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Data Element Catalog

The Data Element Catalog (DEC) was an eCQM value set metadata file in use from August, 2012 through May, 2017. NLM no longer creates the DEC file as of September, 2017. NLM Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) replaced the DEC with a more detailed metadata file called the Binding Parameter Specification. The DEC metadata file identified data element (value set) names required for capture in CMS eCQM electronic health record (EHR) technology certified under the 2014 Edition of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Standards and Certification Criteria.

Download the Data Files

  Complete Catalog Compressed View Date of Publication
DEC v2.0 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet May, 2017
DEC v1.9 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet January, 2017
DEC v1.8 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet April, 2016
DEC v1.7 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet May, 2015
DEC v1.6 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet July, 2014
DEC v1.5 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet April, 2014
DEC v1.4 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet June, 2013
DEC v1.3 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet April, 2013
DEC v1.2 Excel Spreadsheet (see delta for changes) N/A December, 2012
DEC v1.1 Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet October, 2012
DEC v1.0 Excel Spreadsheet or PDF Excel Spreadsheet August, 2012


Complete Catalog: a comprehensive list of data elements from the entire Stage 2 EHR Incentive Program Clinical Quality Measure set. This file contains the following fields for each CMS Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM):

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires reporting the supplemental data elements for each measure:

Compressed View: list of unique eCQM data elements (value sets),; this file facilitates an easier global view of the DEC. This file contains the following fields for each CMS Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)value set (data element):

Send questions to the ONC Project Tracking System - eCQM Issue Tracker

Last Reviewed: September 14, 2017