new version of the NLM Gateway was released on November 3, 2003. This version introduces four new features:
- Display of the Limits for the current search
- Author name truncation
- Display of direct links for PubMed Central articles on Document Ordering Page
- Spell Check for user input
Display of the Limits for the current search
Whereas in the past, users could not see which Limits were in effect while they were entering search terms into the NLM Gateway search query box, a Limits checkbox as well as a list of Limits currently in use are now displayed directly beneath the query box (see Figure 1).
Author name truncation
The user may enter only the last name or the last name and the first initial if the
middle initial is not known. The Gateway will truncate an author (or investigator) search for Journal Citations, Meeting Abstracts, and HSRProj (Other Collections). Books/Serials/AVs does not support author searching. There is no author or investigator field in the MedlinePlus collections,, or DIRLINE.
Display of direct links for PubMed Central articles on Document Ordering page
When the user selects items and uses the Order Documents function (either on the Results Display or in the Locker), the Document Ordering page—containing your selected items—is displayed (see Figure 2). Note: articles that are Free in PubMed Central are flagged with a link to the article and do not need to be ordered.
Spell Check for user input
The Gateway processes search terms through a spell check function. If a possible spelling error is found, Gateway displays a notice at the top of the Results Summary page (see Figure 3). Clicking on the Details button after the notice reports the term(s) entered incorrectly and offers suggested corrections (see Figure 4).
In addition to the new features, access to two new collections, "MedlinePlus Health Tutorials" and "MedlinePlus Current Health News," is now available in the Consumer Health category.
By Andrea Demsey
MEDLARS Management Section
And Sonya Shooshan
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications
Demsey A and Shooshan S. Four New Features and Two New Collections in Latest NLM® Gateway Release. NLM Tech Bull. 2003 Nov-Dec;(335):e2.