Table of Contents: 2018 JULY–AUGUST No. 423
Willis SR. NLM Classification 2018 Summer Edition Now Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2018 Jul-Aug;(423):e4.
The 2018 summer version of the NLM Classification, now available, encompasses the systematic review of selected schedules and other miscellaneous updates.
Ninety-nine (99) new class numbers were added. Nine (9) class numbers were canceled.
New Number | Class Name | Former Number(s) |
QS 523.1 | [Tissue banks] General coverage (Not Table G) | QS 523 |
QS 632 | [Embryology] Laws (Table G) | None |
QS 632.1 | [Embryology] General coverage (Not Table G) | None |
QS 633 | [Embryology] Discussion of law (Table G) | None |
QS 633.1 | [Embryology] General coverage (Not Table G) | None |
QU 24.5 | Biological specimen banks (Table G) | QU 23-24 |
QU 24.51 | [Biological specimen banks] General coverage (Not Table G) | QU 23-24 |
QU 240 | [Nutrition. Vitamins] Popular works | None |
QZ 185 | Chronic disease | WT 500 |
W 86 | Health care fraud. Health services misuse | W 84-84.8 |
WA 356 | Elder abuse | WT 30 |
WA 487.5.S5 | Singers | None |
WB 102.7 | Precision medicine | None |
WC 503.8 | [Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV Infections] Popular works | None |
WE 24.5 | Bone banks (Table G) | None |
WE 24.51 | [Bone banks] General coverage (Not Table G) | None |
WG 21.5 | [Cardiology] Allied health personnel. Allied health occupations | None |
WH 24.5 | Blood banks (Table G) | WH 23-24 |
WH 24.51 | [Blood banks] General coverage (Not Table G) | WH 23-24 |
WI 212 | Taste. Taste buds. Taste perception | WI 210 |
WJ 24.5 | Sperm banks (Table G) | WJ 23-24 |
WJ 24.51 | [Sperm banks] General coverage (Not Table G) | WJ 23-24 |
WM 21.5 | [Psychiatry] Allied health personnel. Allied health occupations | None |
WN 21.5 | [Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging] Allied health personnel. Allied health occupations | None |
WO 21.5 | [Surgery] Allied health personnel. Allied health occupations | None |
WS 80 | [Pediatrics] Popular works (General) | None |
WS 105.5.P8 | [Child psychology] Psychological stress | WS 350 |
WS 105.5.S5 | Sibling relations | WS 105.5.F2 |
WS 105.5.T4 | [Child psychology] Technology and communications media | None |
WS 106 | Exceptional child (General) | WS 105.5.C3 |
WS 106.2 | Gifted child | WS 350 |
WS 106.4 | Physically disabled child | WS 105.5.H2 |
WS 114 | Infant care | WS 113 |
WS 132 | [Nutrition] In adolescence | WS 115 |
WS 265 | [Pediatrics] Skin and connective tissue diseases | WS 260 |
WS 275 | [Pediatrics] Musculoskeletal diseases | WS 270 |
WS 285 | [Pediatrics] Respiratory tract diseases | WS 280 |
WS 295 | [Pediatrics] Cardiovascular diseases | WS 290 |
WS 305 | [Pediatrics] Hemic and lymphatic diseases. Immune system diseases | WS 300 |
WS 311 | [Pediatrics] Digestive system diseases | WS 310 |
WS 321 | [Pediatrics] Urogenital diseases. Urologic diseases | WS 320-322 |
WS 335 | [Pediatrics] Endocrine system diseases | WS 330 |
WS 340.5 | [Pediatrics] Nervous system diseases | WS 340 |
WS 341 | [Pediatrics] Brain diseases. Brain injuries | WS 340 |
WS 350.3 | [Child psychiatry] Behavior therapy | WS 350.6 |
WS 350.33 | [Child psychiatry] Drug therapy | WS 350.2 |
WS 350.55 | [Child psychiatry] Socioenvironmental therapy | WM 428-445 |
WS 350.7 | [Pediatrics] Neurodevelopmental disorders | WS 350.6 |
WS 350.8.A2 | [Child psychiatry] Abuse | WS 350 |
WS 367 | [Pediatrics] Drug therapy | WS 366 |
WS 370 | [Pediatrics] Occupational therapy | WS 368 |
WS 462.5 | [Adolescent psychology. Adolescent behavior] Special topics, A-Z | None |
WS 462.5.A8 | [Adolescent psychology] Attitudes and adjustments to life change events (death, illness, divorce, etc.) | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.C7 | [Adolescent psychology] Cognition. Fantasy. Imagination | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.C8 | [Adolescent psychology] Communication. Verbal behavior | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.D2 | [Adolescent psychology] Decision making | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.D3 | [Adolescent psychology] Deprivation | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.D8 | [Adolescent psychology] Dreams | None |
WS 462.5.E5 | [Adolescent psychology] Emotions | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.E8 | [Adolescent psychology] Evaluation of psychological development (General) | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.E9 | [Adolescent psychology] Environmental and sociological factors | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.F2 | [Adolescent psychology] Family relations | None |
WS 462.5.I5 | [Adolescent psychology] Interpersonal relations | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.M2 | [Adolescent psychology] Memory | None |
WS 462.5.M3 | [Adolescent psychology] Mental health | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.M4 | [Adolescent psychology] Morals | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.M5 | [Adolescent psychology] Motivation | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.M8 | [Adolescent psychology] Music | None |
WS 462.5.P3 | [Adolescent] psychology Personality development | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.P7 | [Adolescent psychology] Pregnancy. Reproductive behavior | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.P8 | [Adolescent psychology] Psychological stress | None |
WS 462.5.S3 | [Adolescent psychology] Self | None |
WS 462.5.S4 | [Adolescent psychology] Sexual behavior | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.S5 | [Adolescent psychology] Sibling relations | WS 105.5.F2 |
WS 462.5.S6 | [Adolescent psychology] Social behavior | WS 462 |
WS 462.5.T4 | [Adolescent psychology] Technology and communications media | None |
WS 464 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Therapy | WS 463 |
WS 465 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Behavior therapy | WS 463 |
WS 466 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Psychotherapy | WS 463 |
WS 467 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Socioenvironmental therapy | None |
WS 470.A-Z | Special topics in adolescent psychiatry | None |
WS 470.A2 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Abuse | None |
WS 470.A4 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Aggression. Violence. Dangerous behavior. Self- injurious behavior | WS 463 |
WS 470.D3 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Defense mechanisms | None |
WS 470.I4 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Inhibition | None |
WS 470.P3 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Personality disorders` | WS 463 |
WS 470.R9 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Runaway behavior | WS 463 |
WS 470.S6 | [Adolescent psychiatry] Social behavior disorders | WS 463 |
WT 30.1 | [Aged. Socioeconomic factors] General coverage (Not Table G) | WT 30 |
WT 31.5 | Medicare | WT 31 |
WT 101 | Aged. Health status. Life style (General or not elsewhere classified) | Various places |
WT 152 | [Aged] Psychotherapy | WT 150 |
WT 156 | [Dementia. Alzheimer disease] Diagnosis | WT 155 |
WT 157 | [Dementia. Alzheimer disease] Therapy | WT 155 |
WT 158 | [Dementia. Alzheimer disease] Etiology | WT 155 |
WT 159 | [Dementia. Alzheimer disease] Etiology | WT 155 |
WT 160 | [Dementia. Alzheimer disease] Prevention and control | WT 155 |
WT 161 | [Dementia. Alzheimer disease] Psychosocial aspects | WT 155 |
WV 302 | Olfactory perception. Smell | WV 301 |
Canceled Number | Class Name | Now Classed in |
WI 113 | [Digestive System] Popular works | With topic |
WO 75 | [Surgery] Popular works (General) | With topic |
WS 105.5.H2 | Disabled child (Psychological problems) | WS 106-107 |
WS 107.5.B4 | Biochemistry. Genetics | WS 107 |
WS 107.5.F6 | Foster home care | WS 105.5.A8 |
WS 107.5.I4 | Institutionalization | WS 105.5.H7 |
WS 350.8.D2 | Deception | WS 105.5.S6 |
WS 350.8.I3 | Identity Crisis | WS 350.8.P3 |
WS 360 | Pediatric gynecology (General) | WS 320-321 |
Numerous class number captions or notes and schedule headers were modified.
Twenty-six (26) index main headings were added; seven (7) index headings were deleted; and 526 index entries were modified.
The major focus of the 2018 summer version was the systematic review of the following schedules: WS (Pediatrics) and WT (Geriatrics. Chronic Disease).
Highlights from the WS (Pediatrics) Review
Highlights from the WT (Geriatrics. Chronic Disease) Review
In addition to the systematic reviews of the WS and WT schedules, other additions and changes were made based on resolved problems. For example:
Allied Health Personnel
Four (4) new class numbers were created for Allied Health Personnel in specific fields based on literary warrant:
Popular Works
Three (3) new class numbers were created based on literary warrant:
Two (2) class numbers were canceled due to low postings:
Olfactory Perception
The terms Olfactory Perception and Taste Perception (which take place in the brain) were added to the NLM Classification index to provide classification guidance. Although distinct from Smell and Taste (which take place in the nose and tongue), these perception terms were classed with the organ following previous practice of classing perception terms.
Two (2) class numbers were created:
Bank Terms in the NLM Classification
The NLM Classification was analyzed based on all the Bank terms in the Biological Specimen Banks [N02.278.065] tree. As a result, nine (9) new class numbers were created, and several schedule captions and index terms were modified.
Although there is no specific MeSH term for health care fraud, a sub-index (SI) was added to the general Index term Fraud, pointing to the new number created: W 86 Health care fraud. Health services misuse.
To learn more, see the NLM Classification homepage.
The PDF version will be updated with 2018 winter and summer classification data by the fall of 2018.
Sharon R. Willis
Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, Technical Services Division