Physician Assistants, commonly called PAs, practice medicine as part of a team. PAs are nationally certified professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, and care for patients, with physician supervision.
Physician Assistants, commonly called PAs, practice medicine as part of a team. PAs are nationally certified professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, and care for patients, with physician supervision.
PAs are educated and trained to collaborate with other health professionals. During their coursework and clinical training, PAs learn from and work with physicians, other PAs, nurses, and additional health care professionals...
The first PA students had served as U.S. Navy Hospital corpsmen in the Vietnam War, where they gained extensive practical experience in medicine and surgery before entering PA programs.
Originally, PAs assisted physicians primarily in general practices. As the profession grew in the 1970s and 1980s, PAs began working with new groups in various locations…
Many PAs, and the organizations for which they work, promote patients’ general well-being. They try to meet people’s basic human needs by providing food, shelter, education, and emotional support.