March 16, 2006 [2nd Edition]
April 13, 2006 [3rd Edition]
April 27, 2006 [4th Edition]
PubMed Central®: New Journals Participating and New Content Added
New Journals Participating
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Algorithms for Molecular Biology is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Algorithms for Molecular Biology is an open access journal.
Algorithms for Molecular Biology
ISSN: 1748-7188 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Algorithms Mol Biol
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101265088
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Implementation Science
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Implementation Science is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Implementation Science is an open access journal.
Implementation Science
ISSN: 1748-5908 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Implement Sci
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101258411
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
International Breastfeeding Journal
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal International Breastfeeding Journal is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. International Breastfeeding Journal is an open access journal.
International Breastfeeding Journal
ISSN: 1746-4358 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Int Breastfeed J
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101251562
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration is an open access journal.
Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration
ISSN: 1747-5333 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: J Biomed Discov Collab
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101258054
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery is an open access journal.
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
ISSN: 1749-8090 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: J Cardiothorac Surg
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101265113
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology is an open access journal.
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
ISSN: 1745-6673 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: J Occup Med Toxicol
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101245790
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases is an open access journal.
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
ISSN: 1750-1172 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Orphanet J Rare Dis
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101266602
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Radiation Oncology
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Radiation Oncology is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Radiation Oncology is an open access journal.
Radiation Oncology
ISSN: 1748-717X (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Radiat Oncol
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101265111
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 27, 2006]
The journal Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy is an open access journal.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
ISSN: 1747-597X (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101258060
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
Nuclear Receptor Signaling
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin April 13, 2006]
The journal Nuclear Receptor Signaling is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2003;1 to 2006;4.
Nuclear Receptor Signaling
ISSN: 1550-7629 (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Nucl Recept Signal
Publisher: Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas
NLM ID: 101237902
PMC Full text coverage: from 2003;1 to 2006;4.
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 16, 2006]
The journal Journal of Zhejiang University. Science is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2004;5(10).
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science
pISSN: 1009-3095
Title Abbreviation: J Zhejiang Univ Sci
Publisher: Zhejiang University Press
NLM ID: 100954270
PMC Full text coverage: from 2004;5(10).
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B.
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 16, 2006]
The journal Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B. is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2005;6(1) to 2006;7(2). Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B. continues in part the journal Journal of Zhejiang University. Science..
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B.
pISSN: 1673-1581
Title Abbreviation: J Zhejiang Univ Sci B
Publisher: Zhejiang University Press
NLM ID: 101236535
PMC Full text coverage: from 2005;6(1) to 2006;7(2).
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 16, 2006]
The journal Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2005;1.
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
pISSN: 1860-5397
Title Abbreviation: Beilstein J Org Chem
Publisher: Beilstein-Institut
NLM ID: 101250746
PMC Full text coverage: from 2005;1.
Biology Direct
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 16, 2006]
The journal Biology Direct is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2006;1.
Biology Direct
pISSN: 1745-6150
Title Abbreviation: Biol Direct
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101258412
PMC Full text coverage: from 2006;1.
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 16, 2006]
The journal Trials is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2000;1(1) to 2007;7.
pISSN: 1745-6215
Title Abbreviation: Trials
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101263253
PMC Full text coverage: from 2005;6(1) to 2006;7.
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 3, 2006]
The journal Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 1985 Jan;78(1) to 2006 Feb;99(2). The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is part of NLM® collaboration with the Wellcome Trust and the United Kingdom Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). Information on the collaboration as well as NLM back issue scanning project is available at //
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
pISSN: 0141-0768
Title Abbreviation: J R Soc Med
Publisher: Royal Society Of Medicine
NLM ID: 7802879
PMC Full text coverage: from 1985 Jan;78(1) to 2006 Feb;99(2).
EMBO Reports
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 3, 2006]
The journal EMBO Reports is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2000 Jul;1(1) to 2005 Mar;6(3). A twelve-month delay on availability of free full-text for current content is imposed by the publisher.
EMBO Reports
pISSN: 1469-221X
eISSN: 1469-3178
Title Abbreviation: EMBO Rep
Publisher: Published for EMBO by Nature Publishing Group
NLM ID: 100963049
PMC Full text coverage: from 2000 Jul;1(1) to 2005 Mar;6(3).
Health Services Research
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin March 3, 2006]
The journal Health Services Research is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 1966;1(1) to 2004 Feb;39(3). A twenty-four-month delay on availability of free full-text for current content is imposed by the publisher.
Health Services Research
pISSN: 0017-9124
Title Abbreviation: Health Serv Res
Publisher: Health Administration Press
NLM ID: 0053006
PMC Full text coverage: from 1966;1(1) to 2004 Feb;39(3).

PubMed Central®: New Journals Participating and New Content Added. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Mar-Apr;(349):e3.