Celebrating America's Women Physicians
Dr. Louise SchnauferDr. Bernadine HealyDr. Muriel PetioniDr. Clarice D. ReidDr. Eliza Lo ChinDr. Debi ThomasDr. Sadye Beatryce CurryDr. Bernadette T. Freeland-HydeDr. Catharine MacfarlaneDr. Helen Mary CaldicottDr. Edyth Hull SchoenrichDr. Beatrice Elizabeth GeeDr. Barbara BatesDr. Joanne Froio Domson

Children's Bureau: Weighing Infant-M.D. Child Health Clinic.

Discover the many ways that women have influenced and enhanced the practice of medicine. The individuals featured here provide an intriguing glimpse of the broader community of women doctors who are making a difference. The National Library of Medicine is pleased to present this exhibition honoring the lives and accomplishments of these women in the hope of inspiring a new generation of medical pioneers.

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Transparent spacer National Institutes of Health / National Library of Medicine / Department of Health & Human Services American Medical Womens Association National Institutes of Health / Office of Research on Women's Health