- Automated Indexing Implemented for Meeting Abstracts
- e2
- Index terms added to meeting abstracts in the NLM Gateway using the Medical Text Indexer.
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- Population-related Citations Added to MEDLINE®/PubMed®
- e3
- NLM is adding approximately 100,000 population-related journal citations to MEDLINE.
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- New Entrez Database: Journals - e4
- NCBI has created a new Journals database which replaces the PubMed Journal Browser.
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- NLM Classification 2002 Edition Now Available - e5
- The NLM Classification is now published in electronic form and updated annually.
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- Gene Indexing - e6
- The NLM Index Section is providing gene indexing for MEDLINE citations.
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/PubMed® End-of-Year Activities - e7
- During end-of-year activities, NLM's
schedule for adding indexed citations to MEDLINE/PubMed is temporarily interrupted.
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- NLM Online Training Program: 2003 - e8
- The 2003 calendar year will ring in a reorganization
of the NLM Online Training Program classes.
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