Table of Contents: 2019 SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER No. 430
Willis SR. NLM Classification 2019 Summer Edition Now Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2019 Sep-Oct;(430):e4.
The 2019 summer version of the NLM Classification, now available, encompasses the systematic review of the following schedules: QW (Microbiology. Immunology) and QX (Parasitology). In addition to the systematic reviews of the QW and QX schedules, other minor additions and changes were made.
New Number | Class Name | Former Number(s) |
QS 132.1 | [Anatomy. Histology. Laws] General coverage (Not Table G) | QS 132 |
QS 133 | [Anatomy. Histology] Discussion of law (Table G) | QS 132 |
QS 133.1 | [Anatomy. Histology. Discussion of law] General coverage (Not Table G) | QS 132 |
QV 762 | Toxic plants | WD 500-530 |
QW 41 | Microbial interactions. Host-microbial interactions (General or not elsewhere classified) | QW 4 |
QW 42 | Microbial virulence | QW 730 |
QW 142.5.E5 | Enterococcaceae | None |
QW 160.5 | [Viruses] Genetic aspects | QW 160 |
QW 168.5.F4 | Filoviridae | None |
QW 200 | Unicellular eukaryota (General or not elsewhere classified) | QX 50 |
QW 205 | Alveolata | None |
QW 208 | Apicomplexa | QX 123-140 |
QW 210 | Coccidia | QX 123 |
QW 212 | Sarcocystidae | None |
QW 214 | Haemosporida | None |
QW 217 | Ciliophora | QX 151 |
QW 220 | Oligohymenophorea | None |
QW 225 | Amoebozoa | QX 55 |
QW 228 | Lobosea | None |
QW 230 | Mycetozoa | None |
QW 235 | Diplomonadida | QX 70 |
QW 240 | Euglenozoa | None |
QW 243 | Kinetoplastida | None |
QW 250 | Parabasalidea | None |
QW 260 | Stramenopiles | None |
*QW 521 | Allergy and immunology as a profession. Ethics. Peer review | QW 21 |
QW 525.5.I4 | Immunoprecipitation | None |
QW 569 | Immunologic receptors | QW 570, etc. |
QW 573.5.E7 | Epitopes | QW 573 |
QW 573.5.N4 | Neoplasm antigens | QW 573 |
QW 574 | Antigen receptors | QW 573 |
QW 575.5.A8 | Autoantibodies | QW 575 |
QW 575.5.I6 | Immunoconjugates | None |
QW 575.5.V5 | Viral antibodies | QW 575 |
QW 608 | Antigen-antibody complex. Immune complex diseases | QW 570; WD 308 |
QW 630.5.V4 | Venoms | WD 400-430 |
QW 740 | Immune system diseases (General or not elsewhere classified) | WD 300-330 |
QW 904 | Food hypersensitivity | WD 310 |
QW 906 | Drug hypersensitivity | WD 320 |
QW 910 | Allergens (General or not elsewhere classified) | QW 900 |
QW 942 | Immunization | QW 800-815 |
QX 47 | Disease transmission. Disease vectors (General or not elsewhere classified) | QW 700 |
QX 199 | Invertebrates (General or not elsewhere classified) | None |
QX 700 | Chordata (General or not elsewhere classified) | None |
QX 710 | Birds | None |
QX 720 | Mammals (General or not elsewhere classified) | None |
QX 725 | Artiodactyla | None |
QX 730 | Carnivora | None |
QX 735 | Rodentia | None |
QY 60.I5 | Insects [Laboratory Animals] | None |
QY 60.M6 | Mollusca [Laboratory Animals] | None |
WA 697.1 | [Food laws] General coverage (Not Table G) | WA 697 |
WA 700 | Foodborne diseases (General or not elsewhere classified) | WA 695-722 |
WO 830 | Bites and stings | WD 400-430 |
WS 276 | Juvenile arthritis | WE 344-346 |
WZ 112.5.M2 | [Collective biography by specialty] Microbiologists | WZ 112 |
WZ 112.5.P7 | [Collective biography by specialty] Psychologists | WZ 112 |
WZ 112.5.Z7 | [Collective biography by specialty] Zoologists | WZ 112 |
*QW 521 was a formerly canceled number that was reinstated.
Canceled Number | Class Name | Now Classed in |
QW 128 | Bacteroidetes | QW 50 |
QW 145 | Phototrophic bacteria | QW 131 |
QW 165.5.P2 | Papillomaviridae | QW 166 |
QW 168.5.A7 | Arboviruses | QW 160 |
QW 190 | Bacterial and fungal spores | QW 51;QW 180 |
QW 660 | Bacteriolysis | QW 52 |
QW 730 | Virulence. Invasiveness | QW 42 |
QX 50 | Unicellular eukaryota (General or not elsewhere classified) | QW 200-260 |
QX 55 | Amoebozoa | QW 225-230 |
QX 70 | Diplomonadida. Trichomonadida. Trypanosomatina | QW 235, QW 250, QW 243 |
QX 123 | Apicomplexa | QW 208-214 |
QX 135 | Plasmodium | QW 214 |
QX 140 | Toxoplasma | QW 212 |
QX 151 | Ciliophora | QW 217-220 |
QX 207 | Trichuroidea | QX 203 |
QX 248 | Trichostrongyloidea | QX 243 |
QX 271 | Oxyuroidea | QX 203 |
QX 469 | Scorpions | QL 548.7-.72 |
QX 471 | Spiders | QL 458.4-.42 |
QX 483 | Trombiculidae | QX 475 |
QX 650 | Insect vectors | QX 500 |
QZ 65 | Bacteria. Fungi. Viruses (General) [Pathogenicity] | With topic in QW |
QZ 85 | Animal parasites [Pathogenicity] | QX 199-735 |
WD 300 | [Immunologic and Collagen Diseases. Hypersensitivity] General works | QW 740; QW 900 |
WD 301 | [Immunologic and Collagen Diseases. Hypersensitivity] Handbooks. Resource guides | With topic in form number 39 |
WD 305 | Autoimmune diseases (General) | QW 545 |
WD 308 | Immune complex disease. Immunologic deficiency syndromes (General or not elsewhere classified) | QW 608;QW 740 |
WD 310 | Food hypersensitivity | QW 904 |
WD 320 | Drug hypersensitivity | QW 906 |
WD 330 | Serum sickness | QW 608 |
WD 400 | [Animal poisons] General works | QW 630.5.V4 |
WD 401 | [Animal poisons] Handbooks. Resource guides | With topic in form number 39 |
WD 405 | Marine forms | QW 630.5.V4 |
WD 410 | Reptiles | QW 630.5.V4 |
WD 420 | Spiders. Scorpions. Centipedes. Leeches | QW 630.5.V4 |
WD 430 | Insects | QW 630.5.V4 |
WD 500 | [Plant poisons] General works | QV 762; WA 700 |
WD 501 | [Plant poisons] Handbooks. Resource guides | With topic in form number 39 |
WD 505 | Ergotism | WA 700 |
WD 515 | Favism | WA 700 |
WD 520 | Mushroom poisoning | WA 700 |
WD 530 | Milk sickness | WA 700 |
New Number | Class Name | Former Number(s) |
QWB | Animal Poisons | WDC |
Canceled Number | Class Name | Now Classed in |
WDB | Hypersensitivity | QWA |
WDC | Animal poisons. Plant poisons | QWB; QVB |
The QW analysis revealed some inconsistency and overlap between parts of the QW and WD (Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic or Environmental Origin, etc.) schedules. For example, both QW and WD had areas with the header Hypersensitivity. Since Hypersensitivity is an immunological response, it is preferable to classify all the works in the QW Immunology Section.
A major partial review of the WD schedule was conducted to consolidate certain subjects in the QW and other schedules. As a result, several WD class numbers were canceled and some new QW numbers were created. Also, two 19th century schedule numbers were made obsolete: WDB Hypersensitivity and WDC Animal poisons. Plant poisons.
Two new numbers were created in other schedules: QV 762 Toxic plants and WA 700 Foodborne diseases (General or not elsewhere classified).
The analysis revealed that, although the QX schedule is labeled as Parasitology, it contained numbers for many different organisms some of which are not parasites. For example, QX 675 indicates it is for Mollusca, but not all Mollusca are parasites. A work on the biology of the squid should not be classed in QX but in the Library of Congress QL classification. As a result of the analysis, “Disease Vectors” was added to the QX Schedule Header to indicate this schedule is about invertebrates and their relationship to medicine. Several new class numbers were created for specific invertebrates. The class numbers in the section on unicellular Eukaroyta were cancelled and reclassed in new numbers in the QW schedule. Related index terms were updated to reflect the change in classification and to provide LC classification when not medically related.
Examples of additional changes made:
A project was conducted to eliminate alpha only class numbers from the index. Where a specific class number or range was available, it was added. Otherwise, appropriate subindex terms were added with specific class numbers. For example, Bible BS was changed to Bible BS 1-680. Eye WW had the alpha only removed and a subindex term General WW 100 added to the list of subindex terms.
To learn more, see the NLM Classification homepage.
The PDF version will be updated with 2019 winter and summer classification data by the fall of 2019.
Sharon R. Willis
Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, Technical Services Division