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Timeline / Reshaping America / 1824: U.S. establishes Office of Indian Affairs in War Department

1824: U.S. establishes Office of Indian Affairs in War Department

Establishment of the Office of Indian Affairs within the War Department puts in place the bureaucracy that will administer the nation’s “manifest destiny” objectives—the idea that expansion to the Pacific is the young nation’s right. The government will make treaties with American Indian tribes as the U.S. military defeats them, after which the tribes will be moved to reservations.

“The administration of the fund for the civilization of the Indians is also committed to your charge, under the regulations established by the department. You are also charged with the examination of the claims arising out of the laws regulating the intercourse with Indian Tribes, and will, after examining and briefing the same, report them to this Department, endorsing a recommendation for their allowance or disallowance.” —House Document no. 146, 19th Congress, 1st sess., serial 138, p. 6

Federal-Tribal Relations
California, Great Basin, Great Plains, Northeast, Northwest Coast, Plateau, Southeast, Southwest