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Statement on the retirement of Patricia Flatley Brennan from Dr. Lawrence A. Tabak, Acting Director, National Institutes of Health

August 31, 2023

Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan, NLM director, will be retiring from NLM and federal service on September 30, 2023.

Dr. Lawrence A. Tabak, Acting Director, National Institutes of Health writes:
Please join me in thanking Patti for her leadership at NIH, and in wishing her the very best for her retirement. Following Patti’s departure and while we conduct a national search for replacement, Stephen Sherry, Ph.D., who currently serves as Director of NLM’s National Center for Biotechnology Information and NLM Associate Director for Scientific Data Resources, has graciously agreed to serve as the Acting NLM Director.

Read in full: Statement on the retirement of Patricia Flatley Brennan