Table of Contents: 2018 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER No. 424
Improved Search Now Available Across NCBIÂ Databases. NLM Tech Bull. 2018 Sep-Oct;(424):b7
[Editor's Note: This is a reprint of an announcement from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). To automatically receive the latest news and announcements regarding major changes and updates to NCBI resources and tools please see the subscribe page.]
Earlier this year, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced the release of a new and improved search feature that interprets plain language to give better results for common searches. This feature, originally developed in NCBI Labs and later released on the NCBI All Databases search, is now available across several NCBI resources: Nucleotide, Protein, Gene, Genome, and Assembly. Whether you are searching for a specific gene or for a whole genome, you will now retrieve improved results regardless of the database you search.
Figure 1 shows the results for a search for human INS in the Nucleotide database. Even though this is a Nucleotide search, the results include relevant information from Gene, Protein, Taxonomy, plus links to the NCBI reference sequences (RefSeq) as well as access to BLAST and the insulin gene region in the NCBI Genome Data Viewer.
Try out this new search capability and let us know what you think. Keep visiting the NCBI Labs search page to try our latest experiments.