
- Systems Awards, 1/89
- Systems Director (Burbano),1/94 Technology & the Conduct of
- Research, 1/89 Transfer in Toxicology, Symposium, 6/81
- RX, NLM and ACP Foundation Launch, 1/04
- Informed Consent,8/76
- Image Linking,3/94
- INPROC, 5/77
- INQUIRE, 5/77
- Inquiries Invited, l0/84,5/85,11/85
- Integration of Behavioral and Relaxation Approaches into Treatment of Chronic Pain and Insomnia (CBM), 9/95
- Interferon and Interferon Inducers in Cancer,8/76
- Integrated:
- Library System, 1/80,9/80,9/81,11/82
- Health Care Networks, 5/95
- Inter-Regional ILL Policy, 5/85
- Interactive Multimedia Tech. Primer: 9/93
- Instruction, Rev. of Eval. Instruments,5/94
- Nursing and Other Health Services,5/94
- Technology, Lithuanians Explore, 9/93
- TV for Health, 5/77
- Interlibrary Loan: 5/77
- Analysis of Service, FY 87, 6/88
- Begins Telefacsimile Service, 6/87
- Charges, 6/83,10/85,11/87,3/88,8/96
- Copyright Law Affect,11/76,12/77,9/91
- Fact Sheet, 7/80,7/83,5/85,4/86
- Holiday Shipping,11/80,11/81,12/83
- More on Procedure, 10/83
- Notice, 11/84
- Octanet Transmits l00,000th request, 9/84
- Policy, 6/77,4/78,5/85
- Program Videocassette, 1/82
- Relaais, 6/98
- Requestors Take Note, 3/81
- Requests for Audiovisuals, 11/85
- International:
- Biomedical Research and Communications, (Mary Corning Book), 10/80
- Committee of Medical Journal Editors, 10/88
- Congress on Medical Librarianship,3/95,5/95
- Group Meets in Australia, 10/88
- Historical Images Available via, 9/94
- Medlars Centers (fact sheet), 5/95,8/96
- Programs Special Assistant Named (Dr. Calvin Plimpton) 11/83
- Traineeship, 10/88,10/89,9/90,9/92,9/93
- INTERNET: 3/92,1/93,11/93,5/94,7/94,5/95, 9/95 (fact sheet);
- Accessible Resources (at NLM) fact sheet,3/95
- Connection Grants awarded, 7/01
- Grants,11/92,1/94
- Grateful Med:,7/98
- Access, 3/93, 3/96
- Breaks 100,000 Searches in One Month for First Time, 1/97
- Hyperdoc, World Wide Web, and, 9/95 (fact sheet);
- Medline Programs, 6/98
- Older Adults and Health Information, 3/99
- Publications Available, 5/93,1/94
- Resources Available,5/95
- Internships, Health Science Library Management, 6/79
- Intravenous Immunoglobulin, NIH Report, 11/90
- INVOICE, 5/77
- Iran, 8/76
- Islamic Medical Manuscript Collection, 3/03
- Islamic medieval medical manuscripts on web,4/00
- Israel, 5/93
- Iyengar, S. Sitarama, 11/93
- Jablonski, Stanley, 12/76,4/87,8/96, 9/97,7/01 (receives NLM Director's award) , 1/04
- Jablonski's Dictionary, 5/91,11/92
- Jackson,
- Britonya,7/00
- David, 7/93
- Jacobs, Alice, 1/98
- JAMA, 11/93
- Cosmos Club Award, 12/00
- Japan Information Center of Science & Technology (JICST)\President, 2/88
- Japanese Journals Received, 1/87
- Jarcho, Saul, M.D., Acquisition of Papers, HMD,1/81,7/00
- Jelliffe, Roger, 1/98
- Jenkins, Carol,6/78, 5/95, 3/03
- Jensen, Regina, 5/90
- Johnson,
- Nelson, 6/86,12/88,7/91
- Frances,4/00
- Johnston, Senator J. Bennett,8/96
- Joint:
- Collection Dev. Policy Statement on Biotechnology, 12/89
- Resolution:
- Designating 1986 Sesquicentennial Year of the NLM, 10/85,1/86
- Special Ceremony, 2/86
- Jokl, Ernst, 6/88
- Jones:
- Lorann, 7/93
- Scott, 8/85
- Shannon, 1/02
- Tom, Medical Communicator Ahead of His Time, 5/85
- Jordan, Judy,4/03
- Josephs, Mel, 12/76
- Journal Articles, Content odel for Electronic Archiving and Publishing, 4/03
- Journals received from Northwestern Univ,3/95
- Joyner-Kersey, Jackie, 3/99
- Joynt, Robert J., 9/92,1/93
- Jump, William A. Memorial Foundation Award, 12/84
- Justin, Father, visits NLM, 9/97
- Kahn, Robert E., Ph.D., 11/90,1/97,3/97
- Kaiser, Margaret,4/89
- Kalil, Thomas, 5/95
- Kallman Syndrome Gene, 9/91
- Kameen, Karen, 9/82,10/81
- Kamper, Natalie, 1/02
- Kanyengo, Wamunyima, 1/04
- Kans, Jonathan, 12/89, 11/95
- Kao, Win-Min, 9/96
- Karloff, Sarah, 9/97
- Karp, Peter, 12/89
- Katz, Kenneth,7/98
- Kaufman, Ira, 5/95
- Kazankina, Raisa, 5/95
- Keister, Lucinda,4/89
- Kelley, Wayne, 1/98
- Kelly, Marguerite, 11/77
- Kelsey, Dr. Frances, 9/93
- Kennedy:
- Institute of Ethics, 1/93,7/94,11/94
- John F., 9/93
- Kenton:
- Charlotte, 1/86
- David, 10/78,12/84,6/88,7/90, 11/95
- Kerkhof, Jerome, 10/85
- Kerrey, Senator Robert, 9/93
- Kessler, David A., 5/93
- Khan, Kushal (Tunai), 9/96
- Kidney Index, 5/78
- Kienzle, Michael, M.D., 3/03
- Kim, Sung-Hou, 11/93
- King,
- Dr. Donald,7/02
- Dr. Mary,4/03
- Pandoria, 11/90,9/96, 9/97
- Kingsland, Dr. Lawrence, 8/85, 6/87,12/88,9/93,8/96,9/96
- Kirby, Diana Gonzalez, 10/86
- Kirschstein, Dr. Ruth, 9/93
- Kissman, Dr. Henry M.,10/83,6/83,6/85,5/92.11/92
- Kitendaugh,
- Paula,7/98
- Klein,
- Lori,7/00
- Michele, 9/97
- Knecht, Lou, 1/89, 9/97
- Knowledge:
- Bases for Health Practitioners, 12/77,5/80
- Poster, 6/86
- Kociene, Dir Salvinija, 9/96
- Kochi, Julia, 9/94
- Kociene, Salvinija, 5/95
- Konopka, Stanislaw, 10/82
- Koochek, Foroogh, 8/76
- Koonce, Teneya, 10/99
- Koop, Surgeon General C. Everett,5/85,7/86,10/86,4/89,1/93,11/93
- Kotzin, Sheldon, 7/78,6/81,1/82,12/84,7/90,7/91,8/96,1/00
- Kozuma, Lillian, 7/77,6/78
- Kraly, Karen, 1/02
- Kranzfelder, Kathy, 3/03
- Kraut, Alan M.,8/96
- Kronick, David, 5/89
- Krueger,
- Carol,11/92,
- Johanna, 9/97
- Keith, 3/99
- Kudrick, Linda, 7/80
- Kuenz, Marjorie, 5/94
- Kung, Dr. Dar-Ning,4/03
- Kurzwelly, Hans,8/96
- Kwan,
- Kathy, 10/99
- Yuen Yin K.,4/03
- L.A. County Hospital - Through the Eyes of the Artist,9/80
- Laboratory Animal:
- Data Bank, 2/80
- Welfare Bibliography, 4/84,7/93
- Lacroix, Eve-Marie, 4/85,11/90,8/96,3/97,9/97,7/00,3/03
- Ladson, Alice, 11/90
- Lakota Technologies, 1/00
- Lal, Maneesha, 9/95
- Lamis, Alexander, 2005
- Landsman, David,Ph.D., 5/89
- Lapalme, Dr. Guy, 11/90
- Larson, Jane W.,7/98
- Lasker:
- Award, 9/93
- Roz, M.D., 5/95
- Lavendar Day,3/97
- Lawrence:
- Esther P., 6/86
- Janna, 3/90
- Le,
- Dr. Daniel, 1/97
- Quang,7/98
- Leaders in American Medicine, 4/88
- Leadership Fellows Program, 7/02
- Leake, Chauncey, 2/78
- Learning:
- Center for Interactive Technology,7/98
- Demonstration Center, 1/86
- Resource Center, 7-8/83,11/94
- Resources Laboratory,9/76,12/76,1-2/84
- Leavitt, Judith W., Professor,3/97
- Lecture Skills for Health Science Educators: A Kit for Designing Training,6/83
- Lederberg, Joshua,7/98,3/99,1/00,4/00
- Lee:
- Joseph,8/96
- Joseph C.K., 3/96
- Pamela,8/96
- Philip, M.D., 5/95
- Leevy, Carroll M., M.D., 7/80
- Leiter:
- Dr. Joseph, 10/80,1/80,3/83,4/83,3/86,5/86,6/89
- Lecture, 10/80,3/84,3/86,5/86,3/88,3/90,5/90,3/92,5/92,5/94,3/95,3/96,6/98,4/00
- Lennox, Janice, 9/99
- Lensker, Dr. Ralph,7/00
- Leonard:
- Bill, 7/91,3/97,10/99,4/03
- Joan, 10/88
- Leptophos (Bibliography from TIRC), 1/80
- LeRoy, Martha, 11/87
- Lesser, May, 9/80
- Levine, Susan, 12/89
- Levit, Edithe J., M.D., 7-8/83
- Lewis,
- Dr. Henry III, 5/95,9/99
- Carol B. 3/99
- LHC (See Lister Hill Center)
- Li, tin, 3/94
- Liu,4/00
- Libersky, Frank, 5/85,3/97
- Libraries:
- Issue Join Statement on Microforms and AACR2, 12/80
- Survey of Hospital, (bibliography), 5/89
- Library:
- And Information Services, 5/91
- Awards Contract for Preservation Microfilming,10/86
- Card, Best Gift You'll Ever Give Your Child,11/87
- Of Congress, 6/79,12/88
- Operations:
- Associate Director Appointed, 5-6/84
- Deputy Associate Director, (Betsy Humphreys) 9/84
- Deputy Head Retires (James Barry) 11/80
- Head to Retire, Leiter, Dr. Joseph, 3/83
- New Appointments, Kotzin, Arenales, Tilley, 6/81
- Services Outreach Award, 9/92
- Statistical Analysts Meet at NLM, 10/86
- Licklider, Joseph C.R., Ph.D., 7-8/83 Lim, Allison, 9/94
- Lindberg, Dr. Donald, 8/83,5/85,8/85,11/85,4/86,9/87,10/89,12/89,3/90,7/91,5/93,7/93,9/93,11/93,3 /94,
- 5/94,7/94,11/94,1/95,9/95,11/95,8/96,9/96,3/97, 9/97;,4/00 (Mary), 9/97; 9/99,10/99,1/00,4/00,3/03,4/03,2005
- Addresses:
- Latin America Via Worldnet,4/89
- Wheaton Regional Library Health Information Center,9/95
- Appointed NLM Director, 5-6/84
- Awarded:
- Alvarez Award, 11/89
- AMA Nathan Davis Award, 10/89
- D.C. Govt., Calvin Coolidge High School,9/97
- HBCU Award, 5/95
- Honorary Degree, 5/90
- Honorary Doctorate, 9/87
- Honored by University of Pittsburgh,3/97
- MLA, for National Coord Office of HPCC,
- MLA President's Award,3/97
- 5/95 NCLIS Silver Award, 3/96
- RCI Award, 9/95
- Surgeon General's Medallion, 4/89
- Chosen Federal 100, 1/98
- Elected:
- to NBME Executive Board, 7/87
- Fellow, Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Science,9/96
- Info Ctr at Univ of Missouri, 10/99
- Honored by NY Acad of Med, 3/99
- Internet Grateful Med Press Conference, 3/96; 1/01 (retired)
- Letter for NIH Time Capsule, 1/88
- Mary, 3/89, 9/97
- NAS Appointment, 1/91
- Pres. Mngmnt Award, 1/91
- Radio Interview Available, 4/85
- Resigns as HPCC Director,1/95
- Russia Becomes 21st International MEDLARS Center, 1/97
- Sworn in as Director, 10/84
- to Head HPCC, 7/92
- Visits Univ of Colorado, 9/99
- Wilson High School,1/00
- Lindow, Claudia,7/00
- Linton, Anne M., 10/82
- Lipman, David J., M.D., 1/89,5/91,7/91,3/96 (ABRF Award),8/96,9/96,12/00,3/03, (SSA Award)1/04
- Lipow, Stephanie, 9/92
- List of:
- Journals Indexed in Index Medicus, 1983,3/83,4/84,4/82,11/91,1/93,11/93,11/94
- Serials and Monographs Indexed for Online Users, 1982
- Serials Indexed for Online Users, 4-5/83,3/84,11/91,1/93,1/94,1/95,1/96
- Lister Hill Center:
- Acting Director Appointed (Schoolman), 7/94
- Acquires New Computer, 10/81
- Building Dedicated, 6/80
- Construction, 7/77
- Deputy Appointed (Earl Henderson), 11/83
- Develops Prototype Information System for Practitioners,12/77
- Director Assumes Duties July 1, Richard Friedman, 6/83
- Director Named, 7/78,1/95
- Director Retires (Masys),5/94
- Fact Sheet, 7/93
- New Branches Identified, 4-5/83
- Reports, 2/78
- Reviewed by Advisory Group, 9/78
- Special Assistant to the Director,2/77
- Undergrad. Res. Study Program,5/91
- Literature Searches,8/76
- Cochlear Implants,6/83,5/95(Cur.Bib.)
- Health Benefits of Pets, 10/87
- Sold by GPO, 11/87
- Literature Selection Committee,8/88,9/92,11/93
- Lithuanian Nat'l Med. Dir., 9/96
- Lithuanians Explore Interactive Technology, 9/93
- Liu, Dr. Simon,4/00
- Living Wills., 4/90
- Livingston, Lawrence, 2/78
- Loan of Copies of Archival Microfilm,11/83
- Loans, NLM Offers at No Charge,6/86
- Loansome Doc, 3/91
- Locatis, Craig, 9/91,9/93,5/95,9/96,7/98
- Locator, 5/93,5/94,9/94
- LocatorPlus, 3/99,1/01
- Locke, John, 9/92
- Logicon, Medlars III Contract Awarded to, 10/83
- Long Range Plan, 2/86, 6/87,5/95,6/98,10/99,1/00
- Long Range Planning Panel-Educ. & Train. Health Sci Librarians, 1/94
- Long,
- Rodney, 7/93
- Terry, 3/03
- Loo,Jeffery,4/03
- Lopez:
- Elsa, 10/88
- John K. (BOR) 1-2/84
- Los Angeles County Hospital Through the Eyes of the Artist, 9/80
- Louw, Dr. Koos,8/96
- Love:
- Cindy, 5/93
- Cynthia, 10/87
- Denise, 5/95
- Erika, 4/77
- Spencie, Dr.
- Lovell, Dr. Joseph, 1/86,7/00
- Ludwig, Logan, 2005
- Lumpkin, John, M.D., 5/95
- Lutey, Barbara A., Associate, 10/83
- Lyon, Becky, 10/99,4/00
- Lyon-Hartmann, Becky, 1-2/84,12/86
- Ma, Dr. Tao-hsing, 11/91
- Ma, Wei,7/00
- Mac Kay, Coleen, 10/89
- Macromolecular Database, 7/94
- Madden, Eileen, 9/93
- Madge, Bruce,8/96
- Madison Award, NLM Receives, 1/98
- Main, James, 11/87,2/88
- Maina, William, 6/78
- Major, Dr. Francois, 11/90
- Making a Powerful Connection (conf.), 5/95, (rept avail),7/95
- Making Medical Science Visible, receives award, 9/97
- Malaria, Multilateral Initiative, 1/98,12/00
- Maletz, David M., 3/94
- Malcomson, Dennis, 1/87
- Maloney, Eleanor, 1/87
- Malpighi Work Acquired, 11/87
- Managed Care, 6/89
- Management:
- Intern Program, NLM/CLR, 9/77,6/78
- of Information in the Academic Health Center, 8/85
- Manley, Audrey,M.D., 6/89
- Manuscript, Fevers, 5/85
- Manuscripts, Russian Cholera, 3/85
- MARC, 6/88
- Marcetich, Jim, 11/92,1/00
- Marcum, Deanna, 2005
- Markovich, Kristine, 9/97,6/98
- Marshall, Dr. Joanne 3/03
- Marston, Dr. Robert, 1/92
- Martin, Elaine, 1/98
- Martinova, Alexandra, 5/95
- Masanjika, Ralph, 5/95
- Master Serials System, 11/95
- Masys, Daniel R., M.D., 7/86,7/93,9/93,5/94
- Maternal-Fetal Conflict, 3/91
- Matheson, Nina W., 7/82,6/83,9/84,7/82,11/86,7/93
- Mathias, Senator Charles McC.Jr., 10/85
- Mavrovouniotis, Michael,11/93
- Mayden Award, 6/88
- Mayer:
- Claudius, 12/88
- William D., M.D., 10/80
- Mays,
- Tammy, 9/97,4/98
- Vickie M. 1/00
- McBride, Dr. David 3/99
- McCarn:
- Davis, 9/78,7/90,7/94,3/99,1/01 (in memoriam)
- Grace, 10/78
- McCarthy, Renata, 9/93
- McClintock, Barbara, papers added to Profiles in Science, 7/01
- McCloskey, Kathleen, 9/99
- McConnell, Kathrin, 11/95
- McCray, Alexa, 9/96,3/97, 9/97,7/01, 1/04
- McCutcheon, Diane, 10/78,3/90,5/94,1/95,3/97,9/99 , Chief TSD LO,1/04
- McDermott, Rachel, 9/95
- McDowell, Dennis, 1/98
- McGoogan, Dr. Leon S., 8/85
- McGovern, John P., 9/84,5/82
- McGowan, Anna T., 10/82
- McGroarty, Joseph, 1/85
- McGuire, Tina, 7/01
- McKusick, Victor, 1/96, 9/97
- McMahon, Dr. John Alexander, 12/85
- McNabb, Corrine R., 10/82
- McNinch, Major General Joseph H., 6/79,5/86,11/95
- McPeak,Janice,7/00
- Meakin, Faith, 6/78
- Media Center, Collidge High School,1/95
- Medical:
- Applications Microcomputer Software, 1-2/84
- Art of Frank H. Netter, M.D., 3/84
- Bibliography: Tool of Science, 1/78
- Ephemera exhibit,3/95
- Expert Systems Exhibit, NLM Produces, 1/87
- Film Festival, 11/86
- Historians Meet in Bethesda, 6/82
- Informatics:
- Amazing GRACE, 11/86
- Woods Hole Program,7/98
- Library Association, (see MLA)
- Questions? MEDLINE Has Answers, 7/98
- Medicinal Muses, 1/90,5/90
- Medicine:
- American, and Statistical Thinking, 1800-1860, 4/84
- and Health Since World War II, 9/93
- and Music, Exhibit, 5/77
- and Science in American Art, Exhibit, 5/81
- and the Arts Videocassette, 9/86
- and the Arts, 5/86, 7/87
- and the Arts, Second Symposium, 10/87
- and the Arts, Two Faces of Humanity, 3/86
- and the Naturalist Tradition, 10/89
- for the Layman, 1-2/84
- Leaders in American, 4/88
- Men Exhibit, 1-2/84
- on the Early Western Frontier, 5/78
- Practice of in the Future, 12,02
- Medieval manuscript found ,4/00
- MedIndEx:
- Design for a Study to Evaluate, 9/93
- System,8/88,9/90
- MEDINFO 86, International Medical Informatics Association, Board of Trustees and General Assembly, 11/86,1/86
- and Health Information Policy, 11-12/82
- Brochure, 4/83,11/86
- Capabilities and Limitations, 4/77
- Center Delegates Meet at NLM, 11/90
- Center, Israel, 5/93
- Chinese University, 3/96
- Changes Announced, 11-12/82
- Charges, Increase, 7-8/82
- China Becomes 16th International Center, 1/87, 7/87
- Discounts, 1/93
- Drive named,4/00
- Educational Codes, 9/87
- Egypt, 4/86
- Fees Lowered,11/92
- Flat Rate to American College of Physicians, 1/92,1/93
- II, I Systems Development Team, 11/80
- III Contract Awarded to Logicon, Inc., 10/83
- III, Consultants Review, 4/80
- III, Hospital Librarians Discuss, 3/80
- Indexing Manual, Part II, 1984, 12/83
- International Centers fact sheet,5/95
- International Mtg., 2/78,4/79
- International Cooperation,8/76
- Italy, 1/88
- Korea,11/92
- Management Head, 4/79
- Memo of Understanding, 7-8/84
- New Computers, 3/81
- Norway Becomes Partner (features photo of Elliot Siegel, Arne Jakobsson, Jan Erik Roed and Library of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Oslo), 7/01
- On-Line: MEDLINE, 4/77
- Online Searching, 4/77
- Policy Advisors,11/92
- Policy Group, International, 8/96
- Pricing Policy Study, 7-8/84
- Products and Services, Pricing, 7-8/82
- Promotion Manager, 9/92
- Round-the-Clock Availability, 5/85
- Russia, 1/97
- Satellite Broadcast, 9/93,11/93
- Stories, 6/85
- Switzerland, 7/80
- Taiwan, 11/91
- Tools,9/76,12/83
- Training No Longer Required for Access, 7/86
- Two Decades of Growth, 7-8/84
- Use Continues to Grow, 1/87
- A Case Report, 10/79,3/99
- Anniversary, Records Broken, 12/86
- Backfile, First Online at NLM, 3/81
- Basics of Searching, 8/85,4/89
- CD-ROM Conference, NLM, 3/88
- CD-ROM,6/89
- CIT Study,10/89,1/90
- Consumer Health Publications, 1/98
- Evaluating on CD-ROM, 10/88
- Featured on ITT Commercial,12/78
- Free,3/97
- Growth in Searching, 1/98
- Happy Birthday, (features photo of Joe Hutchins, David Kenton, Tuck Arnold)7/01
- In Context, 4/77
- Internet, 6/98
- Learning to Use, 1/71
- Ten Millionth citation, 9/99
- Twelve Millionth citation, 3/03
- Moving to Semi-Monthly Updates, 4/88
- OldMedline, 9/96,7/98,7/00,7/01 (Earlier literature should not be overlooked);
- Optical Disc, 5/86
- Restoration of Abstracts, 11/77
- Search Free, 9/86
- Subsets,11/83,7-8/84
- Survey of Users,1/89
- Teaching to Health Professionals, 12/84
- Ten Years of, 10/81
- Updated Weekly, 5/90
- User Friendly 1-2/84
- MedlinePlus
- 7/98,3/99 (Editor's Choice Award, Univ of Pa.); 10/99;
- Adds medical encyclopedia1/00,4/00,7/00,1/01 (upgrade)1/01;
- MAC award 1/01;
- Happy Birthday, 7/01;
- Speaks Spanish, 12/02;
- Goes Local, North Carolina 3/03;
- Website NIH Advisors, 3/03
- Meharry:
- Medical College, 9/96
- President, 9/90
- Mehnert, Robert, 12/80, 5/95, 11/95,6/98,3/03
- Mei-Lin, Chiou, 5/95
- Meikamp, Kathie, 10/84
- Melicow, Meyer, 10/81
- Melloni, Biagio J., 5-6/82,5/85
- Memorial, Joseph E. Volker, 9/90
- Mendelian Inheritance in Man, Database,1/96
- Meneghello, Dr. Julio R., 12/80
- Meredith, Pamela, 9/87,3/94,1/95,9/96,1/01(in memoriam)
- Merit Award,4/03
- Merritt, A. Donald, M.D., 12/86
- MeSH: 1/81,1/83,12/83,12/84,11/93,11/94
- Annotated Alphabetic List,10/83,9/84,9/93,9/94,9/95
- Browser, 3/99
- French/English, 3/91
- Heading "Retraction of Publications," 9/84
- Home Page, 1/97
- Permuted,10/82,9/84,9/93,9/94, 9/95
- Section Head Named (Nelson), 8/96
- Supplementary Chemical Records,1983,1/83,12/84,11/91,11/92,1/94,1/95
- Tool The Tree Trimmer, 10/86
- Tools from NTIS, 9/95
- Tree Annot, 83, 7-8/82, 12/83
- Tree Structures, 9/93,9/94, 9/95
- Trees, 10/83,9/84
- Tumor Key Supplement, 11/93
- Meter, Robin, 7/93
- Metro, 7-8/84
- Mexico,8/76
- Michael, Dr. Max Jr., 5/92
- Microcomputer-Based Tutorials, 1/91
- Microfiche:
- Current Catalog Published: (1976-80), 1/83
- Readers, New, 3/81
- Version of AVLINE Begins Publication, 5-6/84
- Microfilm Loan, Archival,11/83
- Microform NLM Catalog Available, 10/85
- Mider, G. Burroughs, M.D., 12/85
- Midwifery Exhibit, 7/91
- Miles, Wyndham D.,NLM History in Press,8/81, Director's Award,10/82
- Mileston Molecules in Medicine,7/98
- Miller:
- Mary Jane,3/97
- Naomi,3/97,7/00, 1/02,3/03
- MIMCom Info Tech Personnel, 12/00
- Mind and Body, Exhibit, 7/92
- Mingioli, Joseph P., 12/80
- Minority
- Applicant Locator File, 7/94
- Health Professions Foundation Meeting,1/97
- librarians, scholarship support,4/00
- Medical Librarians 4/00
- Min, Seung-Kwan,8/96
- Mirsky, Phyllis, 2/79,10/81,6/85
- Misra, Dharitiri,3/94
- Mitchell:
- George,10/77
- Joyce, 11/93
- MLA:
- and Canadian Health Libraries Assoc.,4/00
- Archives, NLM Receives, 8/85
- at NLM, 3/91
- Award Honors Frank B. Rogers, M.D.,6/83,6/89 Bulletin Highlights NLM
- Sesquicentennial, 1/87 Classes,3/94
- Honors Colaianni,5/94, 5/95
- Honors Lindberg, 5/95
- Honors Regents, 7/93
- Information Advancement Award, 1/04
- Meeting, 4/90 (Detroit),3/92(DC),3/95 (DC); celebrates centennial, 9/97
- NLM at, 3/94,3/96
- President's Award, Nina W. Matheson, 6/83
- Time capsule, 3/99
- Modlin, Melanie, 9/96,6/98,4/03
- Mohammed, Valencia,3/94
- Molecular Models, 3/92
- Moline, David O., D.D.S., 9/82
- Molnar, Charles E., Sc.D., 10/80
- Montgomery, Margot,8/96
- Montgomery County Honor Award (Patti Tuohy and Jiwon Kim) 7/01
- Monthly Bib. of Medical Reviews,10/77
- Moore,
- Dorothy,1/95; 9/97,6/98
- Mary,4/00, 7/01 (appointed head of Reference and Customer Service);
- Robin,7/00
- Morantz-Sanchez, Dr. Regina, 3/99
- Morella, Representative Constance, 6/87,3/93
- Morris, Annette, 9/87
- Morse, George, 6/88
- Moskowitz, Dr. Jay, 1/92
- Mount Sinai School of Med., 6/77
- Move to the Mall, 6/86
- Murakami, Hidenori,8/96
- Mural Revisited, 5/90
- Murtagh, Eileen,3/97
- Mylenki, Mary, 1/98
- NACo Award, 8/96
- Name Authority File, 5/77
- Nardini, Holly, 9/96
- NARIC Resource Guides, 7/91
- Nash, David L.,5/90,3/93,3/94,7/94,1/95,1/02,1/04
- Natcher, Representative William, Visits NLM, 4/84
- National:
- Academy of Sciences:
- President's Circle Visits NLM, 9/96
- Report,1/89
- Biomedical Holdings Database, (SERHOLD) 5/81, 9/84
- Biotechnology Information Center (NCBI) Proposed, 4/87
- Guideline Clearinghouse, 3/99
- Health Council Agencies Visit NLM, 8/85
- Health Information Silver Award, 1/97
- Info. Ctr. on Health Services Res.& Health Care Tech, 9/93
- Learning Demonstration Center, 1/86
- Library of Medicine (see NLM)
- Library Emerges, 2/86
- Network of Libraries of Medicine, 5/91, 3/96
- Nutrition summit info resources,4/00
- Office of High Performance Computing,7/92
- Outreach Mapping Center, 7/01
- Performance Review, 7/95
- Research & Education Network (NREN),9/90
- Science Foundation, Internet Grants, 1/94
- Natural Language Research Program, 9/90
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): 4/87
- 1st Anniversary, 12/89
- Branch Chief Named, 8/88
- Conf. of Amer. Med. Informatics Assoc., 7/90
- Database Services, 7/92
- Director Named,1/89
- Director Receives 1996 ABRF Award,
- Human Genome Website, 1/01
- Information Infrastructure, 3/96, 5/95
- Lecture Series, 9/90
- News, 11/91
- Reader's Choice Award, 3/03
- Sequencing Breakthrough, 3/96
- Sponsors NAS Workshop, 5/90
- Sponsors NIH Research Day Workshop, 12/89
- Staff Pubs, 1/91,9/91,3/92
- Technical Reports Series, 9/90
- Using NCBI Resources, 7/02
- Visitors Program, 11/90
- Web site, 1/02
- Native Americans,
- Health Care Exhibit,3/94
- Link to Web by NLM & NIH, 12/00
- Youth initiative,4/00
- Youth visit NLM, 1/01
- Navarro, Dr. Aaron, 5/90
- Neal, James, 2005
- NCBI Entrez, 1/04
- Nelson,
- Michael, 3/93,7/93
- Roxanne, 9/97,6/98
- Stuart,8/96
- Nemec, Jaroslav, 9/92
- Nethercutt, Congressman George R., Jr.,6/98
- Network:
- Iowa Testbed,3/94
- Medical,3/94
- Neuro Imaging,3/94
- Patient Care,3/94
- Reconfiguration Announced, 11/81
- Neuro Imaging,3/94
- Neuro-Ophthalmologists Visit,6/78
- Neurosurgery, History of (exhibit),3/89
- New:
- Age of Health Laboratories, 1885-1915, 4/87
- CME Mechanism Studied, 10/80
- Investigator Awards, 2/79
- Newhouse, Dr. Joseph, 1/00,3/03
- Newman, Don R., 4/86
- News Columns on NLM, 4/85,2/88
- Newton, Carol M., 9/92,1/93
- Next Generation Internet Medical Awards Announced,7/98
- Nguyen, Van,3/94
- Nicholas, James A., 6/88
- Nichols, Nichelle, 11/77
- NICHSR, 9/93
- Nigeria Health Official Tour NLM, 7/80
- NIH:
- Award for Outstanding Service in Human Resources, 11/90
- Bicentennial, 1/88
- Budget, 12/00
- Consensus Dev. Conferences, 3/79,4/79,10/79,3/80,7/80,1/85,5/81
- NIH Director:
- Addresses Staff, 7/91
- Named (James B. Wyngaarden) 5/82
- NIH Director's Award:,7/00
- Allen, Ernest, 7/77
- Arnales, Duane,7/98
- Boguski, Mark,7/98
- Brand, Jeanne, 7/91
- Buyer, Susan P., 11/95
- Carson, Pat,7/98
- Colaianni, Lois Ann, 7/87
- Corning, Mary, 10/83
- Goldstein, Charles, 7/77
- Hanks, Dorothy, 7/87
- Henderson, Earl, 10/78
- Humphreys, Betsy, 11/90
- Kenton, David, 10/78
- Kotzin, Sheldon, 7/91
- Kozuma, Lillian, 7/77
- Klein, Lori, 12/00
- LaCroix, Eve-Marie, 9/97,12/00
- Ma, Wei, 12/00
- Mehnert, Robert B., 11/95
- McCray, Alexa, 9/97
- Miller, Naomi, 12/00
- Moore, Robin, 12/00
- Nielsen, Phil, 12/00
- Schoolman, Harold, 10/83,4/00
- Shuler, Rex, 12/00
- Siegel, Eliot, 12/00
- Spann, Melvin, 5/84
- Standing, Roy, 12/00
- NIH Extramural Associates Visit Library,10/81
- NIH General Medical Sciences Special Act or Service Award, (Stephen Bryant)12/00
- NIH Merit Award, 9/97; 12/00:
- Ackerman, Michael, 11/92
- Anderson, Cheryl, 11/92
- Anderson, John, 12/85
- Backus, Joyce, 11/95,12/00
- Beckelhimer, Melvin, 1/82
- Blake, John, 11/82
- Bortz, Ruth, 11/92
- Brand, Jeanne, 1/82, 7/91
- Burke, Sally, 11/95
- Carney, Kenneth, 7/77
- Clepper, Peter, 11/95
- Cox, John, 11/82
- Craft, Atsuko, 11/89
- Ditzler, Carol, 11/82
- Dodson, Donald, 11/89
- Duff, Judith, 12/84
- Dugan, Mary-Kate, 12/00
- Edge, Jerry, 11/82
- Eisenberg, Laura, 7/77
- Fishel, Martha, 11/92
- Gallagher, Marie, 12/00
- Goshorn, Jeanne, 11/89
- Hagarty, William, 11/90
- Hazard, George F., Jr., 11/95
- Hoffman, Christa,1/95
- Howard, Frances Humphrey, 12/85
- Hsieh, Richard,1/95
- Humphreys, Betsy, 10/78
- Hutchins, Joe, 12/00
- Johnson, Nelson, 12/88
- Kenton, David, 11/95
- Kingsland III, Lawrence, III, 12/88
- Kotzin, Sheldon, 1/82, 7/91
- Lacroix, Eve-Marie, 11/90
- Ladson, Alice, 11/90
- Le Roy, Martha, 11/87
- Lipman, David, 7/91,7/93
- Lyon-Hartmann, Becky, 12/86
- Main, James, 11/87
- Marcetich, James, 11/92
- McCarn, Grace, 10/78
- Nash, David,1/95
- Ostell, James, 11/92
- Parascandola, John,8/96,12/88
- Riggs, Karen, 12/00
- Royall, Julia, 12/00
- Ruffin, Angela,1/95
- Schehl, Stella, 12/84
- Selinger, Nancy E., 11/95,3/97
- Siegel, Elliot, 12/88,5/95
- Singer, Sarah, 11/87
- Sinn, Sally, 12/88, 5/95 (resigns)
- Slater, Susan Buyer, 11/89,5/95
- Soehner, Catherine,1/95
- Spann, Melvin, 10/78
- Spencer, Carol, 1/82
- Spina, Frances, 12/86
- Standing, Roy, 4/82
- Stewart, Ronald, 11/89,4/00
- Stroup, Dorothy, 11/92
- Tilley, Carolyn, 12,84
- Tillman, Peggy,1/95
- Toler, Mamie, 12/85
- Tonkery, Thomas, 7/77
- Unger, Carol, 11/90
- Van de Kamp, Jacqueline, 12/85
- Vasta, Bruno, 12/86
- Williams, Patricia, 11/87
- Woods, James, 12/86,7/98
- Woodsmall, Rose Marie, 12/86
- Wright, Nancy, 11/90,3/97
- Youwer, Theodore,1/95
- NIH Nobel Terrace,4/89
- NIH Outstanding Service Medal (Dr. David Lipman),7/91;(Karen Riggs,1/95)
- NIH Publications List Available, 10/80
- NIH Quality of Work Life Award (Stuart Nelson), 12/00
- NIH Report, Intravenous Immunoglobulin, 11/90
- NIH Senior Health web site, NIH Launches, 4/03
- NIH Special Act or Service Award,4/03
- Nikbakht, Amir, 12/77
- Nineteenth Century French Dentistry, 11/90
- Nirenberg, Marshal, 1/01
- NIS Librarians Visit, 5/95
- NISO Standards Committee II to Revise ANSI Standard for Paper Permanence, 3/87
- Nix, Sheila, 9/93
- NLM:
- ACP "flat fee" Program, 1/93
- Act (see Grant Prog. Extended),10/78
- and NAL Define Collection Responsibilities, 3/87
- andToxic Waste Agency Collaborate, 4/88
- and Wheaton Regional Library Health Information Center, 9/95
- at MLA, 3/92,3/93
- Awards, Roma Samuel, Catherine Selden, German Tello, Janice Willis, Terry Yoo,
- Julia Royall, Colette Hochstein, Dathleen Cravedi, David Nash, Elliot Siegel,
- Fred Wood, Rodney Long, Karen Kraly, 7/02 ;
- Budget, 9/97
- Commendation from GPO, 1/01
- Commends Board of Regents and MLA, 1/98
- Conservation lab, 7/02
- Cooperates With Center for Health Care Technology, 11/80
- Exhibit booth, 9/99
- Fact Sheet, 5-6/84,1/86,1/91,5/92,3/93
- From Small Beginnings, 1/86
- Funds 15 AIDS Info Community Outreach Projects, 7/02
- Funds 52 grants for Internet Access to Digital Libraries, 7/02
- Funds Wallowa County Library, Oregon 1/02
- Gateway, 12/00
- Gift items, 1/02
- History, 8/81,9/82
- Honor awards, (Richard Banvard, Jana Brightwell, Reginald Frazier, Alice Jacobs,
- Frederick Wood, Anthony Pirrone, III, George Franklin, Pierre Levermore,
- Stanley Jablonski, Becky Lyon, Robert Mehnert, Ronald Stewart, Deborah Katz,
- James Charuhas, John Butler) 7/01
- Information in Print,7/78
- International Traineeship,10/85,10/86,10/87,10/89
- Joins Federal R & D Group, 1/87
- LC Technical Processing, 6/79,10/79,
- Locator, 5/93
- Mainframe shutdown for last time 7/01
- MLA Archives, 8/85
- National Health Information Silver Award, 1/97
- New building on the drawing board, 12/02
- News, 5/90
- Newsline,3/97
- News, Acid Free, 6/88
- NIH Information Service (AMA Bulletin Board), 1/85,3/85
- PAHO Partnership/Central America, 12/02
- Products and Services Demo to Writers, 11/94
- Programs Cited by NIH Director, 1/97
- Projects Spur Wave of National Medical Coverage, 1/97
- Publictions Redesigned, 1/97
- Receives :
- Regents, HHS Medlars Study, 7-8/84
- RML Planning Mtg., 6/79
- Rules in the 1890's, 7/86
- Schweitzer painting, 9/97
- Toll-Free Number,3/97
- Touring, 1/97
- Web site, 9/99
- Workplace changes, 1/98
- Acting Dir., 3/79
- Branch Chiefs Appointed, 10/80
- Catalog, 5/77,6/77,6/81
- Center Now in Bethesda, 3/80
- Deputy Director, 5/77
- Director Appointed, (Myron Adams, 1/78)(James W. Woods, 10/80)
- Film Wins Award, 6/77
- Instructional Materials,10/78
- LHC Merger Announced, 2/83
- Loan Procedures, Changes in, 2-3/82
- Manual,2/78
- Nursing Accreditation for Workshops,6/78
- Publications from NTIS, 5/81
- Reviewed by Advisory Group,9/78 Self-
- Instructional Manuals, 2/77 Self-
- Instructional Programs, 12/77 Teaching
- Units Available, 6/79,4/80
- Workshop,1/78,7/80,8/81,1/82
- NN/LM: 5/91,3/96
- Cogdill, Keith, 1/02
- Fact Sheet, 7/93
- Information Access consultants, 7/93
- Kutty, Lalitha 1/02
- Logo, 7/92
- Office,4/00
- South Central Region, 7/93
- No Charge Loans, 6/86
- Nobel:
- Laureates, 1/89
- Terrace, NIH, 4/89
- Nolan, George H., 11/94
- Non-Billed Code for Filling Gaps, 12/86
- Northwestern:
- Memorial Hospital, 6/98
- University,3/95
- Notecards, Friends Offer, 11/86
- Notes for Medical Catalogers, 5-6/82, 3/83,5/84,1/87
- Novello, Antonia, 7/93,4/03
- NPR, 7/95
- NREN,9/90
- Announces Handling Charge, 6/85
- Foreign Dist. Policy, 12/76
- Raises Prices, 10/85
- Seeks New Information Resources, 9/84
- Supporting U.S. Productivity in the 80's,
- 6/81 Toll Free Number, 5/93
- NUCARE, 5/91
- Nurses in the Federal Service, The Proud Profession,1/93
- Nursing:
- Bibliography,5/89
- Computer-based Education, 4/90
- Education AV Materials, 6/79
- Ethics: a Selected Bibliography, 1/93
- History Photo Resources, 11/88
- Libraries Guide, 9/97
- Materials Classification Policy Changed, 4/84
- Branch Chief Named (Pinho,7/78); (Silverstein,9/80)
- Director named (Liu),4/00
Ochillo, Michelle, 1/02
and NLM Cooperative Effort Announced, 3/81
CATLINE Monograph Records, 10/79,
Loads Pre-1979 NLM CATLINE Records, 12/86
to Add NLM Serial Control Numbers to 069 Tags, 10/81
- Octanet:
- Transmits l00,000th ILL Request, 9/84
- Users Switch to DOCLINE, 1/87
- Odone, Michaela, 3/96
- Off-label use of prescription drugs, 3/93
- Office:
- of Health Information Programs Development, 7/92
- of Health Services Res. Info., 7/91
- of Public Health Service Historian, 3/96
- of Public Information, Name Change,7/98
- Olch, Peter D.,6/77,10/77,1/79,7/80,1/82,11/80,5/91
- Olivier, Evelyn, 3/90
- OMIM, 1/96
- Once and Future Web (exhibit) 1/01
- Onchocerciasis and Trachoma Bibliographies, 11/85
- O'Neill:
- Sheila, 1/94
- Thomas P., Jr., 12/77
- Online:
- Catalog Study at NLM (CITE), 5-6/82
- Centers Expanded Access, 7/80
- Centers Moratorium Lifted, 4/80
- Charges to Rise, 6/81
- Coordinator's Workshop, 6/77
- Fees Lowered,11/92
- for Medicine and the Media, 2/86
- Indexing System Fact Sheet, 5/93
- Indexing System, 4/84
- MEDLARS Searching, 4/77
- Network, Joining,3/78
- Public Access Catalog (CITE), 6/83
- Public Access Catalog (CITE), 6/83
- Searching Evaluation, 1/79
- Searching, Most Important Computer Tool in Medical Practice, 4/88
- Services Program Policy Statement Fact Sheet, 4/80
- Survey, 5/96
- Test Construction for Medical and Professional Education, 6/83
- Training Offered in Montreal, 5/81
- Update, 3/85
- User Charges, 5/77
- Users New Pricing Algorithm, 7-8/83
- Users Notes, 3/81,7/83
- Open House: 5/86,9/96
- Leads April Sesquicentennial Events, 3/86
- OPM Librarian Register to Close, 9/84
- Oppenheimer:
- Dr. Jane, 7/90
- Gerald J., 11/87
- Opportunities for Training & Educ. Sponsored by the NLM (Fact Sheet), 7/92, 7/95
- Oral History Collection, 7/78
- Order out of Chaos; John Shaw billings & America's Coming of Age,5/94
- Oregon Health Sciences Univ., 3/92
- Organization Chart, 7/77,12/83,5/86,5/90,3/94
- Osborn, June, 7/93
- Osinski, Norman, 12/80,7/82
- Osler, William, Videocassette, 11/81
- Ostell, Dr. James, 11/88,7/90,11/92
- OTA Report Published, 11-12/82
- Otwell, Robert, 8/85
- Oubicon, Tomeka,7/00
- Our Readers Ask, 5/85
- Outreach:,7/00
- AIDS, 9/94
- Award, 9/92
- Efforts, 6/98
- Grateful Contracts, 9/92
- Black Colleges and Universities, 9/94,1/97(meeting)
- Electronic Health Information Projects, 1/00
- Program, 6/89,1/90,3/90,5/94(fact sheet)
- Proposals, 1/92
- Satellite Broadcast, 5/92
- Unaffiliated Health Professions, 9/90,9/91
- Outstanding:
- Services in Human Resources,NIH Award for,11/90
- Supervisor of Summer Employees, 10/78
- Owens, Congressman Major R., 6/83,3/91
- Oxygen, NLM Acquires Book on Discovery of, 10/88
- Oyalowo, Dr. Marie-Therese, 11/93
- Pagano, Joseph,3/97
- Page, Patricia, 9/96
- PAHO Honors Director Emeritus (Dr. Martin M. Cummings),11/83
- Palmer, Judy, 5/95
- Paper Making, 9/87
- Parra, Margot, 1/98
- Paracelsus, 9/93
- Parascandola, John L., 7-8/83,3/85,5/85,12/88,4/89,9/92,11/93,3/96
- Pardes, Herbert,7/98
- Pare's Les Oeuvres, 9/76
- Parker:
- Kimberly, 10/88
- Stephen G., M.D., 7-8/83
- Partners in Education,3/94,1/95 (Coolidge High School media center)
- Partners in Information Access, 1/98,7/98,7/98,9/99
- Past, Present & Future of Biomed. Info.,6/89,7/90
- Pasteur, Louis, Lecture, 3/88
- Pat on the Back,7/00
- Pathways Videocassette, 1/90,1/92
- Patient Care Network,3/94
- Patil, Ramesh S., Ph.D., 7/86
- Patrias, Karen J., 1/82,7/82,5/91,9/92
- Patterson, Patricia, 10/78
- Pauling, Linus, papers added to Profiles in Science, 3/03
- Pavelenko, Raisa, 5/95
- Pavlov Work, 7/90
- PC:
- Demonstration Disk Available for NLM Chemical and Toxicological Databases, 1/87
- Physician, 5/91
- PDQ:
- Database on Cancer Therapy, 9/82
- Physician Data Query, 3/85
- Pearse, Dr. Warren, 9/93
- Pengov, Ruann, Ph.D., 7/80
- Pepper, Representative Claude, 10/85,4/87,3/89,6/89
- Perez, Jose,3/94
- Permanent Paper: 1/90,11/92
- Board of Regents Hearing on Use of,1/87,3/87
- Hearing, 7/91,11/91
- Proceedings, Hearing on Use of, 4/87
- Standard,11/92
- Task Force, 8/88
- Use Encourged for Preservation of Biomed. Lit., 12/86
- Permanent Public Access,7/00
- Permuted Mesh, 1983, 10/82, 9/84
- Perrott, George St. John, Acquisition of Papers, HMD,1/81
- Phillips:
- Stanley J., 2-3/82
- Steven Joseph, M.D., 3/94,9/99
- Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health (CBM), 11/95
- Physical Fitness/Sports Med:
- Bib,9/77
- Symposium, 6/88
- Physicians, 18th & 19th Century,7/78
- Physick, Philip Syng, 3/96
- Physiology Conference on History of Amer.,2/86
- Pickett, Dr. Betty, 8/85
- Piegas, Maria, 12/77
- Piemme, Thomas E., M.D., 7/86
- Pilot 8080 Languge,4/78
- Pinn, Dr. Vivian, 9/93,4/03
- Pittman, Constance,8/96,11/93
- Pizzo, Philip, 2005
- P.L. 480:
- Funded Projects, 12/77,3/80,9/81,7/82,7/87
- Publications, 12/76,1/79
- Plain Language Award, 12/00
- Planning:
- Office:
- Appointments, 9/87
- Established, 2/77
- Panel Rept:
- Toxicology & Environmental Health, 9/92
- Education & Training of Health Sciences Librarians,5/95
- Preservation Team, 1/86
- Process, (Long Range Plan) 2/86
- Plastic Surgery Education Foundation,11/93
- Player, Julia,4/03
- Plimpton, Dr. Calvin M., 11/83,10/84
- Plutchak, Scott, Associate, 10/83
- Poe, Edgar Allan, visits NLM, 7/01 (features photo of David Keltz as Poe)
- Poh, Frank, 11/81
- Policy:
- Customer Service, 1/96
- for Collecting Biotechnology Literature, 4/87
- Polish Health Officials Visit, 4/90
- Pollution Prevention, TRI, 5/93
- Pond, Leland, 3/03
- Pople, Harry E., Jr., Ph.D., 7-8/83
- Popline, 11/80
- Poppke, Donald C., 9/95 (Exec. Officer named 3/97; 9/97,Diversity chair, 3/99;9/99,1/02
- Popular Images of the Health Professional,10/87
- Porter,
- John Edward,1/00
- Ronald, 7/93
- Postcard, Happy Birthday NLM, 7/86
- Poster Exhibit to Travel, 11/90
- Potomac Herb Society, Lavendar Day,3/97
- Pre-Columbian:
- Medical Art, 5/86
- Medicine: Historial Sources, 1/81
- Presentation, "The Ship's Medicine Chest and Medical Aid at Sea",5/85
- Preservation: 4/88,5/90
- Biomedical Literature, 1/86
- Bookmark Wins Award, 11/90
- Brochure & Poster,1/89
- Contracts, 12/89,11/90
- Electronic Imaging, 5/90
- Exhibit, 11/88,8/89
- Fact Sheet, 2/88
- Microfilming, Library Awards Contract for, 10/86
- Microfilming Program,3/95
- Needs Assess. of U.S. Health Sciences Libraries,6/89
- Paper Makers Promote,1/89
- Plan, National, 2/88
- Program, RFP, 1/90
- Region 1, RML Studies, 2/88
- Section Head Appointed, 10/86
- Team, NLM's, 1/86
- Presidential Proclamation Cites NLM's Visionary Leaders,Medlars,and RML's, 1/86
- Press, Nancy, 11/93
- Preston, Jane, 7/93
- Prettyman, Maureen,3/94
- Price Change for Special Photographic Services,4/80
- Prime, Eugenie,7/00,4/03, 2005
- Principles of Indexing, 4/77
- Printer, High Speed, 12/76
- Prints and Photographs Collection Shortened Hours, 10/88
- Proceedings of Symposium on Information Trans in Tox., 7-8/82
- Proclamation,
- NLM Visionary Leaders, Medlars, RML's, 1/86
- Sesquicentennial Year of the NLM, 2/86
- Products and Publications,7/00
- Profiles in Science, 3/99,10/99,4/00, 12/00 (Anfinson); 1/01 (Nirenberg); Fredrickson 7/02; Pauling, 3/03; Florence Sabin, 4/03; Fred Soper, 4/03
- Programs and Services, 6/83,4/84,10/82,5/89,3/91
- Proud Profession, Nurses in the Federal Service,1/93
- Pruitt, Basil A., Jr., 9/93
- PSRMLS: Network in Transition, 3/86
- new sort capability,4/00
- PubMed Central Debuts, 1/00
- Updated, 1/98
- New version unveiled, 1/00
- Public Health
- Demography, & American Medicine: Symposium Honoring James Cassedy,HMD, 1/96
- History Exhibit, 9/90
- Posters, 1/90
- Reports, 3/96
- Public Health Service:
- Award, 6/88
- Commendation Medal,
- Adams, Myron, 10/7
- Bernstein, Lionel. 10/7
- Rodgers, Richard,1/95
- Weisberg, Michael, 1/82
- Exhibit, 12/8, 4/98
- Outstanding Handicapped Employee, Award, 6/86
- Outstanding Service Medal, 7/93
- Special Recognition Award, 6/88,7/93, 11/95 (Michael J. Ackerman);
- Public Service Announcement, Dr. DeBakey's, 12/86
- Public Services Division, Open House, 9/96
- Public/Private Issue, Article Explores, 12/83
- Publication:
- Grants Program: 2/77,7/78,6/79,9/80,3/81, 2-3/82, 4/82,3/83, 4/83,10/85,11/85,,4/00
- Notes, 10/82, 12/83
- Numbering, DHEW, 4/79
- Publications: 11-12/82,4/82, 7/82,9/94
- Access Methods, 11/94
- Catalog, 9/94
- List, 7-8/84
- of NCBI Staff, 11/90
- Supplement, 7/86
- Via Internet, 1/94
- Publicity Review and Update,7/00
- Pulsipher, Nancy,4/03
- Quality of Care, 8/89
- Quarter Century of Progress, 8/81
- Quote Unquote,7/00
- Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, Plan to Reduce,4/00
- Rada, Roy, M.D., Ph.D., 10/85,4/88
- Radow, Denise, 89/91
- Rajurs, R. Rama, 5/95
- Rambo, Neil H., Associate, 10/83,11/93,1/98
- Randall, Ann Knight, D.L.S., 8/85
- Rapp, Barbara, 10/78,11/90,9/94, 1/02
- Rare Books:
- Donation, Daniels, 3/92
- on Display, 5-6/84
- Rawsthorne, Grace, 9/86
- Reader's Digest, 7/87
- Reading Room Upgrade,7/98,3/99
- Real time Treatment,3/94
- Reception, Commissioned Corp Centennial,4/89
- Rechaussat, Louis,8/96
- Records Indexed (400,000), 9/92
- Redalen, Aaron, 10/99
- Reddin, Dorene,8/96
- Reddy,
- Raj,1/95
- Sigrid, 12/77
- Reed, Thomas, 1/80, 10/81,11/81
- Reese-Colbourne, Jan,3/97
- Reference Section Head:
- Named, Karen J. Patrias, 1/82
- Retires, 9/78
- Selected, 2/79,9/87
- Reference Services:
- Changes, 2/79
- Division Reorganized, Renamed, 4/86
- Regents:
- Hear Indexing Practices, 7/91
- Honored by MLA, 7/93
- Meeting, 1/81
- Named,10/80,11/81,2/82,9/82,12/84,1/88,1/89,11/90,9/91,1/93,3/94,5/95
- Two Die (Chalmers & Ebert) , 1/96
- Regents Award:
- Blake, John, 10/82
- Cassedy, James, 4/84
- Corning, Mary, 10/80
- Goldstein, Charles, 11/81
- Harless, William, 7/86
- Hunter, Lawrence,1/95
- Hutchins, Joseph, 9/93
- Kans, Jonathan A., 11/95
- Kenton, David, 7/90
- Main, James, 2/88
- Patrias, Karen, 9/92
- Schuler, Gregory D., 11/95
- Wiggins, Emilie, 6/77
- Regional:
- Directors Visit, 7/91
- Medical Libraries Fact Sheet, 5/89 Medical Programs
- Conference, 1/92
- Reinvention, 7/95
- Team, 10/99
- Relais, 6/98
- Religious Perspectives in Bioethics, 7/94
- Reminiscences - Twenty Years with the RML Program,11/87
- Report on Toxicology & Environmental Health,9/92
- Reproducible News Columns Available, 4/85
- Research:
- Career Dev. Awards, 2/79
- Grant Awarded to Univ. of Texas, 1/82
- Library Trends, 1951-1980, 6/87,3/90
- Training in Medical Informatics, NLM Supports, 3/84
- Resource Grant:
- Meeting, 8/88
- Programs, 1/89,7/92
- Project Grants, 1/80
- Retraction of Publication, MeSH Heading, 9/84
- Retrospective Conversion Project Nears Completion,2/83
- Retzlaff, Jon G., 7/02
- Revolutionary Medicine (exhibit), 11/94
- Rezvani, Amir,8/76
- Rhee, Young K., 11/93, 5/95,4/00
- Richards, Daniel, 6/88, 6/89, 1/96
- Richardson, Joseph, 7/93
- Richey, Rita A.,4/03
- Riecken, Henry W.,Ph.D.,11/80,1/85,3/87
- Riggs, Karen,1/95,4/03
- Riley, James, 1/02
- Risk Management Bibliogrphy, 11/90
- RML:
- Contracts Awarded, 2/86, 3/96, 1/01
- Coordinator, 7/78
- Develops Service Kit, 9/80
- Directors Meet 12/76,7/78,12/7
- Fact Sheet, 5/86
- Librarians Meet at NLM, 3/78
- Locator Tools for Serials, Monographs, and AV Materials, 5/85
- Network Membership Certificate, 4/88
- Network Videocassette, 1/90
- Network, 8/81, 1/90
- Network, Recognition of Membership, 11/87
- New Configuration Announced, 1/83
- Pacific Northwest, 4/79
- Pacific Southwest, 6/79
- Program South Central (Region 5), 5/86
- Region 1, 11/86
- Region 2, 2/78,6/78, 9/86
- Region 3, 7/86
- Region 4, 9/78, 6/86
- Region 5, 10/78,10/81
- Region 6, 12/78,4/86,4/87,6/88
- Region 7,1/79,3/89
- Region 8, 2/79
- Request for Proposals Issued, 3/85,7/98
- Roll, 1/90
- Series Begins in March, 2/86
- South Central Region, 3/79
- Robbins:
- Anthony, 3/96
- Kenneth X., 7/95, 9/95
- Roberts, Richard, 9/93, 11/93
- Robinson,
- Cynthia, 9/92
- Karen, 7/93
- Robinson, Judith, 2005
- Rockefeller, John D., Senator,3/97,10/99
- Rodbell, Martin, 10/99
- Roderer, Nancy,7/98
- Rodgers, Richard, 11/94,1/95,7/98
- Rodkey:
- Grant V., M.D., Regent, 12/84,1/89
- Marty, 7-8/82
- Rodrigues, Dennis, 3/03
- Roey, Nadgy, 9/97
- Rogers Award:,4/03
- Award, 6/79,6/83,9/87,1/91,1/92,1/95,9/97,12/00
- Byrnes, Margaret, 7/90
- Goldstein, Charles, 6/88, 7/91
- Information Advancement Award, 7/90, 7/91
- Kraly, Karen, 1/02
- McCutcheon, Dianne,5/941,95
- Niles, Kenneth 12/00,7/01 (Named head of Collection Access Section);
- Schuyler, Peri L., 11/95
- Sinkule, Karen,7/98
- Tilley, Carolyn, 7/91
- Willmering, William J., 11/92
- Wright, Nancy, 9/93
- Frank Bradway, 7/86,9/87 (death),10/99
- Paul G., 9/93
- Rogers, Paul, Distinguished Service Award, 4/03
- Rondon, Susan,7/98
- Ross, David, 1/98
- Rossouw, Stefanas,8/76
- Rotariu, Mark, 11/81,4/88
- Roussel, Andre, 12/77
- Rowberry, Dr. Stewart W.,5/77
- Royall, Julia, 12/00, 1/01,7/01
- RSD:
- Chief Named, 4/85
- Chief Retires, Albert Berkowitz, 9/84
- RTECS, 11/77,5/78,6/79,10/84
- Ruben, Patricia, 4/88
- Rudd, Dr. Kenneth, 5/91
- Rudowski, Dr. Witold, 12/85
- Ruff-Glavin, Eve, 10/86
- Ruffin, Angela,1/95,1/98,4/00,7/02,4/03
- Rushom, Dr. Lu, 5/89
- Russia Becomes MEDLARS Partner, 1/97
- Russian:
- Cholera Manuscripts, 3/85
- Health Officials Visit, 1/96
- Russon, David,8/96
- Rustigian, Jackie, 8/89
- Rx Shorthand, 8/96
- Ryce, Andrea,4/03
- Sabin,
- Albert, Speaks at NLM, 5/86
- Dr. Florence,4/03
- Sanford, Jay P., M.D., 12/85
- Satcher, David, M.D., 9/90
- Satellite:
- Broadcast,: 5/92,7/92,11/92,1/94
- Medlars Update, 9/93,11/93
- Communications Technology (CTS), 5/77,10/78
- Meet the Professor, 4/79
- Site Visits, 3/79
- Transmission, 6/77
Saunders, Darlene, 3/03
Savage, Allan, 10/87
- Scanlon, Lillian,7/98
- Scannel, Kristine M., 11/95, 9/97
- Schell,
- Mary Beth,7/98
- Stella, 9/84,12/84
- Scholar in Residence, (Soper), 2/77.
- Schoolman, Dr. Harold M.,11/95
- Appt'd Acting Dir, LHC, 7/94
- Appt'd Dep. Dir. for Res. &
- Educ.,7/77 Message from Acting
- Director, 12/83 Named Acting
- Director, 10/83
- Retires, 9/99
- Schuler:
- Gregory, 3/90, 11/95,9/96,7/98
- Jacque-Lynne, 11/84,10/85
Schullian, Dorothy, 1/02
Schultheisz, Robert, 1/91
Schuyler, Peri, 10/81,11/88,7/91,3/95,11/95
Schweim, Harald,8/96
Schweiker, Richard, 2-3/82
- Schweitzer, Dr. Albert, 9/97
- Science Policy: Negotiating the Maze, 2/83
- Scope:
- and Coverage, 6/77,9/82
- Notes, 4/90,1/92,1/93,5/94,7/94,1/95, 9/95
- Scott,
- John, 3/03
- Yvonne, 4/79,3/87
- Seal, 3/87
- Seaton, Vice Adm. Lewis H., 10/86
- Secretary:
- for Health Dep.Asst., 6/89
- Lauds NLM, 6/86
- Seibert, Warren F., Ph.D., 10/80
- Seif, Amy,7/00
- Sekerak, Robert J., 7/80
- Selected Ref. on EnvironmentalQuality,10/77
- Selection/Acquisition Head Named, 4/79 S elective Dissemination of Information, 12/76
- Selinger, Nancy E., Associate, 10/83, 11/95,9/96
- Seminar Proceedings Published, 1/88
- Seniors enter cyberspace, 9/97
- Sequeira, Edward, 7/95
- Sequences of Proteins of Immunological Interest, 11/91
- SERHOLD, 5/81, 9/84,11/93
- Acquires OCLC Data, 12/86
- Database Nears One Million Records, 11/86
- Fact Sheet, 3/92,11/93
- Serial Records Section, 11/95
- Serials Publications News: KWOC Ceases, HSS Price Drops,4/87
- Serials System, Master, 11/95
- Serlin, David H. 1/00
- SERLINE, 11/77,4/88
- Sesame Street Characters, 3/99
- Sesquicentennial: 11/85,1/86,2/86,9/86
- Albert Sabin Speaks at NLM, 5/86
- Blood Donor Day, 7/86
- Calendar, 3/86,4/86,5/86,6/86,9/86,10/86,
- Capsule Comments, 12/86
- Celebrations, 12/86
- Colloquium on Medicine and the Arts, 5/86
- Events, 7/86
- Highlights, 7/86
- Medicine and the Arts, 3/86,5/86
- MLA Bulletin Highlights, 1/87
- Online for Medicine and the Media, 2/86
- Open House, 2/86
- Proclamation, 2/86
- September Celebration,9/86, 10/86
- Year of the National Library of Medicine, 1/86
- Seventeenth Century Catalogue,4/89
- Sewell, Dr. Winifred, 7/02
- Shabinova, Kapitolina, 5/95
- Shaffer, Veronica, 9/97
- Shapp, Milton, 1/79
- Sharp, Phillip, 9/93
- Sharpe, Richard, 5/95
- Sheehan, Helen, 9/95
- Sheps, Cecil G., M.D., 3/80
- Sherrifs, John, 10/84
- Sherry, Dr. Stephen, 1/02,4/03
- Sheu, Fay,8/96
- Shimomura, Shozo, 2/88
- Shortliffe, Edward H., M.D., Ph.D., 7/80
- Shulman, Lawrence, 6/88
- Shumway:
- Jean M., 5/95
- Norman P., M.D., 7-8/82
- Shure, Jane, 3/03
- Sickle Cell Disease Lecture, 11/94
- Siegel, Elliot R., Ph.D., 7/77,12/77,3/85,9/87,12/88,6/89,7/92,9/95,11/95,1/96,8/96,7/00
- Silva, John, 7/93
- Silverstein, Bernard G., 9/80
- Singer, Sarah, 11/87
- Sinkule, Karen,7/98
- Sinn, Sally, 10/86,12/88,5/95
- Sirotkin, Dr. Karl, 11/90
- Sixteenth Century
- Catalogue, 4/89
- Treatise Returned to Collection, 6/98
- Slater, Susan Buyer, 9/87,11/89
- Smallpox:
- Eradication of, 9/93
- Exhibit, 11-12/82, 1/02
- Smarr, Larry L., 3/96
- Smart Card, 10/99
- Smigielski, Elizabeth,7/98
- Smiley-Bell, Gladys, 3/03
- Smith:
- Alvy Ray, Ph.D., 1/89
- Becky, 6/98
- Cheryl,8/96
- Crystal, 1/01,1/02
- Dale C., Dr., 5/85
- Oliver, 1/97
- Kent, 4/79,5-6/84,12/84,7/92,3/94,5/95,7/95, 9/95,8/96,3/97(CENDI Meeting),3/97, 1/98 (Conrad Lecture),3/99; Retires, 1/04
- Linda C., Ph.D., 7/86
- Mary,7/98
- Marilynn C., 5/95
- Mina, 9/97
- Norman, 5/85,3/95
- Ray, 5/95
- Rebecca, 9/97
- Sneiderman, Dr. Charles, 7/92,7/98
- Snelson Sculpture Dedicated, 10/81
- SNOMED, 4/03
- Snyder:
- Dr. Jack, (Named Head, SIS)7/02
- Lou, 9/76
- Lynne, 3/96
- Society for Medical Decision Making,1/85
- Soehner, Catherine, 10/88,1/95
- Sollenberger, Julia, 11/77,12/80
- Soper, Fred, Dr.,2/77,4/03
- South Africa,8/76
- Southcomb, Patricia, 12/89,7/93
- Spaceline, 9/95
- Specialized Information Services (SIS)
- Associate Dep. Dir Named (Szczur),7/00,7/01
- Biolotical Warfare Website, 7/01
- Branch Chief, 6/78,12/80
- Changes, 10/83
- Space Medicine: Newest Frontier of the Health Sciences, 12/86
- Spann, Melvin, 12/77,6/78,10/78,5-6/84,12/84,6/87,11/93,3/95,11/95, 9/97,9/99,3/03
- Sparks, Susan M., Ph.D., 10/80,5/94
- Special Foreign Currency Program, 11/83
- SPECIALIST, 9/93,5/94
- Specialist Lexicon (fact sheet), 7/94
- Specialized Information Services Assoc. Dir. named (Spann),3/95
- Species - Specific Potential of Invertebrates for Toxicological Research, 9/81
- Spellman, Mitchell W., M.D., Ph.D., 7-8/83
- Spencer, Carol C., 1/82, 7/84
- Spina, Frances, 12/86
- Spitzer, Victor, 11/95, 1/96
- Sports Medicine:
- Symposium, 6/85
- Videocassette, 12/88
- Spouge, John, M.D.,5/89
- SPRY,7/98,3/99
- Spurlock, Jeanne, 1/90,10/99
- Staff:
- Directory, 5/90,3/94, 1/96
- Honors, 12/80, 1/82, 11/82, 6/83
- Standing, Roy A., 4/82,12/82
- Starkweather, John A., Ph.D., 11/85
- Starr, Susan, 2005
- States, David,10/89
- Statistical Highlights, 3/83, 11/84
- Stavri, Zoe, 9/96
- Steblyanko, Leonilla, 5/95
- Stead, William, 3/03, 2005
- Sted, Eugene A., Jr., M.D., Regent,12/84
- Steere, David T., Associate,10/83
- Stengle, Dr. James,10/77
- Stepanova, Irina, 5/95
- Stephenson, Richard W., 11/95
- Sternberg, Dr. Esther, 9/96
- Stewart, Ronald, 11/89,4/00
- Stokes, Congressman Louis, 1/92
- Stoklosa, Kristin, 9/95
- Straus, Stephen,4/00
- Streamlining, 7/95
- Streatz, Richard, 9/97
- Strickland, Dr. Stephen P., 7/86
- Stroup, Dorothy, 11/92
- Stubbs, Joe, M.D. 3/03
- Styers, Ken, 3/78
- Subset Policy, 7-8/84
- Subway Station Opens, 7-8/84
- Sullivan:
- Johnie, 12/00
- Louis W., M.D., 4/89,1/93, 3/03
- Mrs. Louis, 1/93
- Summer Hours, 3/92
- SUNY Buffalo Dedicates New Library,10/86
- Surgeon at Work, 3/90
- Surgeon General's:
- Exemplary Service Award, 4/89
- Papers Donated to NLM, 1/93
- Surgeon General's Medallion, 4/89
- Surgeons General, 10/86
- Survey of Online Users, 11/96
- Swanson, Brenda, 4/79,9/96,3/97
- Syed, Edmund, 9/96
- Symposium:
- Building the Library/Info. Ctr. of the
- Future,3/94 Information Transfer in Toxicology,10/81,7/82
- on Medicine Since World War II, 9/93
- Physical Fitness, Sports Medicine, 6/88
- Syndromes & Eponymic Diseases, 5/91
- Systems for Authoring Computer-based Instruction,10/85
- Systems Technology Branch Chief, 12/00
- System Reinvention Initiative, 7/95
- Szczur, Martha,7/00
- Tackett, Mary, 9/92
- Tahir Peggy, 10/86
- Taiwan MEDLARS Center, 11/91
- Tang, Paul, 6/98
- Tannenbaum, Anita, 9/97
Tao, Sandy, 1/04 - Task Force, 2/88
- Tasto,Joe,7/98
- Taylor, Lt. Govenor Mark
- Technical:
- Notes, 1984, 12/83,11/93
- Processing, Cooperation in, 4/80
- Technical Services Division (TSD):
- Automation, 5/77
- Chief Named, 12/80,4/85
- Deputy Chief Named: 1/80(Betsy Humphreys),10/86(Sally Sinn)
- Deputy Chief Resigns (Sinn), 5/95
- Section Chiefs Named, 11/80
- Tedremaa, Milvi, 5/95
- Teenage Suicide Videodisc, 9/87
- Gopher,1/95
- Gopher team,1/95
- Outreach (Meharry Med. College) 9/96
- Teigen, Philip M., Ph.D., 1/85,3/94,8/96
- Telder, Thomas V., Ed.D., 10/80,11/81
- Teledermatology,3/94
- Telemedicine:
- Activities (fact sheet), 5/95
- Contracts, 9/96
- Grantee Receives Davis Award, 6/98
- Information Exchange, 6/98
- Past, Present, Future (Cur.Bib.), 5/95
- Project Debuts in DC,3/97
- Salute to,3/97
- Symposium 1/01
- Web Site, 6/98
- Teleradiology System,3/94
- Telnet,5/94
- TESS,3/91
- Thalidomide, FDA Withhold. Approv. of, 9/93
- Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, 6/86
- Thibodeau, Patricia, Award (MLA Presidents), 1/04
- Thoma, George A., 3/84,3/95,7/98,9/99
- Thomas:
- John, 11/93
- Sharon, 7/93
- Thompson, Tommy G (Sec'y of HHS) visits NLM, 7/01 (photos feature reading room and some staff)
- Tilley, Carolyn, 6/81,12/84,7/91,7/02
- Tillman, Peggy,1/95
- TIME Project, 7-8/84,10/85
- TIRC Publications,2/78
- To Your Health, Exhibit, 1/90
- Togashi, William, 2/77
- Toler, Mamie, 12/85
- Tolstoshev, Dr. Carolyn, 7/90,7/98
- Tom Jones - Medical Communicator Ahead of His Time, 5/85
- Tonkery, Dan, 7/77,10/78
- Tooth Puller, 7/02
- Tour, Cyber, Historical Medical Sites, Wash., D.C.,7/00
- Tour Guide Program, 6/98
- TOX-TIPS, 5/77,1/79
- Tox-Town, 12/02
- Toxic:
- Chemical Release Inventory, 8/88,5/89,5/93 Substances &
- Disease Registry, Agency for, 4/88
- Waste Agency, and NLM, Collaborate in Training Program, 4/88
- Toxicity:
- Bibliography, 10/77
- of Vanadium Compounds: A Bib With Abstracts, 9/81
- Toxicology:
- and Chemical Files, 11/82,4/82
- and Environmental Health, 9/92,
- and Environmental Health Information Program, 9/95 (fact sheet);
- Data Bank, 10/78,10/84
- Demo Disk, 6/88,7/90
- Directory, 1/78
- Files, Information Materials, 2/83
- Gopher,3/94
- Info. Outreach Panel, 9/91
- Information Program Fact Sheet, 2/77,5/93
- Information Program,4/80,10/84,3/86,3/88,9/91
- Information Response Center, 9/81
- Information Service, 1/77
- Information Transfer Symposium, 6/81
- Research Projects Directory,9/76,1/78
- Searches, 12/76
- Series Started, 3/80
- Workshop, NLM Co-sponsors, 6/85
- TOXLINE: 1/83, 10/84
- Regeneration, 7/87
- Subfile Added, 4/79,3/81
- TOXMAP, 1/04
- TOXNET, 6/85,7/86,2/88,5/93,9/99
- Microcomputer-based, 5/91
- Trademarks, Databases and Services, 3/87
- Train the Trainer,7/98
- Trainers of senior citizens, 9/97
- Training:
- and Education, Opportunities for Sponsored by NLM (fact sheet), 7/95
- Facilities Coordinator Named (Susan M. Sparks, Ph.D.), 10/80
- Treatises on Medicine Found,4/00
- Tree:
- I, (Snelson Sculpture) 6/81,10/81
- Trimmer, 10/86
- Trends in U.S. Health Care,6/89
- TRI, 8/88,5/89,4/90,5/93
- Trimarchi, Michaeleen, 10/84
- Tufts University Conference (satellite), 4/86
- Turning the Pages, 1/01 (features photo of Dr. Lindberg and Erinn Dumas)
- Tumor Key Supplement, 1984, 12/83
- Tuohy, Patricia, 3/03
- Typhoid Mary,3/97
- Ulmschneider, John, Associate, 10/81,9/82
- Undersea Medical Society Information Services, 5-6/82
- Unger
- Carol, 11/90
- Monica, 6/98
- Unified Medical Language System (UMLS),11/86,4/87,10/87,11/87,1/89,11/92
- AMA Sponsors, 2/88
- Articles in SCAMC, 3/91,11/91
- Contractors Meet with NLM, 4/87
- Fact sheet, 7/95
- in SCAMC Proceedings, 1/93
- Knowledge Sources 1993, 5/93,5/94
- Metathesaurus Fact Sheet, 1/93, 7/95
- Metathesaurus, 9/90
- Progress Report, 11/91
- Semantic Network, 9/90
- Union Lists,
- Board Recommends Study of Guidelines, 11/80
- Serials, Guidelines,3/81,6/81
- Upsom, Leonard,Principal of Calvin Coolidge High School,3/94, 9/97
- U.S./U.S.S.R.
- Biomedical Info., 4/79
- Cardiology Conference Via Satellite, 1/86
- Van de Kamp, Jacqueline, 12/85,11/93
- Vance, Jim, 10/87
- Varmus, Dr. Harold, 9/93
- Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide, 8/76
- Vasta, Bruno,4/77,4/78,10/83,12/86,5/91,11/92,1/94,11/94,3/95
- Vecchioli, David, 5/95, 11/95,1/98
- Veterinary:
- Information, National Libraries Enhance Access to, 6/86
- Medicine Report, 2/79
- Science Literature,3/85,3/96
- Videocassette:
- CD-ROM, 12/88
- Computers in Medicine, 4/88
- DOCLINE, 4/87
- Loan Service, 12/80,5/81,1/82,11/83,4/84
- Medicine and the Arts, 9/86
- NLM Pathways, 1/90
- RML Network, 1/90
- Sports Medicine, 12/88
- William Osler, 10/81
- Videocassettes, 1-2/84,4/88
- Endoscopy, 5-6/84
- Interlibrary Loan, 1/82
- NLM-Produced Available, 7/86
- Videocomp Publications, 9/76
- Videodisc:
- Experimental Produced, 4/84
- NLM (Historical Pictures) 5/85
- Nursing Education, 3/91
- Projects, 1-2/84,5/89
- Repurposing, 9/93
- Teenage Suicide,9/87
- TIME Project, 7-8/84
- Videotape:
- Expert Systems,10/85
- Images of the Health Professional, 6/88
- Videotapes from NAC, 7/90
- Vilnius University, 9/93
- Vines, William H., 11-12/82
- Virtual
- Library an Oxymoron? 6/98
- Reality, 3/94
- Visible Human Project, 1/90,9/91,5/93,3/95 (Discover Award), 11/95; 11/95,(fact sheet);
- (Satava Award, 1/96),9/96,3/97,7/98
- Conference
- Man, 11/94
- Receives Gov't Tech. Leadership Award, 9/97
- Visible Humans Reach Maturity, 12/00
- Woman, 11/95
- Visiting Historical Scholars
- Geison, Gerald, 2/88
- Kronick, David, 5/89
- Young, James, 2/86,
- Visiting Historical Scholars Program, 12/84,7/86,7/87,5/90
- Visitors: 7/77,9/77,6/78,7/80,4/82,5/82,6/83,4/84,5/85,4/86,8/85,6/87,1/89,4/89, 5/89,4/90,11/93,5/95, 1/96
- Center Opens, 7/86; Renovation, 12/02
- ICML, 5/95
- Native American Youth, 9/99
- Newman, Don R., Acting Health and Human Services Under Sec'y, 4/86
- NIH Extramural Associates, 10/81
- RBMS Preconference, 6/98
- Russian Health Officials, 1/96
- Services Under Secretary, 4/86
- Visuals Catalog, HMD Begins Automation of, 4/87
- Vocabulary Search Guide, 7/94
- Volker, Joseph E. 7/78,5/89, Memorial, 9/90
- Voluntary Health Agencies Visit NLM, 12/83
- Voyager, 1/98
- Vries, John K., 11/93
- Wachtmeister, Count Wilhelm, 4/89
- Walker:
- Charles, 9/91,5/92
- Frank (Board of Regents award), 9/97
- H. Kenneth, 9/91,11/91,9/94,5/95
- Sara
- Wallowa County Library, Oregon 1/02
- Walter, Dr. H. Kenneth,4/03
- Wang,
- Shwu-Jiun, 5/95
- Rukuan,8/96
- Ward, Sarah, 9/97
- Warling, Brian, 10/87
- Warner, Homer R., M.D., 4/88
- Warsaw, Barry,3/94
- Wasserman, Manfred, Ph.D., 8/85
- Watanabe, Toshihiko,8/96
- Watson:
- James D., 10/88
- Linda, 10/85
- We Were Here First, exhibit, 1/98
- Webb, Kerry,8/96
- Webster,
- James, 3/03
- Jerome P., Library of Plastic Surgery,12/86
- Weeks, Kenneth R., 7/80
- Weicher, Lowell, Jr.,7/00
- Weinberg:
- Alvin, M.D., 3/88
- Sylvan Lee, 9/93
- Weisberg, Michael, 11/81,1/82,7/98,3/99
- Weise, Freida, Director's Award, 1981,11/81
- Weiss, Anna, 4/86
- Welder, Joseph, 6/88
- Welsh, William J., 10/88
- Werth, Elsie, 9/99
- Wescott, Beth, 7/93
- West:
- Dick, 9/96
- Fredette, 8/88
- Kelly M., 7/80
- Richard,9/96
- Virginia Network, 9/93
Weston, Beth, 7/02
- Wexler, Philip, 10/78,3/88,6/89,1/95
- Wheaton Regional Library Health Information Center,9/95
- When it Ranes, 10/86
- Whitaker, Anne, 6/98
- White, Cheryl,1/95,9/96
- Whitehead, Edwin C., 1/92
- Whitehurst, Eunice, 9/86
- Whitaker, Anne 3/03
- Whitfield, Anisa, 7/93
- Whitlock, David G., 11/95
- Whole-body Irradiation (CBM), 9/95
- Whorton, James, 6/88
- Wiedman, William, 1/92
- Wiggins, Emilie,6/77,1/78
- Wilbur, John,10/89
- Wilder,
- Dr. Joseph, 3/90
- Heather, 10/99
- William & Mary Exhibit,1/89
- Williams:
- James F., III, 7/02
- Martha E., 1/79,6/81
- Myra, 11/93
- Patricia, 11/87
- T. Franklin, 6/88
- Willis, Sharon,7/00
- Willmering, William J., 11/80,9/99
- Wilson Council, 9/94
- Wilson, Michelle, 7/93
- Winchester, James F.,Dr., 3/97
- Winona House, 1/98
- WISER, 1/04
- Withholding or Withdrawing Nutrition or Hydration, 1/93
- Witte, Lawrence, 12/77
- Women in Science and Medicine,4/00
- Wommack, Lloyd, 9/86
- Wood, Fred,8/96
- Woodrow Wilson Senior High School, 1/00
- Wood's Library of Standard Medical Authors,2/86
- Woods, Dr. James, 6/83,12/86,9/93,7/98
- Woods Hole Program on Medical Informatics,7/98
- Woodsmall, Rose Marie, 12/86,7/90,7/02
- Wooster, Dr. Harold, 7-8/84
- Wootton, Dr. John, 5/90
- World Trade Center, Dr. Stephen Sherry, 1/02
- World Wide Web
- and the Internet, 9/95 (fact sheet)
- Servers,5/94
- Worldnet, Dir. Addresses Latin America
- Via,4/89 Wray, Tanner, 10/88
- Wright, Nancy, 1/87,11/90,9/93,3/99
- Writer's Demo/NLM Products and Services,11/94
- Wu, Carol, 9/96
- WWII Post History Med. Bib., 3/81
- Wyden, Senator Ron 3/03
- Wykes, Arthur,7/78
- Wyngaarden, Dr. James B., 4/89,5/82
- No entries
- Year of the Young Reader, Lib. of Cong.,12/88
- Yeast-Sequencing Breakthrough, NCBI,3/96
- Yesus, Yohannes, M.D., 8/85
- Young:
- C.W., 3/99
- Dr. Frank,5/85,10/86,
- James Harvey, Ph.D., 2/86
- Marlo,7/00
- Youwer, Ted, 1/95
- Zaher, Celia,8/96
- Zemaitaityte, Egle, 9/93
- Zenan, Joan, 7/80, 2005
- Zip Code, New NLM, 2/79,8/85
- Zipf, Al, 9/92,9/96,1/00
- Zipser, Janet, 11/94
- Zollo, Susan, 10/87
- Zorn, Marcia, 5/95
Last Reviewed: July 30, 2009