NIH-Supported Data Sharing Resources
To help researchers locate an appropriate repository for sharing or accessing data, BMIC maintains lists of data sharing repositories. Domain-specific repositories are typically limited to data of a certain type or related to a certain discipline. Generalist repositories accept data regardless of data type, format, content, or disciplinary focus. ..MORE
Domain-Specific Repositories
Displaying 1 - 25 of 148 results
Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research (FITBIR) Informatics SystemThe Federal Interagency Traumatic Brain Injury Research (FITBIR) informatics system was developed to share data across the entire TBI research field and to facilitate collaboration between laboratories, as well as interconnectivity with other informatics platforms. Sharing data, methodologies, and associated tools, rather than summaries or interpretations of this information, can accelerate research progress by allowing re-analysis of data, as well as re-aggregation, integration, and rigorous comparison with other data, tools, and methods. This community-wide sharing requires common data definitions and standards, as well as comprehensive and coherent informatics approaches. ..More |
Clinical research Imaging Neuroscience |
human |
controlled registered |
Metabolomics WorkbenchThe NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) is now accepting metabolomics data for small and large studies on cells, tissues and organisms via the Metabolomics Workbench. We can accommodate a variety of metabolite analyses, including, but not limited to MS and NMR. In order to ensure reproducibility and interoperable use of data, we require experimental metadata (see tutorials) to be deposited along with the metabolite measurements. Processed data (measurements) maybe in the form of quantitated metabolite concentrations, MS peak height/area values, LC retention times, NMR binned areas, etc. Raw data in the form of MS and NMR binary files and associated parameter files may also be uploaded. We accept data from both targeted and untargeted studies. The Metabolomics Workbench also provides a suite of tools for analysis and visualization of the data. Step-by-step instructions for the whole process are provided on our Upload and Manage Experimental Data and Metadata page. ..More |
Common Fund |
Clinical research Computational biology Other |
human non-human |
open | ||
exRNA AtlasIncludes exRNA profiles derived from various biofluids and conditions and currently stores data profiled from small RNA sequencing assays. |
Common Fund |
Clinical research Neuroscience Sequence biology |
human non-human |
registered open |
Illuminating Druggable GenomeThe Pharos interface provides facile access to most data types around proteins collected and harmonized by the project. Pharos integrates data from a variety of data sources including the UniProt, GTeX, HPA, Jensen Lab datasets, EBI data sets (such as ChEMBL) and the Drug Target Ontology (DTO). Given the complexity of the data surrounding any protein, efficient and intuitive visualization has been a high priority, to enable users to quickly navigate & summarize search results and rapidly identify patterns. A critical feature of the interface is the ability to perform flexible search and subsequent drill down of search results. Underlying the interface is a GraphQL API that provides programmatic access to all Pharos data, allowing for easy consumption in user applications. ..More |
Common Fund | Sequence biology | human | open | ||
LINCSMillions of transcriptomics samples were generated by the Library of Integrated Network-Based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) program. When these data are processed into searchable signatures along with signatures extracted from Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx), and Gene Expression Omnibus, connections between drugs, genes, pathways, and diseases can be illuminated. SigCom LINCS is a web-based search engine that serves over 1.5 million gene expression signatures processed, analyzed, and visualized from LINCS, GTEx, and GEO. SigCom LINCS is built from the Signature Commons framework, a cloud-agnostic generic platform that can be used to stand up Data Commons with a focus on searchable signatures. SigCom LINCS provides rapid signature similarity search for mimickers and reversers given sets of up and down genes. Additionally, users of SigCom LINCS can perform a metadata search to find and analyze subsets of signatures, and find information about genes and drugs. ..More |
Common Fund |
Computational biology Sequence biology |
human | open | ||
MoTrPAC Data HubThe MoTrPAC Data Hub is the portal to access data generated by the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC). The Data Hub allows researchers to access data from preclinical animal studies, and from the MoTrPAC clinical study. Data includes phenotypic and muti-omic data from up to 19 different animal tissues; and clinical and muti-omic data from human exercise studies ..More |
Common Fund |
Behavioral and social sciences Clinical research Other Sequence biology |
human non-human |
controlled registered open |
GTExThe Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project aims to provide to the scientific community a resource with which to study human gene expression and regulation and its relationship to genetic variation. This project collected and analyzed multiple human tissues from donors who are also densely genotyped, to assess genetic variation within their genomes. By analyzing global RNA expression within individual tissues and treating the expression levels of genes as quantitative traits, variations in gene expression that are highly correlated with genetic variation can be identified as expression quantitative trait loci, or eQTLs. ..More |
Common Fund | Sequence biology | human |
controlled open |
HuBMAP Data PortalThe focus of HuBMAP is understanding the intrinsic intra-, inter-, and extra- cellular biomolecular distribution in human tissue. HuBMAP will focus on fresh, fixed, or frozen healthy human tissue using in situ and dissociative techniques that have high-spatial resolution.The HuBMAP Data Portal aims to be an open map of the human body at the cellular level. These tools and maps are openly available, to accelerate understanding of the relationships between cell and tissue organization and function and human health. ..More |
Common Fund |
Computational biology Imaging Sequence biology |
human | open | ||
SPARC PortalThe SPARC Portal is the open community platform for bridging the body and the brain through neuroscience and systems physiology data, computational and spatial modeling, and device design. The SPARC Portal seeks to provide a scientific and technological foundation for future bioelectronic medicine devices and protocols toward more precise treatment of diseases and conditions. As a HEAL-approved repository, the SPARC Portal hosts a growing number of datasets related to peripheral nociception. ..More |
Clinical research Computational biology Imaging Neuroscience |
human non-human |
open | ||
Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord InjuryThe Open Data Commons for Spinal Cord Injury (, is a community-based, dedicated data sharing portal and repository for the field of SCI where researchers can share data with colleagues in a protected space and publish data to the public with a DOI. The ODC-SCI involves a curation process and complies with the FAIR data principles to ensure that SCI data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Releasing a DOI thus requires the submission of metadata and a data dictionary. ..More |
Computational biology Neuroscience |
human non-human |
controlled registered |
Kids First Data ResourceThe Common Fund’s Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program (Kids First) has developed the Kids First Data Resource, a large-scale data resource to help researchers uncover new insights into the biology of childhood cancer and structural birth defects. It provides clinically annotated genomic data and is integrated with several tools to accelerate pediatric disease research. The Kids First Data Resource Portal allows users to query, or search, Kids First datasets, build virtual cohorts, or collections, of individual participants, and identify datasets for analysis. CAVATICA, built by Seven Bridges Genomics, allows users to run bioinformatics workflows in a cloud-based environment. ..More |
Clinical research Sequence biology |
human |
controlled registered open |
SenNet ConsortiumThe goal of the Cellular Senescence Network (SenNet) is to identify and functionally characterize the heterogeneity of senescent cells across multiple tissues in human health, and lifespan at single-cell resolution. ..More |
Common Fund NCI NIA |
Computational biology Imaging Other Sequence biology |
human non-human |
controlled registered open |
4D Nucleome Data PortalThe 4D Nucleome Data Portal is an open repository for genomic and microscopy nuclear architecture datasets generated by members of the 4D Nucleome consortium or other relevant studies. In addition to curating and publicly sharing these datasets, the portal provides standardized bioinformatics and visualization tools to aid exploration and analysis of chromatin organization and its impact on health and disease. ..More |
Common Fund NHGRI |
Imaging Sequence biology |
human non-human |
registered open |
Alliance of Genome Resources (AGR)The Alliance of Genome Resources (AGR) is a consortium of several model organism databases (MODs) and the Gene Ontology (GO) Consortium whose goal is to provide an integrated view of their data to all biologists, clinicians and other interested parties. The primary mission of the Alliance of Genome Resources (the Alliance) is to develop and maintain sustainable genome information resources that facilitate the use of diverse model organisms in understanding the genetic and genomic basis of human biology, health and disease. This understanding is fundamental for advancing genome biology research and for translating human genome data into clinical utility. ..More |
Common Fund NHGRI |
Computational biology Neuroscience Sequence biology |
non-human | open | ||
NINDS Human Cell and Data Repository (NHCDR)The NINDS Human Cell and Data Repository (NHCDR) provides access to fibroblast and/or induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines for a number neurological disorders within the NINDS mission as well as healthy controls. NHCDR also supports access to unique iPSC collections from NeuroLINCS, PDBP, LEFFTDS and Target ALS with associated metadata. A GMP-grade iPSC line and corresponding research grade iPSC line are also available through the NHCDR. ..More |
Common Fund NINDS |
Clinical research Neuroscience |
human | open | ||
Monarch InitiativeThe Monarch Initiative is an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species, bridging basic and applied research with semantics-based analysis. The correlation of phenotypic outcomes and disease with genetic variation and environmental factors is a core pursuit in biology and biomedicine. We have created or currently contribute to many essential bio-ontologies that together enable sophisticated and semantically integrated computational analysis across gene, genotype, variant, disease, and phenotype data. We have developed algorithms and tools that are in use by multiple communities for tasks including the identification of animal models of human disease through phenotypic similarity, phenotype-driven computational support for differential diagnostics, and translational research. ..More |
Clinical research Imaging Neuroscience Sequence biology |
human non-human |
open | ||
The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt)The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) is a comprehensive resource for protein sequence and annotation data. The UniProt databases are the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB), the UniProt Reference Clusters (UniRef), and the UniProt Archive (UniParc). ..More |
Sequence biology |
human non-human |
open | ||
OpenPainThe OpenPain includes a data repository of pain and brain MRI data that are collected in subjects undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and a brain imaging-based prognostic algorism (software development) to prospectively predict outcomes following total knee replacement. ..More |
Imaging | human | open | ||
INCLUDE Data HubThe INCLUDE (INvestigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndromE) Project is an NIH-wide collaboration that seeks to improve health and quality-of-life for people with Down syndrome. The INCLUDE Project Data Coordinating Center and partners created the INCLUDE Data Hub, a centralized data resource that allows access to large-scale clinical and multi-omics datasets specific to Down syndrome and supports collaborative, cloud-based analysis to accelerate scientific discoveries related to Down syndrome and its co-occurring conditions. ..More |
Behavioral and social sciences Clinical research Computational biology Imaging Neuroscience Other Sequence biology |
human non-human |
controlled registered open |
EveAnalyticsEveAnalytics is designed to store, analyze and share complex multimodal datasets from in vitro 2D- and 3D-models including microplate, microphysiology systems (MPS), organ-on-chip, and organoid, as well as animal models and clinical data. It provides a streamlined workflow for designing and implementing studies and capturing data in a central location for efficient review, visualization, analyses and computational modeling. Publicly available data and models in EveAnalytics can be used to support development of drug discovery tools, qualification, validation, and evaluation of clinical concordance and in vitro to in vivo extrapolation. ..More |
Clinical research Computational biology Imaging |
human non-human |
registered open |
NCATS OpenData PortalThe NCATS OpenData Portal is a resource designed to rapidly and openly share screening data and assay information. NCATS scientists have developed a number of SARS-CoV-2-related assays to measure over 10,000 compounds - including over 3,000 approved drugs - for their activity against the virus. These data include all positive and negative results from a diverse panel of repurposing screens, and can be viewed, searched and exported directly from the portal website. The OpenData Portal has evolved to share a wider array of data, including the most comprehensive public database of in vitro therapeutic activity data available against known variants. ..More |
NCATS | Other |
human non-human |
open | ||
National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)The N3C Data Enclave is a secure platform through which the harmonized clinical data provided by our contributing members is stored. The data itself can only be accessed through a secure cloud portal hosted by NCATS and cannot be downloaded or removed. N3C invites you to begin your journey with the Enclave and join the collaborative efforts of our partners to better understand and address the most pressing COVID-19 clinical question ..More |
Clinical research | human |
controlled registered |
International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)Phenotype data on knockout mouse lines. |
Imaging Neuroscience Other Sequence biology |
non-human | open | ||
OpenNeuroA free and open platform for validating and sharing BIDS-compliant MRI, PET, MEG, EEG, and iEEG data |
Imaging |
human non-human |
open | ||
The DANDI ArchiveThe BRAIN Initiative archive for publishing and sharing neurophysiology data including electrophysiology, optophysiology, and behavioral time-series, and images from immunostaining experiments. ..More |
Neuroscience |
human non-human |
open |
Displaying 1 - 25 of 148 results
Last Reviewed: January 27, 2024