Behavioral and Social Science Research on Understanding and Reducing Health Disparities Research Grants (R01) (PAR-13-292)
Behavioral and Social Science Research on Understanding and Reducing Health Disparities Exploratory/Developmental Research Grants (R21) (PAR-13-288)
The purpose of these funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) is to encourage behavioral and social science research on the causes and solutions to health and disability disparities in the U.S. population. Health disparities between, on the one hand, racial/ethnic populations, lower socioeconomic classes, and rural residents and, on the other hand, the overall U.S. population are major public health concerns. Emphasis is placed on research in and among three broad areas of action: 1) public policy, 2) health care, and 3) disease/disability prevention. Particular attention is given to reducing “health gaps” among groups. Applications that utilize an interdisciplinary approach, investigate multiple levels of analysis, incorporate a life-course perspective, and/or employ innovative methods such as systems science or community-based participatory research are particularly encouraged.
Applications directed towards NLM should be relevant to both the overall objectives of the FOAs and to NLM's specific research interests in supporting research in biomedical informatics where it intersects with behavioral and social science research on understanding and reducing health and disability disparities. NLM defines biomedical informatics as the intersection of computer and information sciences with an application domain such as health care, public health, basic biomedical research, or clinical translational research. We are particularly interested in the role informatics could play in helping those segments of the population experiencing health disparities find, understand, and use information to help alleviate health disparities. Examples of health disparities research of interest to NLM include but are not limited to:
- Research in informatics approaches to knowledge transfer in the context of policy formation and implementation.
- Research on health disparities involving the innovative development and use of systems science methodologies, including but not limited to agent-based modeling; system dynamics simulation; network analysis, including social network analytic methods; and discrete event simulation.
- Research themes that reach into the information sciences (such as information seeking/information needs studies, human-computer interaction and information design, and decision support systems), as they are applied to behavioral and social science research on understanding and reducing health disparities.
- Research on developing and testing informatics approaches for discovering causal relationships using large datasets from multiple sources (e.g. EMR, GPS, environmental, behavioral, socio-economic, and longitudinal) related to the identification, elimination, and prevention of health disparities.
These FOAs support fundamental research through the NIH Research Project Grant (R01) award mechanism and exploratory/developmental research through the NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) award mechanism.
NLM Contact
Dr. Alan VanBiervliet,
Deadlines (R01)
Deadlines for New and Revised Applications: Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date.
Full listing of deadlines for competing applications: //
Deadlines (R21)
Deadlines for New and Revised Applications: Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date.
Full listing of deadlines for competing applications: //
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Last Reviewed: September 6, 2023