Table of Contents: 2022 JULY–AUGUST No. 447
NLM Office Hours: PubMed. NLM Tech Bull. 2022 Jul-Aug;(447):b8.
[Editor's note: A recording of the webinar is available.]
Join us for the next National Library of Medicine (NLM) Office Hours, which is all about PubMed. This session will include a brief presentation by Susan Schmidt from NLM's Index Section who will be discussing our recent transition to automated MEDLINE indexing for PubMed. Following the presentation, product staff from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) PubMed team, the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communication (LHC), Index Section, and more will be available to answer your questions about automated indexing and any other PubMed topics.
To submit questions in advance, please send them to with the subject line: "NLM Office Hours."
Is there an NLM product you would like to know more about? Send requests for future office hour topics through the NLM Support Center using the subject line: "NLM Office Hour Request." Subscribe to NLM Technical Bulletin email updates for notifications about future NLM office hours.
NLM Office Hours are hosted by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) and offer one credit of Medical Library Association (MLA) continuing education (CE). Registration is limited to 100 participants.
Date and time: Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 1:00pm-1:45pm ET
Register here: