Despite significant advances in prophylaxis and treatment, tuberculosis continues as a serious public health problem, and resistance to the agents used for treatment continues to increase. Today posters are published warning of both AIDS and tuberculosis together, and on the importance of not interrupting treatment. Such ephemera joins the booklets, bookmarks, advertisements and brochures of earlier periods in stressing the importance of fresh air, sunshine, adequate nourishment and sufficient rest. Annual Christmas seal campaigns in North America and Europe were regularly responsible for newly-minted posters and seals; they continue today. In contrast to the materials published in the United States, French propaganda stressed the value of immunization against tuberculosis with B-C-G Vaccine, an approach which was never accepted by the medical community here.
Association d'Hygiène Sociale et de Préservation Antituberculose du 1st Arr..ont.,
Sauvons les Tuberculeux,
color trade card,
Paris, c. 1929,
10.6 x 13.5 cm.
Chicago Tuberculosis Institute,
Night air is the only air,
post card,
Chicago, Illinois, 1920,
8.7 x 13.8 cm.
Comitè National de Défense Contre La Tuberculose,
enlarged stamp,
France, c. 1934,
15.2 x 10.5 cm.
Comite National de Defense Contre La Tuberculose,
Le timbre antituberculeux,
color pamphlet containing Christmas seals,
Paris, 1938,
9.3 x 13.1 cm.
Dr. John Bull's Balsam of Wild Cherry and Iceland Moss,
advertisement in Dr. John Bull's almanac,
n.p., 1857,
22.7 x 13.8 cm.
How to Prevent Consumption,
USA, c. 1900,
13.9 x 17.4 cm.
Lehigh County Tuberculosis Society,
The Campaign Against Tuberculosis,
Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1940,
19.7 x 27.7 cm.
Modern Woodmen of America,
Fighting and Curing Tuberculosis,
16 page pamphlet, illus.,
Woodmen, Colorado, c. 1920,
16.3 x 8.6 cm.
Montgomery County Tuberculosis and Public Health Society,
Shop Early, Buy Christmas Seals, Fight Tuberculosis,
small broadside,
Pennsylvania, 1929,
9.2 x 17.4 cm.
National Tuberculosis Association,
What You should know about Tuberculosis,
32 page pamphlet,
New York, 1925,
21.6 x 14.2 cm.
J. H. Schenck & Sons,
Dr. Schenck's method of treatment of diseases
of the lungs and throat...,
32 page pamphlet, illus.,
Philadelphia, c. 1881,
21.4 x 14.7 cm.
American Lung Association,
Season's greetings,
set of mailing stickers and seals,
USA, 1990,
17.7 x 26.1 cm. (Overall)
Last Reviewed: January 25, 2024