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Table of Contents: 2015 MAY–JUNE No. 404

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New Grant Funding Organizations Added for Europe PMC

Kwan YK. New Grant Funding Organizations Added for Europe PMC. NLM Tech Bull. 2015 May-Jun;(404):e6.

2015 May 18 [posted]

Effective May 2015, the manuscript submission system for Europe PMC (also known as Europe PMC plus) is adding two additional grant funding organizations. These new granting agencies may appear on records for manuscripts that designate financial support. The two agencies are:

Alzheimer’s Society
Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research

In addition, please note a name change for an existing Europe PMC agency, Marie Curie Cancer Care will now be known as Marie Curie.

PubMed Display

The grant number information format in the PubMed Abstract display will be:

grant number/organization name/country name

For example:

Grant Support
123/Alzheimer’s Society/United Kingdom
14028/Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research/United Kingdom

Searching Grant Numbers

Search for Europe PMC grant number information in the following ways:

  • Grant number to retrieve citations with a specific grant:
    14028 [gr]
  • Full organization name or pieces of the name to retrieve citations with grants from a specific granting organization:
    leukaemia and lymphoma research [gr]
    lymphoma [gr]
  • Country name to retrieve all citations with grants for granting organizations from a specific country:
    united kingdom [gr]

Comprehensive searching for a grant number can be more complicated because the information is not necessarily reported in a standardized format. Include the country name or the organization name in the search to be sure that the results are for the correct organization of interest, especially if searching only on a number string, e.g.:

123 [gr] AND alzheimer’s society [gr]

The NLM Web resource page, Grant Number Information Found in the GR Field in MEDLINE/PubMed has been updated with these two new non-US funding organizations.

By Y. Kathy Kwan
National Center for Biotechnology Information

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health