Below is a list of readings from the original, 1997 online adaptation of So, What's New in the Past?
HISTORY as Weapon
Charles Émile Jacque (1813-1894)
Les Homéopathes: 2ème traitement-Similia Similibus, Courbatura Batonibus
Paris?, ca. 1880s
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: WZ 336 J19 no. 5
George Moutard Woodward (ca. 1760-1809)
A Consultation of Doctors on the case of Sr. Toby Bumper!!
London, February 26, 1807
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: WZ 338 W91 no. 6
The Provocation and the Reply; or Allopathy Versus Physio-Medicalism in a Review of Prof. M.B. Wright's Remarks at the Dedication of the Cincinnati New Hospital, January 8th, 1869.
Cincinnati, 1870
NLM Call Number: WBJ C978p 1870, Title Page
Henry Monnier (1805-1877)
L'Homéopate et l'alléopate, en présence chez M. Jobard, se traient de polissons, se prennent à la gorge et le malade meurt faute de secours
ca. 1830s
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: WZ 336 M71 no. 6
Wood engraving
Pierre Victor Renouard
History of medicine, from its origin to the nineteenth century, with an appendix, containing a philosophical and historical review of medicine to the present time, by P. V. Renouard ... tr. from the French by Cornelius G. Comegys ...
Cincinnati, 1856
NLM Call Number: WZ 40 R419h 1856, page 664
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
United States, 19th Century
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: QV 772 C25 no. 5a
Catarrh, Neuralgia & Headache No More!
Buffalo, 19th Century
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: QV 772 C25 no. 6a
Dr. Kilmer's Indian Cough Cure Consumption Oil
Puck Bldg., N.Y., 19th Century
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: QV 772 C25 no. 13a
Cocaine Toothache Drops
United States, 1885
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: QV 772 C25 no. 57
Thomas Onwhyn (ca. 1820-1886)
"The Rain Bath," from Pleasures of the Water Cure
London, ca. 1857
NLM Call Number: WBF O56 1857
Photographic reproduction
Samuel Thomson (1769-1843)
A Narrative, of the Life and Medical Discoveries of Samuel Thomson; containing an account of his system of practice, and The manner of curing Disease with Vegetable Medicine, upon a plan entirely new; to which is added An Introduction to his New Guide to Health, or Botanic Family Physician, containing the principles upon which the system is founded, with remarks on Fevers, Steaming, Poison, &c.
Boston, 1822
NLM Call Number: WZ 100 T4852n 1822, Title Page
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
Homϗpathy, and its kindred delusions; Two lectures delivered before the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
Boston, 1842
NLM Call Number: WBK H752h 1842, Title Page
James Wilson, M.D. and James Manby Gully, M.D
The Practice of the Water-Cure
New York, 1846
NLM Call Number: WBF W749p 1846, page iv-5
James Thacher (1754-1844)
American Medical Biography: or Memoirs of Eminent Physicians who have flourished in America. To which is prefixed A Succinct History of Medical Science in the United States, from the first settlement of the country.
Boston, 1828
NLM Call Number: WZ 140 AA1 T3a 1828, Volume 1, pages 78-79
William Leo-Wolf, M.D.
Remarks on the Abracadabra of the Nineteenth Century; or on Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's Homœopathic medicine, with particular reference to Dr. Constantine Hering's "Concise View of the Rise and Progress of Homœopathic Medicine," Philadelphia, 1833.
New York, 1835
NLM Call Number: WBK L589r 1835, Title Page
Joseph Carson, M.D. (1808-1876)
A History of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, from its foundation in 1765. With sketches of the lives of deceased professors.
Philadelphia, 1869
NLM Call Number: W19 P418c 1869, Title Page
Faculty of the Reform Medical College of Georgia
The Reform-Medical Practice: with a History of Medicine, from the earliest period to the present time, and a synopsis of principles on which the new practice is founded.
Macon, Ga., 1857
NLM Call Number: WBJ M171r 1857, Title Page
HISTORY as Inspiration
Pharmacology laboratory
ca. 1920s
From the Collections of the University of Pennsylvania Archives
Janet Golden and Charles E. Rosenberg
Pictures of Health: A Photographic History of Health Care in Philadelphia 1860-1945
Philadelphia, 1991
NLM Call Number: W 84 AP4 G6p 1991, pages 20-21
James Bordley, III, M.D., and A. McGehee Harvey, M.D.
Two Centuries of American Medicine 1776-1976
Philadelphia, 1976
NLM Call Number: WZ 70 AA1 B6t 1976, pages 20-21
Robert Fletcher
The Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Vol. 5, 1895. p. 72-73.
NLM Call Number: W1 BU854F
Charles N.B. Camac, M.D. (1868-1940)
Epoch-Making Contributions to Medicine, Surgery and the Allied Sciences, being reprints of those communications which first conveyed epoch-making observations to the scientific world, together with biographical sketches of the observers
Philadelphia, 1909
NLM Call Number: WZ 40 C172e 1909, Title Page
Joseph H. Pratt (1872-1956)
A Year with Osler 1896-1897: Notes taken at his Clinics in The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, 1949
NLM Call Number: WZ 100 O82p 1949, pages 34-35
The Physician and Surgeon, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1912. p. 144-145
NLM Call Number: W1 PH773T
William Osler (1849-1919)
An Alabama Student and Other Biographical Essays
New York, 1909
NLM Call Number: WZ 112 O82a 1908, Title Page
Harvey Cushing (1869-1939)
The Life of Sir William Osler, Volume 1
Oxford, 1925
NLM Call Number: WZ 100 O82Cu 1925, Pages 552-553
Francis R. Packard, M.D., editor
Annals of Medical History, Vol. 1, 1917.Title Page
NLM Call Number: W1 AN61G
Dr. Harvey Cushing and a young patient
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 2
Photographic reproduction
Max Brödel (1870-1941)
The Saint-Johns Hopkins Hospital
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 5136.21
Photographic reproduction of a drawing in the Max Brödel Archives, Department of Art as Applied to Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Sir William Osler seated at desk
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 5136.23
Photographic reproduction
William Osler (1849-1919)
Osler Silver Cup
Courtesy of Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
William Osler (1849-1919)
Osler silver cup
Courtesy of Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Johns Hopkins Hospital: Harvey Cushing, Howard Kelly, William Osler, and William S. Thayer (seated in front)
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. Group 55-1
Photographic reproduction
HISTORY as Edifice
Library and Museum of the Surgeon General's Office
Washington, D.C., 1887
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Z AD6 U56 C25 no. 21b
Hand-colored photograph
Library and Museum of the Surgeon General's Office
Washington, D.C., ca. 1890
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Z AD6 U56 C26 no. FI1
Welch Memorial Library, Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions
Baltimore, Maryland, ca. 1940
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: W 19 AM3 J6W7 no. 1
Photographic reproduction
Fielding H. Garrison, M.D. (1870-1935)
An Introduction to the History of Medicine, with Medical Chronology, Bibliographic Data and Test Questions
Philadelphia, 1914
NLM Call Number: WZ 40 G242i 1913, pages 134-135
Fielding H. Garrison, M.D. (1870-1935)
John Shaw Billings: A Memoir
New York, 1915
NLM Call Number: WZ 100 B598G 1915, pages 296-297
Army of the Surgeon-General's Office
Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army
Washington, 1888
NLM Call Number: Z 675.M4 I38, page 56-57
RG 10 Central Building-Construction, J.S. Billings sketch
Photographic reproduction
Courtesy of the New York PublicLibrary
The staff of the Institute of the History of Medicine in the Welch Memorial Library, Johns Hopkins University. Seated: William Henry Welch and Henry E. Sigerist. Standing: Fielding H. Garrison, John Rathbone Oliver, and Owsei Temkin
ca. 1932
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 2
Photographic reproduction
Bricks from the original National Library of Medicine
HISTORY as Politics
Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. (1891-1957)
Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union
New York, 1937
NLM Call Number: W 275 GR9 S5s 1937, Page 23
Mother with an infant and a toddler sit on an unmade bed
United States, 20 Century
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: WA 11 C29 no. 199
"A National Health Program," Peoples Forum, February 19th, 1939
Photographic reproduction
Courtesy of Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins University
Courtesy of Walter Lear
Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. (1891-1957)
Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union
New York, 1937
NLM Call Number: W 275 GR9 S5s 1937, Pages 176-177
Elizabeth Fee and Theodore M. Brown, editors
Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist
Baltimore, 1997
NLM Call Number: WZ 100 S576mg 1997, Cover
Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. (1891-1957)
Civilization and Disease
Ithaca, New York, 1943
NLM Call Number: WZ 9 S576c 1943, Page 37
Used by permission of the publisher, Cornell University Press
Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. (1891-1957)
Medicine and Human Welfare
New Haven, 1941
NLM Call Number: WZ 40 S574m 1941, Pages 94-95
Scrapbook created by Henry E. Sigerist
Courtesy of Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives, the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Shabbily dressed pregnant woman sits in crude shelter
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: WA 11 C29 no. 220
Man eating from a tin bowl
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: WA 11 C29 no. 198
Henry E. Sigerist at the microphone, November 10, 1945
Photographic reproduction
Courtesy of Nora Sigerist Beeson and Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives, the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. (1891-1957)
Science and History: A Radio Talk
New York, November 10, 1946
Courtesy of Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Henry E. Sigerist, M.D. (1891-1957)
Time Magazine
January 30, 1939
Radio microphone
ca. 1930
Courtesy of Technical Artistry, Inc.
Victor Robinson, M.D. (1886-1947)
An Essay on Hasheesh: Historical and Experimental
New York, 1925
NLM Call Number: QV 80 R665e 1925, Cover
Victor Robinson, M.D. (1886-1947)
Pioneers of Birth Control in England and America
New York, 1919
NLM Call Number: HQ 766 R665p 1919, Cover
Victor Robinson, M.D. (1886-1947)
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 5755
Victor Robinson, M.D.
"Notes on Syphilis and Gonorrhea"
Typed manuscript
Milton Terris, M.D. (b. 1915)
Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Volume XV, page 433
Baltimore, May 1944
NLM Call Number: W1 BU85X
Milton I. Roemer, M.D. (b. 1916)
Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Volume XVIII, pages 146-147
Baltimore, July 1945
NLM Call Number: W1 BU85X
George Rosen, M.D. (1910-1976), with an introduction by Henry E. Sigerist, M.D.
The History of Miners' Diseases: A Medical and Social Interpretation
New York, 1943
NLM Call Number: WA 11 R813h 1943, Page 172
Erwin H. Ackerknecht (1906-1988) at a New Year's Eve party at the Sigerist home, December 31, 1942
Courtesy of Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Erwin H. Ackerknecht, M.D. (1906-1988)
Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, edited by Henry E. Sigerist,, Volume 25, pages 60-61
Leipzig, 1932
NLM Call Number: W1 SU188
HISTORY as Profession
James Gorman (b. 1949)
"Big Astounding Science!!!," The New York Times Magazine
New York, March 16, 1997
Courtesy of Elizabeth Fee
Stuart W. Leslie
The Cold War and American Science: The Military-Industrial-Academic Complex at MIT and Stanford
New York, 1993, Cover
Courtsey of Elizabeth Fee
Louis Galambos with Jane Eliot Sewell
Networks of Innovation: Vaccine Development at Merck, Sharp & Dohme, and Mulford, 1895-1995
New York, 1995
NLM Call Number: 1996 E-252, Cover
Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press
Courtesy of Elizabeth Fee
Ellen W. Schrecker
No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism & the Universities
New York, 1986, Cover
Courtesy of Elizabeth Fee
The working historian's principal "tool of the trade."
Smith-Corona Electra 210 typewriter, ca. 1965
Courtesy of Theodore Brown
Owsei Temkin (Medical Historian)
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 3
Richard Harris Shryock (Social Historian)
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 1
Charles D. O'Malley (Historian of Science)
NLM Prints and Photographs Call Number: Portrait no. 2
HISTORY as Today's News
Allan M. Brandt
No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal Disease in the United States Since 1880
New York, 1985
NLM Call Number: WC 11 AA1 B8n 1985
Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter S. Arno, and Allan M. Brandt
"FDA Regulation of Tobacco Advertising and Youth Smoking: Historical, Social, and Constitutional Perspectives," Journal of the American Medical Association
Chicago, February 5, 1997, Volume 277, Number 5, Page 410-411
Copyrighted 1997, American Medical Association
NLM Call Number: W1 J221
Susan E. Lederer
Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America before the Second World War
Baltimore, 1995
NLM Call Number: 1995 D-477, pages 118-119
Susan Lederer receiving President Clinton's appreciation for her contributions to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, April 21, 1994
Courtesy of Susan Lederer
Beverly Orndorff and Mollie Gore
MCV radiation records received, July 15, 1994, page B5
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Courtesy of Susan Lederer
Susan Reverby with framed Sigma Theta Tau Certificate
Courtesy of Susan Reverby
Framed Certificate from Sigma Theta Tau
Courtesy of Susan Reverby
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Final Report: Executive Summary and Guide to Final Report
NLM Call Number: W 20.55 H9 U58a 1995, Title Page
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Final Report on Human Radiation Experiments
NLM Call Number: W 20.55 H9 U58a 1995, Cover
James H. Jones (b. 1943)
Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment-a tragedy of race and medicine
New York, 1981
NLM Call Number: WC 160 J77b 1981, Cover
Courtesy of Elizabeth Fee
David Feldshus
Miss Evers' Boys
Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York, 1995
Courtesy of Theodore Brown
Miss Evers' Boys
David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz
Deadly Dust: Silicosis and the Politics of Occupational Disease in Twentieth-Century America
(c) 1991 by Princeton University Press.
All rights reserved.
NLM Call Number: WF 11 AA1 R8d 1991, Cover
David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz, editors
Dying for Work: Worker's Safety and Health in Twentieth-Century America
Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1989
NLM Call Number: WA 11 AA1 D93 1987, Cover
Washington Post
Binding an Untreated Wound, April 9, 1997, page A9
Washington, 1997
Altered States exhibit poster
Strong Museum
Courtesy of Theodore Brown
Diane Garey and Lawrence R. Hott
Sentimental Women Need Not Apply: A History of the American Nurse
Direct Cinema Limited, Santa Monica, CA