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NLM UPDATE: Library Operations
Sheldon Kotzin
Associate Director for Library Operations
May 19, 2009
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Image: Black & White photo of Sheldon Kotzin in 1979 when he was promoted to RML Director at NLM.
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Medical Librarians on NLM Advisory Committees
Board of Regents
- Eileen Stanley
- Ginny Tanji
- Holly Buchanan, consultant
Board of Scientific Counselors, Lister Hill Center
- Joan Ash
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Medical Librarians on NLM Advisory Committees
PMC National Advisory Committee
- Cynthia Henderson
Literature Selection Technical Review Committee (LSTRC)
- Cathy Norton
- Linda Walton
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Medical Librarians on NLM Advisory Committees
- Biomedical Library Review Committee
- Judy Consales
- Jim Shedlock
- Michele Tenant
- Deborah Ward
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Image: Screenshot of MedlinePlus Web page from October 22, 1998
October 22, 1998: 22 Health Topics
- Health topics are primary
- Search box on front
- Too much text
- Too much jargon
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- 494 topics
- Tutorials
- News
- Email lists
Image: Screenshot of MedlinePlus Web page in 2001
Image: Screenshot of MedlinePlus interactive health tutorial in 2001
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- En español!
- Redesign
- ASHP Drugs in Spanish & English
- First Go Local
Image: Screenshot of MedlinePlus home page in 2002
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- Multiple languages
- 27 Go Local sites
- Topic summaries
- 771 topics
Image: Screenshot of a MedlinePlus page in 2008
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Emergency Access Initiative
Collaborative partnership between NLM, NN/LM and participating publishers to provide free access to full-text articles from 300+ biomedical serial titles and select reference books to healthcare professionals and libraries affected by disasters in the United States
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Sample Journal Titles
- Accident and emergency nursing
- American journal of infection control
- Burns
- Cochrane database of systematic reviews
- Depression and anxiety
- Emergency radiology
- Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
- International journal of cardiology
- International journal of infectious diseases
- Journal of anxiety disorders
- Journal of emergency medicine
- Journal of traumatic stress
- New England journal of medicine
- Pest management science
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Sample Book Titles
- Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy
- Public health and prevention management
- Trauma
- Human virology
- Emergency medicine procedures
- Infectious diseases: the clinician’s guide to diagnosis, treatment and prevention
- AHFS Drug Information
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Publisher Participants
- Elsevier
- Mary Ann Liebert
- Oxford University Press
- Springer
- University of Chicago Press
- Wiley
- Wolters Kluwer (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins)
- Various Societies
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Emergency Access
- Nancy Roderer, Johns Hopkins Welch Medical Library
- Becky Lyon, NLM
- Angela Ruffin, NLM
- Ada Seltzer, University of Mississippi
- Mary Moore, University of Miami
- Jocelyn Rankin, CDC
- Barbara Aronson, WHO
- Janice Kelly, University of Maryland
- Diane Scott-Lichter, The Endocrine Society
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MedlinePlus Go Local Coverage: 32 States/Regions & 45% of US Population
Image: MedllinePlus Go Local Coverage Map displays the status of each state or region, and the 8 RML regions are numbered and outlined.
(Map is dated 3/9/2009)
Source: Go Local Statistics and Charts
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Inventory of NLM Serials Collection
- Goal: Item Records for all post-1800 volumes
- Completed: Titles indexed in MEDLINE and Index Catalogue
- Not Done: Non-Indexed English and other non-English
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NLM Journal Donation Program
Image: Screenshot of the Welcome page of the NLM Journal Donation System
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Image: Screenshot of search results in the NLM Journal Donation System
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History of Medicine Travelling Exhibitions
- Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Surgeons
- Changing the Face of Medicine
- Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health
- Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature
- Harry Potter’s World
- Rewriting the Book of Nature
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HMD’s Images in the History of Medicine
70,000 images upgraded to new platform
Enables users to:
- View, resize, and download images
- No watermarks or slashes
- New search capabilities
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Image: Screenshot of the Web page "Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)"
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Image: Screenshot of search results from the "Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)" Web page
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Image: Screenshot of the former "detailed view" of a record from the "Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)" Web page
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Image: Screenshot of the newly designed "detailed view" of a record from the "Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)" Web page
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Image: Screenshot of the newly designed "Zoom Feature" of a detailed record from the "Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)" Web page
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- PubMed Search clinic
- Searching Redesigned PubMed (Summer/Fall 2009)
- RxNorm, MyMedicationList, & DailyMed
- UMLS Documentation
- Using UMLS Data in MS Access
- Processing Vocabularies for Representation in the Metathesaurus (tentative)
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Molecular Biology Webinars
Possible Modules:
- Sequence Databases
- Genes & Genomes
- Using BLAST
- PubChem
- Gene Expression
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“How to” Approach
- Find a curated version of a sequence record
- Find expression data for a gene
- Find genes associated with a disease
- View the 3D structure of a protein
- Find published information on a gene
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Special Populations Web Pages
- American Indian Health
- Asian American Health
- Arctic Health
- Women’s Health Resources
- Enviro-Health Kids Portal Prototype
Image: Brochure cover with a photo of a Native American girl holding an American flag above a second photo of waterfalls
Image: Book cover titled "Hands Around The World"
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2008 AIDS Community Outreach Awardees
- Alliance Library System (East Peoria, IL)
- California State University (Long Beach, CA)
- Magnolia Coastland AHEC (Statesboro, GA)
- Maricopa Integrated Health System (Phoenix, AZ)
- Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (San Diego, CA)
- Philadelphia FIGHT/AIDS Library (Philadelphia, PA)
- University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM)
- The Wall Las Memorias (Los Angeles, CA)
- Queens Borough Public Library (Jamaica, NY)
- AID Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
- Univ of Maryland Health Sci Library (Baltimore, MD)
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Production Highlights for FY09
- Add 710,000 New Citations to MEDLINE
- Add 1947 Print Citations to MEDLINE
- Add Rare Disease Terms to MeSH
- Redesign MedlinePlus
- New PubMed Screens
- Digitize 100 Years of JNMA
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2008-2009 AAHSL Leadership Fellows
Names of fellows and their mentors:
- Laura Cousineau, Med U of South Carolina -- mentored by Gail Yakote, UC Davis
- Melissa Just, City of Hope Medical Ctr. -- mentored by Christina Pope , SUNY Upstate
- Rod MacNeil, Thomas Jefferson -- mentored by Scott Plutchak, U of Alabama
- Sandra Martin, Wayne State -- mentored by Gary Freiburger, U of Arizona
- Nancy Tannery, U of Pitttsburg -- mentored by Jim Shedlock, Northwestern
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2008/2009 NLM Associate Fellowship Program
Image: photo of the four fellows in front of NLM (Amy Donahue, Patrick McLaughlin, Kathleen Amos and Paula Maez)
Amy Donahue, Patrick McLaughlin, Kathleen Amos and Paula Maez
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Second Year Associates
Image: Kate Flewelling
Image: Emily Vardell
Image: Brenda Linares
Image: Joanna Karpinski
Image: Melissa Resnick and her guide dog
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Last Reviewed: June 16, 2009