On May 26, 2022, the NCBI Education Team provided a workshop on Using NCBI’s Genome Data Viewer to Visualize Eukaryotic Genome Data. Training materials from this event are available on this page.
The Genome Data Viewer (GDV) enables you work with over 1,500 eukaryotic genome assemblies accessible at NCBI. In addition to being able to compare a genomic assembly with annotations from hundreds of different NCBI tracks, you can also upload data tracks produced by BLAST, import track hub data, or create tracks from your own data. This workshop focuses on eukaryotic genome data other than human, and is designed to help beginning or advanced users of GDV take advantage of the large amount of diverse genomic data available at NCBI.
In this workshop, you will learn to:
- Search a genomic assembly to display a region annotated with a particular gene, phenotype, genetic variant, and more
- View variation data from the EVA (European Variation Archive)
- Add other sources of variant data, including your own VCF files
- View non-RefSeq annotated genomes available in GDV
- Display BLAST results, for example, from a human query aligned to another organism
- Download a table of annotations for a region, including variants from the EVA
- Share your customized view with a colleague, and download a graphic for a presentation or manuscript.
Keyboard controls: Space bar - toggle play/pause; Right and Left Arrow - seek the video forwards and back; Up and Down Arrow - increase and decrease the volume; M key - toggle mute/unmute; F key - toggle fullscreen off and on.
Webinar Materials
Last Reviewed: June 13, 2022