he following changes have been made to PubMed's Limits:
Age Groups
- As a result of the changes in the 2003 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®)
hierarchy for age groups, the search for All Child: 0-18 years has been modified to:
Infant [mh] OR Child [mh] OR Adolescent [mh]
For detailed information on the changes in the 2003 MeSH hierarchy for age groups, see the article,
What's New for 2003
MeSH® in this issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin.
Related note: a search for child in PubMed will no
longer retrieve citations indexed with terms that used to be indented under Child, i.e., Adolescent, Infant, and
Infant, Newborn. Searchers who want to include studies for ages 0 - 18 should use "All Child" on the Limits screen
or incorporate the
search terms mentioned above.
- A new age grouping has been added:
Middle Aged +
Aged: 45+
In process and Publisher have been removed from the pull-down menu. These subsets can still be searched using the [SB] search tag.
Sample search:
psoriasis AND (in process [sb] OR publisher [sb])
By Annette M. Nahin
MEDLARS Management Section
Nahin AM. Changes to PubMed's® Limits. NLM Tech Bull. 2002 Nov-Dec;(329):e6.
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