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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

Appendix 3 - RxNorm Dose Form Groups (TTY=DFG)

Dose form group (TTY=DFG) is a term type that serves as a grouping of dose forms (TTY=DF) related by route of administration (i.e., Topical) or dose form (i.e., Pill). DFG, along with SCDG and SBDG term types, are meant to be used in medication application interfaces. Instead of users scrolling through a long list of drugs with many different dose forms, the DFG/SCDG/SBDG group dose forms for shorter, more manageable drug lists.

This is the list of available dose form groups and the dose forms they group together:

Buccal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Chewable Product

Includes these dose forms:

Dental Product

Includes these dose forms:

Disintegrating Oral Product

Includes these dose forms:

Drug Implant Product

Includes these dose forms:

Flake Product

Includes these dose forms:

Granule Product

Includes these dose forms:

Inhalant Product

Includes these dose forms:

Injectable Product

Includes these dose forms:

Intraperitoneal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Intratracheal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Irrigation Product

Includes these dose forms:

Lozenge Product

Includes these dose forms:

Medicated Pad or Tape

Includes these dose forms:

Mouthwash Product

Includes these dose forms:

Mucosal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Nasal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Ophthalmic Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Cream Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Film Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Foam Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Gel Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Liquid Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Ointment Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Paste Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Powder Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Product

Includes these dose forms:

Oral Spray Product

Includes these dose forms:

Otic Product

Includes these dose forms:

Paste Product

Includes these dose forms:

Pellet Product

Includes these dose forms:


Includes these dose forms:

Pyelocalyceal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Rectal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Shampoo Product

Includes these dose forms:

Soap Product

Includes these dose forms:

Sublingual Product

Includes these dose forms:

Toothpaste Product

Includes these dose forms:

Topical Product

Includes these dose forms:

Transdermal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Urethral Product

Includes these dose forms:

Vaginal Product

Includes these dose forms:

Wafer Product

Includes these dose forms:

Last Reviewed: January 2, 2024