Table of Contents: 2012 NOVEMBER–DECEMBER No. 389
New CMT Downloads, Updated SNOMED CT Browsers Page. NLM Tech Bull. 2012 Nov-Dec;(389):b9.
Convergent Medical Terminology (CMT) Downloads
The ENT, Gastrointestinal, Infectious Diseases Problem List Subset from CMT is available for download. The subset includes all concepts that Kaiser Permanente uses as Problem Lists for ENT, gastrointestinal and infectious disease. There are 3,584 concepts in the file. For more information about CMT, see UMLS News from April 2011 and Kaiser Permanente Opens Access to CMT to Support HHS Health IT Goals Frequently Asked Questions.
The CMT Enterprise Terminology Tool (ETT) is a new download available from NLM. Kaiser Permanente uses the ETT for the creation, management and quality assurance of its terminology products such as the CMT subsets. The ETT is an installation of the IHTSDO Workbench. Note: NLM does not provide technical support for the ETT.
Updated SNOMED CT Browsers Page
The SNOMED CT Browsers Web page now includes a link to the newly released IHTSDO Guidance on Provision of Publicly Available SNOMED CT Browsers and Related Services (PDF). All publicly available SNOMED CT browsers must comply with the rules outlined in the guidance document.