An order from George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Grier to transport new recruits to Philadelphia for smallpox inoculation, March 12, 1777
Play AudioSir,
You are hereby required immediately to send me an exact return of your regiment, and to find all your recruits, who have had the small pox to join the army. Those, who have not, are to be sent to Philadelphia, and put under the direction of the commanding officer there, who will have them inoculated. You are to leave a sufficient number of proper officers to carry on the recruiting service, who are to bring up their men as soon as they are ready. No pleas, of delay, on account of the dispersion of the officers can be admitted, as every commanding officer ought to know where his inferior officers are, and they what recruits they have, and where they are to be found.
You are to remain at Philadelphia, to procure arms, clothing &c, and send on to your Major to Camp, to receive your detachments. Your Lieut. Colonel is also to come on, as soon as circumstances will permit.
I am Sir
Your most humble servant
Signed George Washington