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National Library of Medicine Technical BulletinNational Library of Medicine Technical Bulletin


NLM Technical Bulletin RSS Feed : Update Notices to Your Reader

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format for sharing and distributing Web content. Using an RSS reader, you will be notified when a new article is published on the NLM Technical Bulletin Web site. RSS Readers (also called aggregators) will download the NLM Technical Bulletin RSS feed for you.

How do I get a RSS Reader?

There are many free RSS Readers available for download via the Web. They give you a variety of functions and each has its own advantages.

NLM does not endorse any particular reader or aggregator. To find one that fits your needs simply search the Web entering the key words free rss reader.

What will I get with the NLM Technical Bulletin RSS feed?

You will be notified when a new article or Technical Note is published on the NLM Technical Bulletin Web site. This notification will be delivered to your desktop, Web browser, or e-mail depending on the RSS Reader you select to use.

How do I add the NLM Technical Bulletin RSS feed?

Copy the URL below and paste it into your RSS reader. Reader setups vary. Refer to your reader's instructions for adding a feed.


To remove the NLM Technical Bulletin feed, simply delete the NLM Technical Bulletin URL from your RSS reader.

Technical Support for RSS Readers

NLM is unable to provide support for RSS readers or to test this service with a specific reader. Users interested in using this technology or who need technical support should enlist the help of their computer support staff.

NLM Technical Bulletin National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health