Short Term Training Positions (STTP)
NLM Short Term Trainee Position (STTP) slots are awarded for recruitment of individuals from diverse backgrounds, and women. Their purpose is to supplement initiatives the training program already has in place to increase diversity. The short-term trainee may be an undergraduate or graduate student, physician or veterinarian with an interest in a career in biomedical informatics.
- Eligibility: Slots can be requested for:
- Individuals from under-represented racial and ethnic groups: Black or African-American, Native Americans and Alaskan Indians, Hispanic, Hawaiian Native or Pacific Islander, or from groups determined to be underrepresented by the institution;
- Individuals with disabilities, who are defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
- Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds may come from (1) a family with an annual income below established low-income thresholds, or (2) a socio-cultural environment (such as found in some rural or inner-city areas) that inhibited their ability to obtain knowledge skills and abilities for a research career. The latter case applies only to high school or undergraduate students;
- Women
- STTP slots can last up to 3 months and receive the following funds:
- For 2014, stipend is 1/4 cost of level of a first year Predoctoral stipend, whether undergrad or grad student. For MD/DVM or other doctorally-prepared candidate, the stipend is 1/4 cost of 0 level of the Postdoctoral stipend table. Current stipend levels are available at //
- Tuition/Education Costs: 60% of institutional tuition up to $4,000
- Training-related: $1,100
- D. 8% administrative overhead cost
- STTP slots are requested in the annual non-competing renewal application and can be appointed anytime during the training year (July 1 to June 30) in which they are awarded. An individual can receive more than one STTP appointment, but they cannot be used end-to-end to create a longer, continuous training period.
- When you appoint an STTP trainee, please send a message to the NLM Program Officer for Extramural Training, Dr. Valerie Florance, indicating the trainee's name and whether it is a slot for an individual from underrepresented racial ethnic group, disabilities group, or disadvantaged background. "STTP" trainees should be entered into the xTrain system; paper appointment forms are no longer accepted. provides information about xTrain.
Grant Program Overview
Research SupportResource Support
Career Support
Training Support
Small Business R & D Support
Last Reviewed: September 6, 2023