Table of Contents: 2024 NOVEMBER–DECEMBER No. 461
New NLM Tutorial: Health Data Standards and Terminologies. NLM Tech Bull. 2024 Nov-Dec;(461):b12.
This tutorial is for anyone who works with health information. Learn about the different types of health data standards and how they support the interoperability of health information systems. Explore terminology products, tools, and services available from the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
This self-paced, interactive course will also help you identify ways you may already be using standards and consider ways to better implement these health data standards into your systems, workflows, and practices. This tutorial takes about 2.5 hours to complete.
To receive Medical Library Association (MLA) continuing education (CE) credit or a certificate of completion for this tutorial, please register and access the course via the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) website.
Additionally, this tutorial is freely accessible on the NLM website.
Continuing Education: