Checklist of Exhibit Items
This exhibition is designed to celebrate the importance of medical ephemera,those minor transient documents of everyday life which were not meant to survive, but surprisingly did. Such ephemera includes tickets of admission to events long past, posters warning about unsafe health practices, advertisements for products no longer marketed, and booklets reviewing medical procedures and practices no longer necessary. For some reason, these objects have remained and now, often years after their moments of utility, they bear witness to an earlier time and offer insights to the historical past in a direct and revealing way. Much of the printed ephemera is plainly utilitarian, but certain items such as engraved trade cards or chromolithograph sheet music covers are attractive and have a certain measure of artistic appeal. But the content is of greater importance than the form in adding to our understanding of medical activities. And this is why the National Library of Medicine, known as the world's premier source of books and journals providing medical information, is also dedicated to collecting the ephemera which will further add to its storehouse of medical knowledge.
Most of the images displayed in this online exhibit were scanned from items in the private collection of William H. Helfand who generously loaned the originals to the National Library of Medicine for the exhibit, Here Today, Here Tomorrow: Varieties of Medical Ephemera. Permission to reproduce or publish any images from this online exhibit therefore resides with Mr. Helfand. Please refer to the copyright page for more information.
Addiction | AIDS | Book Plates | Children | Medical Education | Medicine Show | Public Health | Tuberculosis | Women
- Anti-Nick, The Great Morey Remedy, broadside, New York, c. 1895., 21.5 x 14 cm.
- Ayerst Laboratories, Antabuse, now available for general prescription use, post card, Washington, DC, 1951, 13.7 x 8.2 cm.
- Father Matthew Remedy Co., Father Matthew Remedy, trade card, n.p., c. 1890, 10.4 x 7 cm.
- Geneva Gold Cure Institute, trade card, Geneva, New York, c. 1900, 7 x 12.5 cm.
- The Golden Specific Co., billhead, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1893, 18.3 x 21.5 cm.
- Dr. K. L. Goyal, Oh! Drug Addiction, advertisement, Jodhpur, India, c. 1950, 9.8 x 21.9 cm.
- Hindoo Tobacco Habit Cure, broadside, Milford, Indiana, c. 1890, 30.2 x 25.7 cm.
- H. H. Kane, M.D., The Living Death, 48 page booklet, illus., New York, 1883. 16.5 x 12.5 cm.
- Leslie E. Keeley Co., The Keeley Cure, letterhead, Dwight, Illinois, 1904, 23.6 x 15.1 cm.
- Leslie E. Keeley Co., The Keeley Cure, laboratory and office, illustrated color post card, Dwight, Illinois, c. 1910, 8.9 x 13.8 cm.
- The Keeley Cure, sheet music, London, 1892, 34.2 x 26.3 cm.
- The Keeley Institute, Alcoholism, Morphine Using, Tobacco Habit, Neurasthenia..., 8 page fold-out, illus., Columbus, Ohio, c. 1925, 16.5 x 8.9 cm.
- The Keeley Institute of the East, advertisement in the form of facsimile Confederate paper money, Brooklyn, New York, c. 1920, 8.2 x 18.6 cm.
- The Keeley Treatment for alcohol and drug inebriety, advertisement, London, 1903, 24.5 x 15.4 cm.
- B. Keith & Co., Avena Sativa, 32 page booklet, New York, 1890, 14 x 8 cm.
- Bailey P. Key, M.D., Good Advice and Practical Hints, 16 page booklet, Lowell, Massachusetts, c. 1900, 14.3 x 8.4 cm.
- Angelo Mariani, Eminent Physicians, Portraits and Biographical Notes, 48 page pamphlet, illus., Paris, 1902, 23.4 x 14.8 cm.
- Angelo Mariani, Vin Mariani, color lithograph poster by Jules Chèret, in series Les Maîtres de l'Affiche (No. 77), Paris, 1894, 40 x 29 cm.
- The Meeker Medicine Co., Dr. Meeker's Antidote, broadside, Chicago, 1890, 23.7 x 19.2 cm.
- Dr. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills, Positive Proofs, 4 page brochure, illus., Chicago, 1893, 29.8 x 22.7 cm.
- Milford Drug Co., You should use the Hindoo Remedy if ..., 4 page brochure, Milford, Indiana, 1897, 14.2 x 15.3 cm.
- Monroe's Gold Cure Co., trade card, Bemus Point, New York, c. 1900, 7 x 13.7 cm.
- The Narcoti-Chemical Co., Narcoti-Cure cures the tobacco habit, advertisement, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1895, 24.5 x 15.8 cm.
- The Physicians Cooperative Association, Alcola, Liquor's Greatest Foe, 28 page color booklet, illus., Chicago, 1909, 15.8 x 8.6 cm.
- Scotch Oats Essence Co., Nervousness Paralysis Opium Habit &c &c, 32 page booklet, illus., New York, c. 1890, 18.6 x 12.6 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., billhead, Indiana Mineral Springs, Indiana, 1892, 16.3 x 21.4 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., Don't tobacco spit and smoke your life away, postcard, c. 1910, 8.1 x 13.8 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., letterhead, Indiana Mineral Springs, Indiana, 1893, 27.6 x 20 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., Made a Man of Me, 28 page booklet, illus., Chicago, c. 1905, 15.3 x 15.3 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., No-To-Bac, 32 page booklet, illus., Chicago, c. 1895, 15.2 x 8.4 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., No-To-Bac, Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away!, 32 page booklet, Chicago, c. 1905, 8.5 x 15.1 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., No-To-Bac, color broadside, Chicago, 1892, 15.1 x 24.2 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., No-To-Bac brings its reward, 32 page booklet, illus., Chicago, c. 1910, 8.3 x 14.6 cm.
- Sterling Remedy Co., No-To-Bac. Stop Naturally!, advertisement, New York, 1895, 24.8 x 16.2 cm.
- The Talfair Sanitarium Unfailing Gold Cure, 6 page fold-out, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 1893, 14.7 x 8 cm.
- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, color postcard reproduction of a 19th century trade card, New York, 1985, 10.5 x 15.3 cm.
- 120,000 Americans Dead of AIDS, Is this your national plan, George? postcard, Seattle, Washington, c. 1991, 10 x 15 cm.
- Act Up, Health Care is a Right, broadside, Washington, c. 1989, 26.5 x 27.9 cm.
- Act Up, post card, New York, c. 1988, 10.8 x 15.1 cm.
- AIDS, post card, France, c. 1993, 10 x 15 cm.
- AIDS Awareness Trading Cards, Arthur Ashe, color trading card, Forestville, California, 1993, 8.8 x 6.4 cm.
- AIDS Awareness Trading Cards, How Many AIDS Quilts, color sticker, Forestville, California, 1993, 8.8 x 6.4 cm.
- AIDS Awareness Trading Cards, Rock Hudson, color trading card, Forestville, California, 1993, 8.8 x 6.4 cm.
- AIDS Hot Line, AIDS is a Women's Issue, color poster, n.p., c. 1992, 29.1 x 21.5 cm.
- AIDS Hot Line, Don't Die of Embarrassment, poster, New York, 1987, 28 x 21.5 cm.
- AIDS Hot Line, Talk to Us, broadside with illustrations by Keith Haring, New York, 1989, 43 x 28 cm.
- AIDS Hot Line, Soul Survivors, know your partner before you have sex, color poster. New York, 1989, 22.5 x 15 cm.
- AIDS Hot Line, Talk to Us, color button with illustration by Keith Haring, New York, 1989, 6.4 x 4 cm.
- AIDS Si Nevybira, color paper coaster, Czechoslovakia, c. 1990, 9 cm. diameter
- AIDS Walk New York, Take one, folded postcard, New York, 1994, 8.5 x 13.3 cm.
- America Responds to AIDS, If he doesn't have a condom ..., poster, Bethesda, MD, c. 1988, 54.8 x 39.8 cm.
- Aprenda Viva, color poster stamp, n.p., c. 1990, 6.4 x 3.9 cm.
- Australia Department of Health, Condoman, color bumper sticker, Australia, c. 1987, 7.5 x 30.3 cm.
- Australian National Council on AIDS, Playing it safe in Australia, 12 page booklet, Australia, c. 1994, 23.6 x 9.9 cm.
- Australian National Council on AIDS, Playing it safe overseas, 12 page booklet, Australia, c. 1994, 23.6 x 9.9 cm.
- Las aventuras de Bleachman, 10 page color fold-out, San Francisco, 1988, 21.5 x 8.3 cm.
- Because you have not given up the fight, card with color sticker attached, n.p., 1993, 19.9 x 8.3 cm.
- Before You Pick Up A Hot Number ..., paper napkin, California, c. 1990, 12.9 x 12.9 cm.
- B.Y.O.C. (Bring your own condom), sticker, Toronto, c. 1990, 3.1 x 5.6 cm.
- Campaign '92, color sticker, n.p., 1992, 7.5 x 7.5 cm.
- Chastity is Back in Style, color post card, Gardnerville, Nevada, 1987, 15.2 x 10.1 cm.
- Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Cover Yourself Against AIDS, color bumper sticker, Australia, c. 1989, 7.5 x 30.2 cm.
- Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health, If it's not on, it's not on, color bumper sticker, Australia, c. 1991, 7 x 29.5 cm.
- Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health, Say Yes to Safe Sex, color bumper sticker, Australia, c. 1991, 7 x 29.5 cm.
- From Media to Metaphor - Art about AIDS, postcard, New York, 1994, 20.3 x 12.7 cm.
- Gay Men's Health Crisis, World AIDS Day, color sticker, New York, 1994, 6.3 x 3.8 cm.
- General idea, AIDS, post card with illustration by Robert Indiana, n.p., 1988, 20.3 x 15 cm.
- It's Up to You, bumper sticker, n.p., c. 1992, 10.2 x 30.6 cm.
- Jacques Lardie, Magic Johnson, post card, France, 1991, 15 x 10.5 cm.
- Let there be hope ..., note card, Seattle, Washington, 1991, 17.8 x 12.7 cm.
- National Democratic Party Committee (Lyndon Larouche), A.I.D.S.: Bubonic Plague of the 21st Century, broadside, Atlanta, Georgia, c. 1992, 27.8x 21.7 cm.
- New York City Department of Health, Everyone has questions about ..., color sticker, New York, c.1990. 12.5 x 20.3 cm.
- New York City Department of Health, Sin Condom No Hay Amor, color button, New York, c. 1990, 6.8 x 6.8 cm. (Heart shaped)
- New York State Department of Health, Angela's Dream, 16 page color booklet, New York, 1989, 21.5 x 17.7 cm.
- New York State Department of Health, El Sueno De Angela, 16 page color booklet, New York, 1989, 21.5 x 17.7 cm.
- New York State Department of Health, Un Poco De Amor, color sticker, New York, c. 1990, 25.3 x 15 cm.
- North Carolinians working together to stop AIDS, button, North Carolina, c. 1991, 5.6 cm. diameter
- Pennsylvania Department of Health, AIDS Factline, you can get the facts, broadside, Harrisburg, PA, 1989, 22.8 x 10.6 cm.
- SIDA, L'Amour, 40 page color pamphlet, Paris, 1990, 8.5 x 11.8 cm.
- SIDA Info Service, color sticker, France, c. 1990, 5 x 8.3 cm.
- SIDA Info Service, Les Preservatifs, color Telecarte (phone card), Paris, 1993, 5.3 x 8.8 cm.
- Stop AIDS, 48 page color booklet, Czechoslovakia, c. 1991, 15 x 10.5 cm.
- Take Control, 12 page color fold-out, San Francisco, c. 1990, 10.2 x 14 cm.
- Tous Contre Le Sida, color sticker, France, c. 1993, 6.8 x 8.5 cm.
- United States Public Health Service, Surgeon General's Report on AIDS, 36 page pamphlet, illus., Washington, c. 1988, 23 x 10.2 cm.
- Wear the Ribbon, color information card, England, c. 1992, 10 x 15 cm.
- Working Together to Stop AIDS, color button, North Carolina, c. 1990, 5.1 cm. diameter
Book Plates
- Ex Libris Alfred Ade, Tierarzt u. Botaniker, etching, Germany, c. 1925, 14.7 x 11 cm.
- Dr. Konoyve Arady, Mens sana in corpore sano, lithograph by Michel Fingesten, n.p., c. 1925, 15.3 x 11.8 cm.
- Viktor L. Arnet, woodcut, n.p., c. 1935, 10.1 x 6.9 cm.
- Ex Libris R. P. Aubert de Mercede Doctoris Sorbonici, engraving, France, c. 1790, 19.4 x 11.6 cm.
- Frederick G. Banting, M. D., lithograph, c. 1925, 10.8 x 9.2 cm.
- Ivan Berka, colored woodcut, n.p., 1941, 15. x 9.2 cm.
- Ex Libris Apotheker Marco Birnholz, woodcut, Austria, c. 1935, 7.2 x 8.2 cm.
- Ex Libris Julius Buri, color lithograph, n.p., c. 1925, 10.3 x 10 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. J. Catasus, color lithograph, n.p., 1952, 13 x 8 cm.
- Henry T. Child, M.D., engraving, Philadelphia, c. 1875, 6.5 x 10.4 cm.
- John Currier, engraving by Bartolozzi after Segueuira, England, 1805, 12.3 x 8.3 cm.
- William Erasmus Darwin, engraving, England c. 1845, 11.7 x 8.1 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. Eugen Felix, engraving, n.p., c. 1920, 10.9 x 8.5 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. Med. A. Frank, color lithograph by Ch. Kunst, n.p., c. 1935, 17.5 x 10 cm.
- Ex Libris Fielding Hudson Garrison, engraving, n.p., c. 1920, 6.4 x 8.4 cm.
- Ex Libris Jos. Geerling, engraving, n.p., c. 1950, 9.2 x 5.4 cm.
- Ex Libris Louis Ginsberg, etching by E. Reitsma-Valença, n.p., c. 1965, 8 cm. diameter
- Ex Libris, Knowledge is Power, Jean Hersholt, lithograph, n.p., c. 1950, 9.2 x 7.4 cm.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Per ampliora ad altiora, engraving, Boston, c. 1875, 10.3 x 7.4 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. Jozsef Jancsin, hand colored etching, Budapest, c. 1925, 7.2 x 8.9 cm.
- Dr. Julius Jarcho, engraving by Arthur Engler, New York, c. 1930, 8.1 x 5.7 cm.
- Alfred C. Kinsey, Bloomington, Indiana, engraving, n.p., c. 1955, 2.8 x 3.2 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. S. Limacher, engraving by Arnold Oechslin, n.p., c. 1920, 16.3 x 12.4 cm.
- Ex Libris Doktor Loblowitz, colored woodcut, n.p., 1913, 12.5 x 7.8 cm.
- Thomas Molyneux M.D. of Dublin, engraving, Dublin, Ireland, n.d., c. 1790, 14.8 x 10 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. Fritz Murath, hand colored etching by K. Horby (?), n.p., 1932, 13.3 x 8.2 cm.
- Dr. Richard Oelmann, woodcut, n.p., c. 1960, 7.8 x 5 cm.
- From the Library of Sir William Osler, Bart., engraving, Oxford, England, c. 1915, 3.6 x 6.8 cm.
- Aus den Buchern der Schwester Paula, color lithograph by Ch. Kunst, n.p., c, 1935, 11.4 x 7.9 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. Alois Piala, color lithograph, n.p., c. 1950, 7 x 4.5 cm.
- This volume belongs to Prichard's Circulating Library, engraving, Baltimore, c. 1870, 10.9 x 7.5 cm.
- Dr. Heinrich Rackwitz, engraving, n.p., c. 1925, 13.1 x 10.3 cm.
- Ex Libris Bernard J. Ronis, M.D., engraving, n.p., 1978, 12.6 x 8 cm.
- Dr. K. Schultz, Die die dir zu rohkost raten ..., colored lithograph by Michel Fingesten, n.p., c. 1925, 12.4 x 10.3 cm.
- Dr. G. Stoel, color lithograph, n.p., c. 1950, 8.6 x 5.7 cm.
- Ex Libris Pierre Suiffet, Cuncta expugnablia virtute, color lithograph by Ch. Favet, France, 1953, 10.5 x 7.6 cm.
- Surgeon General's Office, Library, engraving, USA, c. 1875, 4.8 x 6.8 cm.
- MUDr. Fr. Tichy, Stastny Novy Rok!, engraving by Beran, n.p., 1931, 13.3 x 8.8 cm.
- Bekesu Estendot Kivan Vadasz, hand colored etching, Budapest, 1943, 7.3 x 5.8 cm.
- Ex Libris Dr. Sandor Wiltner, woodcut, n.p., c. 1935, 9.2 x 6.4 cm.
- Yale University Library, From the fund in memory of Albert DeSilver, Yale, 1910, engraving reproducing La Pharmacie by Jacques del a Joie, New Haven, c. 1925, 8.7 x 6.7 cm.
- Z., Dies Buch ist Mein, engraving, Germany, 1937, 7 x 5.1 cm.
- Joseph M. Zarini Civis Pratensis Philofac Medicinae Doctoris, engraving, Italy, 1828, 6.9 x 10 cm.
- American Association for Medical Progress, Inc., Diphtheria - curable and preventable, 16 page pamphlet, New York, c. 1910, 22.9 x 15.2 cm.
- Seth Arnold's Balsam, How a Little Child was Cured, trade card, Boston, 1877, 7.3 x 11.2 cm.
- Atkinson & Barker's Royal Infant Preservative, broadside, London, 1872, 22 x 13.8 cm.
- Dr. A. J. Ayer & Co., Ayer's Cathartic Pills, color lithograph poster, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1886, 42.1 x 30.3 cm.
- Dr. J. C. Ayer and Co., Ayers Svenska Almanacka, 40 page pamphlet, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1888, 19.3 x 12.5 cm.
- Bacot's Best Liver Pills, trade card, Greenville, South Carolina, c. 1884, 11.3 x 7.3 cm.
- W. W. Bartlett & Co., Bartlett's Pepsinated Nutriment, trade card, Boston, c. 1880, 11.3 x 6.7 cm.
- Biberon Robert, advertisement in catalog of Pharmacie Legoll, New York, 1897, 18.5 x 12.3 cm.
- Bloch Bros., Anti Nervous Dyspeptic Tobacco, Just found his mail pouch, trade card, Wheeling, West Virginia, c. 1890, 12.8 x 8.9 cm.
- Burr's Patent Nursing Bottle, advertisement in catalogue, Burlington, Vermont, 1878, 18 x 11.6 cm.
- John Carle & Sons, Imperial Granum, advertisement, 1884, 23.6 x 14.6 cm.
- C. N. Crittenton Co., Save the children, Diphtheria Can Be Cured, 4 page pamphlet, Brooklyn, New York, 1881, 22.4 x 14.7 cm.
- Mrs. Dinsmore's Cough and Croup Balsam, Our Little Artist, 12 page pamphlet, Philadelphia, 1902. 12.3 x 7.7 cm.
- The Doctor, series of 6 hand colored post cards, England, c. 1910, 13.8 x 8.7 cm. each
- Feeding Bottles, advertisement in W. H. Schieffelin and Company General Prices Current, New York, 1887. 21.8 x 14.4 cm.
- Andrew J. Green, American Cough Syrup, trade card, Flemington, New Jersey, c. 18980. 10.4 x 6 cm.
- C. I. Hood & Co., Hood's Sarsaparilla Painting Book, 40 page die-cut pamphlet, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1894. 23.7 x 17.8 cm.
- C. I. Hood & Co., blotter for Hood's Sarsaparilla Painting Book, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1894. 9.5 x 12 cm.
- C. I. Hood & Co., Wise Heads, 16 page pamphlet, Lowell, Massachusetts, 1890, 24 x 18.4 cm.
- The Little Doctor, color photograph post card. n.p., c. 1905, 14 x 9 cm.
- Lyons and Ziegler, A Corner on the Corn, color trade card, New York, c. 1895, 17.9 x 11.1 cm.
- J. P. Marshall, Baby Ease, trade card, n.p., c. 1895, 12.6 x 7.4 cm.
- Louis Pariente, Julien a Mal Aux Orielles, 68 page miniature book, Paris, 1990, published by Beecham/Sevignè, 4 x 2.8 cm.
- Louis Pariente, Jeanne-Marie a de la Fievre, 68 page miniature book, Paris, 1990, published by Beecham/Sevignè, 4 x 2.8 cm.
- Seek and Cade, Pertussin, color poster, USA, 1930, 34.4 x 27.5 cm.
- Sirop Ch. Mansot, color poster, Paris, c. 1935, 46.3 x 32.1 cm.
- Smith Kline & French, Eskay's Food Nourishes, 12 page fold-out, Philadelphia, c. 1900, 13.3 x 8.5 cm.
- TCHOP Friends of the Children's Hospital ..., color sticker, Philadelphia, c. 1985, 10 x 6 cm.
- Thompson Co., Barosma, trade card, New York, c. 1890, 10.5 x 6.9 cm.
- Voyez, la figure s'éclaire ..., photograph post card from the series Bébé Apothicaire, France, c. 1905, 13.8 x 8.6 cm.
- Weller Bros., Barrell's Indian Vegetable Worm Confections, trade card, Zanesvile, Ohio, c. 1890, 11.5 x 6.9 cm.
- Alexander B. Wilbor, Wilbor's Compound of Pure Cod Liver Oil, trade card, Boston, c. 1890, 19 x 13.8 cm.
- Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, bookmark, n.p., c. 1900, 15.2 x 5.5 cm.
- Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills purify and regulate the blood, trade card, n.p., 1891, 11.6 x 8 cm.
Medical Education
- Allentown Hospital, School of Nursing. Thirty Fifth Commencement..., color folder, Allentown, PA, 1936, 16.3 x 10.7 cm.
- Course of Anatomical Demonstration of James Mercer, M. D., admission card, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1844, 7.3 x 11.5 cm.
- Miss Florence Bartle, Physiognomist, post card, England, c. 1910, 13.7 x 8.6 cm.
- Proprietors of Beecham's Pills, Beecham's Help to Scholars, 16 page pamphlet, New York, c. 1913, 14.1 x 10.7 cm.
- Banquet and Presentation in Honor of John S. Billings, reprint from The Medical News, approx. 150 pages, Washington, 1895, 3.5 x 8.5 cm.
- College of Physicians and Surgeons, 8 page catalogue, New York, 1876, 21.9 x 14.6 cm.
- College of Physician and Surgeons, 24 page pamphlet (announcement), New York, 1876, 22.4 x 14.2 cm.
- Dupuytren et ses élèves, color lithograph trade card, France, c. 1890, 13.8 x 8.9 cm.
- Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania, course announcement, Philadelphia, 1865, 7.6 x 12 cm.
- Geneva College, Rutgers Medical Faculty, Matriculation ticket, New York, 1827, 8 x 11.8 cm.
- The Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Chicago, color certificate, Chicago, 1889, 8.1 x 13.6 cm.
- Howard University, College of Medicine, The Dedication Exercises of the Pre-Clinical Medical Science Building program, Washington, DC, 1958, 30.5 x 22.9 cm.
- Hunterian Theatre of Anatomy, Lectures on Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery, blank certificate with engraving by Benjamin West, London, c. 1830, 50 x 34.5 cm.
- The University of Illinois College of Medicine, 122 page catalogue, Chicago, 1960, 22.8 x 15.3 cm.
- Veritable Extrait de Viande Liebig, Scènes de la vie de Liebig, color lithograph trade card, n.p., c. 1885, 7 x 10 cm.
- London Hospital for Charitably Relieving Sick and Wounded, diploma with engraved scene of the hospital with Christ and His disciples in the foreground made out to William Mathias, London, 1816, 35 x 23.8 cm.
- Louisville Medical College, Practical Anatomy, admission card, Louisville, Kentucky, 1876, 8.8 x 13.6 cm.
- Medicine, color lithograph poster, n.p., c. 1890, 17.7 x 12.8 cm.
- New Remedies, card, New York, c. 1895, 2.9 x 9.7 cm.
- Cubes de Bouillon Oxo, Chimistes Célèbres, color lithograph trade card, n.p., c. 1885, 7 x 10.5 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Lectures on the theory and practice of Medicine and Clinical Practice, admission card, Philadelphia, 1844, 8.1 x 11.8 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania. Lectures on Chemistry, admission card, Philadelphia, 1844, 12.7 x 9 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, admission card, hiladelphia, 1844, 12.7 x 8.6 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Lectures on The Institute of Medicine, admission card, Philadelphia, 1844, 8.5 x 13 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Lectures on Anatomy, admission card, Philadelphia, 1844, 9 x 13 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Lectures on Materia Medica and Pharmacy, admission card, Philadelphia, 1844, 12.5 x 9.1 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department, matriculation ticket, Philadelphia, 1844, 9.3 x 13 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department, certificate, Philadelphia, 1868, 9.4 x 13 cm.
- University of Pennsylvania Medical Department, course announcement card, Philadelphia, 1844, 13.1 x 9.3 cm.
- The Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, invitation to a conversazione, England, c. 1885, 11.1 x 16.8 cm.
- Presbyterian Hospital, In Memorium John S. Billings, M.D., 10 page booklet on parchment, New York, 1913, 25 x 18 cm.
- Recent Advances in the Study of Venereal Diseases, a symposium, 8 page program, Washington, 1949, 23 x 17.5 cm.
- School of Medicine, Richmond Surgical Hospital..., admission card, Dublin, Ireland, 1834, 15.7 x 9.9 cm.
- Rutgers College, Anatomy Dissecting Class, admission card, New York, 1826, 9.2 x 13 cm.
- This is to certify that John Spurrier regularly attended the weekly examinations of the Midwifery class ..., engraved certificate, England, 1834, 17.3 x 11.7 cm.
- U. S Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Medical Self Help Training Course, diploma, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1969, 26.7 x 20.4 cm.
- University College Hospital, certificate for Mr. Leonard Emanuel, London, 1856, 41.2 x 31.3 cm.
Medicine Show
- The Clifton Remedy Co., trade card, Girard, Illinois, c. 1885. 6.5 x 11.3 cm.
- German Medicine, To Night - Wood sawing contest by six young ladies..., broadside, n.p., c. 1910, 14.9 x 10 cm.
- The Great American Herb Co., Indian Herbs, broadside, Washington, c. 1890, 29.8 x 21.8 cm.
- Dr. Grey Wonder Workers, cut price list, 4 page price list, n.p., c. 1925, 21.2 x 13.9 cm.
- Hall or Lot Contract, contract, n.p., c. 1900, 21.3 x 13.7 cm.
- Hall or Lot Contract, contract, n.p., c. 1910, 19.4 x 14.1 cm.
- Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co.'s Cook Book, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Chicago, c. 1902, 18.9 x 12.8 cm.
- Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co., post card, Chicago, c. 1920, 8.4 x 14 cm.
- Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co., Wizard Oil, Humorous and Sentimental Songs, 32 page pamphlet, Chicago, c. 1900, 19.1 x 13.3 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., A Book of Dreams, 32 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1890, 17.8 x 12.6 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Encyclopedia of Valuable Information, 32 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1894, 16.6 x 11 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., First Time, 32 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1900, 17.5 x 12.6 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Indian Life in the South and West, 24 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, 1887, 11.5 x 17.3 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., The Kickapoo Doctor, 32 page pamphlet, illus., New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1890, 19.8 x 13.7 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., The Kickapoo Indian Tape-Worm Secret Remedy, broadside, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1920, 22.8 x 14.7 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., The Kickapoo Indians and their Medicine Men, 16 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1890, 13.6 x 11.2 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Kickapoo Indian Sagwa, label, Boston, c. 1910, 19.5 x 4.3 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Kickapoo Sagwa, broadside, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1920, 12.4 x 9 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., The Kickapoo Fortune- Telling Book, 32 page pamphlet, Clintonville, Connecticut, c. 1925, 17.7 x 12.1 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Kickapoo Sagwa, 4 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1920, 15.4 x 8.9 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., letterhead, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1900, 27.7 x 21.2 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Life and Scenes among the Kickapoo Indians, 176 page book, illus., New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1900, 24 x 17.5 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., A Mine of Health, broadside, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1920, 27.8 x 20.3 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., New Cook Book, 64 page pamphlet, New Haven, Connecticut, c. 1890, 17.3 x 11.3 cm.
- Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., series of 10 color lithograph trade cards with scenes of Buffalo Hunt, The Ghost Dance, Antelope Shooting, The Snow Shoe Dance, White Wolves attacking a Buffalo Bull, Still Hunting Deer, Returning from Raid, Buffalo Hunt Chase, Attacking the Grizzly Bear, Buffalo Hunter under White Wolf Skin, New Haven, Connecticut, c.1895, 6.8 x 10 cm. each
- License for selling liniment, receipt, Burlington, Vermont, 1922, 9.1 x 20.8 cm.
- Manager of Public, or Opera Hall, broadside, n.p., c. 1900, 21.4 x 13.9 cm.
- Modern Remedy Co., Nail Driving Contest by six young ladies ..., broadside, n.p., c. 1910, 14.9 x 10 cm.
- Oregon Indian Medicine Co., billhead, Corry, Pennsylvania, 1889, 23.6 x 14.7 cm.
- Oregon Indian Medicine Co., broadside, Corry, Pennsylvania, c. 1890, 13.7 x 21.2 cm.
- Oregon Indian Medicine Co., General Agents Put Out Sub-Agents and Canvassers, broadside, Corry, Pennsylvania, c. 1900, 21.4 x 16.5 cm.
- Oregon Indian Medicine Co., letterhead, Corry, Pennsylvania, 1923, 27.8 x 21.3 cm.
- Oregon Indian Medicine Co., trade card, Corry, Pennsylvania, c. 1900, 14 x 9 cm.
- Red Seal Sarsaparilla, Fogg's Ferry, broadside, Rockport, c. 1893, 23.4 x 9.7 cm.
- Tommy Scott, "Medicine Show", 45 rpm phonograph record, Toccoa, Georgia, c. 1965, 21.7 x 21.7 cm.
- Dr. J. F. Spangler's Indian Remedies, broadside, n.p., c. 1900, 37.7 x 25.6 cm.
- Clark Stanley's Snake Oil Liniment, True Life in the Far West, 200 page pamphlet, illus., Worcester, Massachusetts, c. 1905, 23 x 14.8 cm.
- To Night Madame Jewell, broadside, n.p., c. 1910, 31 x 14.6 cm.
- World's Medicine Co., contract form, Indianapolis, Indiana, c. 1930, 13.7 x 21.6 cm.
Public Health
- Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine, 3 health cards for different types of vaccine, Cleveland, Ohio, 1962, 6.4 x 8.8 cm.
- Action on Smoking and Health, Thank you for not smoking, color sticker, Washington DC, c. 1990, 8.1 x 8.9 cm.
- Dr. H. M. Alexander & Co., Dr. Edward Jenner, trade card, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, c. 1880, 10 x 6.8 cm.
- Anterior Poliomyelitis, quarantine placard, n.p. c. 1915, 16.3 x 27.8 cm.
- Birmingham Drugs Prevention Initiative, Aiming for a Drug Free City, postcard, Birmingham, England, c. 1991, 10.5 x 16.3 cm.
- Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, quarantine placard, n.p., c. 1915, 17.8 x 25.4 cm.
- City of Boston Health Department, Scarlet Fever, quarantine placard, Boston, 1928, 8.8 x 13.8 cm.
- City of Boston Health Department, Chicken Pox, folding quarantine placard, Boston, 1932, 8.9 x 13.9 cm.
- City of Boston Health Department, Chicken Pox, quarantine placard, Boston, 1928, 8.9 x 13.9 cm.
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State Department of Health, Diphtheria Bulletin, 4 page pamphlet, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 14.1 x 10.6 cm.
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Syphilis and Gonorrhea, color poster, Pennsylvania, 1942, 26.5 x 20.4 cm.
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Measles and German Measles, 4 page pamphlet, Pennsylvania, 1911, 21.5 x 14 cm.
- VI Congresso Internacional de Cancer, First day stamp and cancellation, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1954, 17.4 x 11.3 cm.
- Department of Health of the City of Chicago, attendance certificate, Chicago, 1901, 9.1 x 14.8 cm.
- Department of Health of the City of New York, certificate of vaccination, New York, 1904, 8.9 x 15 cm.
- Diphtheria, quarantine placard, n.p., c. 1915, 16.3 x 27.8 cm.
- District of Columbia Health Department, certificate card, Washington, 1916, 8 x 12.6 cm.
- Epidemic Influenza, color broadside, Pennsylvania, 1918, 31.6 x 43.4 cm.
- Illinois Department of Health, Protect your child against diphtheria smallpox, poster stamp, Illinois,c. 1935, 4.8 x 3.5 cm.
- Letter from the Vaccine Agent to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, frontispiece from a book, Washington, 1822., 22.9 x 14.4 cm.
- Lynn Department of Public Health, Diphtheria Prevention, broadside, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1920, 30.4 x 12.7 cm.
- M. O. Supply Co., V I P Sanitary Tube for prevention of syphilis and gonorrhea, advertisement, Kansas City, Mo., c. 1910. 19 x 12.3 cm.
- Macclesfield Union, Small Pox Re-Vaccination, broadside, Macclesfield, England, c. 1917, 21.8 x 14 cm.
- March of Dimes, Join the March of Dimes, color fold- out post card, New York, c. 1948, 12.5 x 9.6 cm.
- March of Dimes, Join the March of Dimes, color fold-out post card, New York, c. 1948, 12.5 x 9.6 cm.
- March of Dimes, I'm Winning Because of You, color fold-out post card, New York, c. 1948, 12.5 x 9.6 cm.
- March of Dimes, Give New Hope, color fold-out post card, New York, c. 1948, 12.5 x 9.6 cm.
- Mumps, quarantine placard, n.p., c. 1915, 17.8 x 25.3 cm.
- National Health Service, Medical Card, health card, Ipswich, England, 1963, 8.6 x 12.4 cm.
- New York State Department of Health, Certificate of Inoculation, certificate, New York, 1918, 7.5 x 12.5 cm.
- The News, Last Minute Photos, color broadside, illus., New York, c. 1920, 42 x 29.2 cm.
- No One is Safe from Cancer, bookmark with illustration by Arthur Szyk, New Canaan, Connecticut, 1940, 17 x 17.5 cm.
- Charles K. Partridge, Druggist, Carbolic Preventive, advertising envelope, Augusta, Georgia, c. 1900, 6.8 x 11.9 cm.
- Royal Humane Society, broadside, London, England, c. 1915, 42.5 x 28.3 cm.
- Scarlet Fever, quarantine placard, n.p., c. 1920, 14 x 23.6 cm.
- This Fight is Yours, color fold-out post card, Philadelphia, c. 1948, 12.5 x 9.6 cm.
- U. S. Army, Malaria and Epidemic Disease control, Don't spoil a good dream, page from a color calendar, USA, 1945, 18.4 x 16.6 cm.
- The Vick Chemical Co., Spanish Influenza, 6 page folder, Greensboro, North Carolina, c. 1918, 15.7 x 8.9 cm.
- American Lung Association, Season's greetings, set of mailing stickers and seals, USA, 1990, 17.7 x 26.1 cm. (Overall)
- American Lung Association, Season's greetings, set of mailing stickers and seals, USA, 1989, 17.4 x 26.6 cm. (Overall)
- Association d'Hygiène Sociale et de Préservation Antituberculose du 1st Arr..ont., Sauvons les Tuberculeux, color trade card. Paris, c. 1929, 10.6 x 13.5 cm.
- Blue Ridge Sanitarium, The Blue Ridge Sanitarium, 12 page pamphlet, illus., Summit, Pennsylvania, 1906, 10.9 x 15.1 cm.
- Buy Christmas Seals, color broadside, USA, 1930, 13.9 x 10.8 cm.
- By this sign we conquer, color stick pin of an American flag, USA, c. 1915, 3.4 x 5.1 cm.
- Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, Night air is the only air, post card, Chicago, Illinois, 1920, 8.7 x 13.8 cm.
- Christmas seals, sheet of 100 color stamps, USA, 1939, 26.3 x 20.8 cm. Overall
- Comission Amèricaine de Prèvention Contre la Tuberculose, Combatez la Tuberculose, color poster, Paris, c. 1919, 26.7 x 18.2 cm.
- Comission Amèricaine de Prèvention Contre la Tuberculose, L'Hygiene! Je m'en fiche ..., post card, France, 1918, 13.7 x 9 cm.
- Comitè National de Défense Contre La Tuberculose, Le B. C. G. Protege ..., enlarged stamp, France, c. 1932, 12 x 8 cm.
- Comitè National de Defense Contre la Tuberculose, B. C. G., pamphlet containing Christmas seals, Paris, 1963, 9.3 x 7.3 cm.
- Comitè National de Defense Contre La Tuberculose, Calmette, enlarged stamp, France, c. 1932, 15.2 x 10.5 cm.
- Comitè National de Defense Contre La Tuberculose, small pamphlet containing Christmas stamps, France, 1939, 9.2 x 13.1 cm.
- Comitè National de Defense Contre La Tuberculose, Le timbre antituberculeux, color pamphlet containing Christmas seals, Paris, 1938, 9.3 x 13.1 cm.
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 8 page pamphlet, illus., Pennsylvania, 1910, 20.8 x 13.7 cm.
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health, Tuberculosis, 4 page pamphlet, Pennsylvania, c.1925, 15.4 x 9 cm.
- Dr. John Bull's Balsam of Wild Cherry and Iceland Moss, advertisement in Dr. John Bull's almanac, n.p., 1857, 22.7 x 13.8 cm.
- Fèdèration Girondins des Oeuvres Antituberculoses, Aidez Les Tuberculeux, color post card, Bordeaux, France, 1945, 14 x 9 cm.
- Fight Tuberculosis, Buy Christmas Seals, color hand bill, n.p., 1930, 12.7 x 15.7 cm.
- Gardner Association for the Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis, How to Prevent Consumption, poster, USA, c. 1900, 13.9 x 17.4 cm.
- German-American Clubs in Germany, Zur Bekampfung der Tuberculose, set of poster stamps, Germany, c. 1925, 4.1 x 4.8 cm. each
- Hazlewood Sanitarium, Hazlewood Sanitarium, 16 page pamphlet, illus., Louisville, Kentucky, c. 1910, 14.9 x 19.6 cm.
- Health Greetings 1929, color broadside, USA, 1929, 15.7 x 12.6 cm.
- Health to All, Buy Christmas Seals, color hand bill, n.p., 1930, 15.7 x 12.5 cm.
- I believe in health, in fresh air..., small card, USA, c. 1920, 13.8 x 8.8 cm.
- International Tuberculosis Exhibition, The Crusade against Tuberculosis is World Wide, color post card, Philadelphia, c. 1920, 13.6 x 8.5 cm.
- Laboratoires Lobica, Azotyl, advertisement, Paris, 1932, 26.8 x 21.1 cm.
- Lehigh County Tuberculosis Society, letterhead, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1940, 27.7 x 21.8 cm.
- Lehigh County Tuberculosis Society, The Campaign Against Tuberculosis, certificate, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1940, 19.7 x 27.7 cm.
- Modern Woodmen of America, Fighting and Curing Tuberculosis, 16 page pamphlet, illus., Woodmen, Colorado, c. 1920, 16.3 x 8.6 cm.
- Montgomery County Tuberculosis and Public Health Society, Shop early, buy Christmas seals, fight tuberculosis, small broadside, Pennsylvania, 1929, 9.2 x 17.4 cm.
- Moosehead Lake Sanitarium, Moosehead Lake Sanitarium, 16 page pamphlet, illus., Greenville Junction, Maine, c. 1910, 12.7 x 16.9 cm.
- National Tuberculosis Association, Protect Them From Tuberculosis, color broadside, USA, 1930, 35.5 x 27.9 cm.
- National Tuberculosis Association, What you should know about tuberculosis, 32 page pamphlet, New York, 1925. 21.6 x 14.2 cm.
- New York Tuberculosis and Health Association, letterhead, New York, 1927, 28 x 21.5 cm.
- Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, Health Book Mark, color book mark, Philadelphia, c. 1925, 12.5 x 5.3 cm.
- Prevent Tuberculosis, color broadside, n.p., 1921, 15.8 x 15.8 cm.
- J. H. Schenck & Sons, Dr. Schenck's method of treatment of diseases of the lungs and throat ..., 32 page pamphlet, illus., Philadelphia, c. 1881, 21.4 x 14.7 cm.
- Tuberculosis Undiscovered Can Endanger You, color poster, Pennsylvania, c. 1929, 38 x 27.7 cm.
- Trudeau Sanitarium, The Trudeau Sanitarium, 24 page pamphlet, Trudeau, Essex County, New York, c. 1910, 11.9 x 15.5 cm.
- 10 centisimi per I Tuberculosi Poveri, set of 10 poster stamps, Italy, c. 1935, 4 x 3 cm. Each.
- Am sick and I'm sorry I'm getting well, color post card, USA, c. 1910, 8.8 x 13.9 cm.
- The Antikamnia Chemical Co., The Antikamnia Tablet obstetrical calendar, trade card, St. Louis, Missouri, c. 1900, 11.6 x 6.8 cm.
- The Antikamnia Chemical Co., Her Menstrual Period, broadside, St. Louis, Missouri, 1891, 15.4 x 14.8 cm.
- Appetine, trade card, n.p., c. 1895, 16.5 x 10.5 cm.
- Barry's Tricopherous, color lithograph trade card, USA, c. 1890, 13.3 x 7.8 cm.
- Marie Curie, card in series of famous people in health care, USA, c. 1965, 7.4 x 5.2 cm.
- La Doctoresse, sheet music, Paris, c. 1900, 27.2 x 17.6 cm.
- Dodd's Female Pills, advertisement in Drane and company's price list, 128 page pamphlet, London, c. 1900, 21.6 x 13.6 cm.
- H. Will Elders, M. D., Gleanings from my Notebook, 20 page pamphlet, St. Joseph, Missouri, c. 1932, 15.3 x 8.4 cm.
- Les Femmes de l'Avenir, post card, France, 1902, 13.8 x 8.8 cm.
- The Hall Capsule Co., Anderson Antiseptic Vaginal Capsules, broadside, Cincinnati, Ohio, c. 1890, 26.3 x 16.9 cm.
- Harness Electric Corset, 4 page insert, illus., London, c. 1890, 22.1 x 14.3 cm.
- Has Dr. Brown any old trousers?, color post card, England, c. 1935, 14 x 8.8 cm.
- The Female Chest Protector, color advertisement in W. H. Schieffelin & Co., catalog and prices current, New York, 1883, 20.6 x 14.4 cm.
- Hearts and Minds, women and health issues, broadside, Wallingford, Connecticut, c. 1990, 27.8 x 21.5 cm.
- C. I. Hood & Co., Lovely Women, 20 page pamphlet, illus., Lowell, Massachusetts, c. 1891, 15 x 13.1 cm.
- Johnson and Johnson, Florence Nightingale, trade card, USA, c. 1920, 13.8 x 8.3 cm.
- The Lady Doctor, post card, n.p., c. 1910, 13.7 x 8.6 cm.
- Mother Gray's Sweet Worm Powders, 4 page pamphlet, Genesee County, New York, c. 1890, 16.1 x 14.6 cm.
- My Prescription - take something warm at bed time, small color lithograph card, England, c. 1890, 9.9 x 6.8 cm.
- Florence Nightingale, card in series of famous people in health care, USA, c. 1965, 7.4 x 5.2 cm.
- Mme. Kate Parkee, Things Women Should Know, broadside, Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1900, 23.1 x 15.2 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham's Medicine Co., By Laws of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., 16 page pamphlet, Saco, Maine, 1927, 14.9 x 8.4 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Famous Women of History, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.6 x 11.5 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Health and Beauty, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.6 x 11.5 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine co., The Home of Lydia E. Pinkham's Remedies, 32 page pamphlet, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1908, 20.6 x 14.7 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., How Phyllis grew thin, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.6 x 11.5 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text Book, 80 page pamphlet, Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 15.1 x 11.1 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Nature's gift to women, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.6 x 11.5 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Picnic Time, 32 page pamphlet, Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.5 x 11.4 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., The story your mirror tells, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.6 x 11.5 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine co., Treatise on the Diseases of Women, 32 page pamphlet, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1908, 20.6 x 14.7 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Well Again, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 17.6 x 11.5 cm.
- Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Woman's Beauty, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Lynn, Massachusetts, c. 1920, 15.2 x 11 cm.
- Regenerateur Universel des Cheveux de Mme. S. A. Allen, trade card, France, c. 1890, 10.2 x 7.2 cm.
- Seabury's Medicated Toilet Soaps, Old Time Home Nurse, trade card, New York, c. 1890, 11.6 x 7.6 cm.
- Seven Sutherland Sisters Hair Grower, advertisement in catalog of Lord Owen & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1896, 16.6 x 10.5 cm.
- Turkish Trophies - you are sympathetic and kind ..., color lithograph trade card, New York, c. 1890, 6.7 x 8.1 cm.
- Universal Dispensary, Madame Winneford's Magnetic Maternal Wafer, 4 page pamphlet, Grand Rapids, Michigan, c. 1895, 21.4 x 13.6 cm.
- Usines de Rhone, La Lutte Contre la Vague de Froid, color lithograph advertisement, Paris, 1925, 39.1 x 29.8 cm.
- The John Wilbur Daughter Co., Inc., Health Helps, 32 page pamphlet, illus., Westerly, Rhode Island, 1910, 22.9 x 15.3 cm.
- Winans Indian Cure and liniment, trade card, Worcester, Massachusetts, c. 1885, 16.3 x 10.5 cm.
- Women and AIDS, 8 page pamphlet, Australia, 1991, 21 x 10 cm.
- Wright's Little Liver Pills, pair of trade cards, Dunkirk, New York, c. 1890, 10 x 7.5 cm.
Last Reviewed: January 25, 2024