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Physicians’ Data Query (PDQ)
Access procedures.
1990 Feb:105; 1991 Jan-Feb:115; 1991 May-Jun:Appendix A
AIDS information restricted.
1989 Dec:3
Available via NLM Gateway.
1995 Jun-Aug:3
1982 Sep:6
Biologic Response Modifier Menu.
1987 May:3
Broad Phase I and II Protocol Retrieval.
1987 Apr:7
changes to file.
1988 Sep:3
clinical trials in PDQ.
1988 Jul:3
CLINPROT to be included.
1989 Mar:5
CME credits for searching.
1987 Mar:4
1994 Jul-Aug:17
1984 Jun:3
data element changes.
1983 Jun:3; 1983 Jul:4
deletion of file.
1984 Oct:3; 1985 Feb:3
demonstration codes available.
1985 Mar:3; 1986 Jan:3
description of database.
1982 Sep:6; 1984 Mar:4
dose and schedule modification information.
1986 Oct:3
Drug Information Section New.
1993 Sept-Oct:6
early cancer detection guidelines.
1988 May:4
1984 Dec:5; 1988 Feb:3; 1988 Jul:3; 1989 Mar:3; 1992 Jan-Feb:59
new studies.
1987 Nov:4
print custom.
1986 May:1
with Release 89.2.
1989 Jul:3
eortic investigational protocols.
1988 Jun:3
exclusion criteria willo be added to Protocol file.
1989 Feb:53
1987 Jan:4
extended hours.
1985 Feb:3; 1985 Dec:3
free connect time.
1982 Dec:6; 1983 Apr:3; 1983 Jul:4; 1983 Sep:6; 1984 Jan:4
Grateful Med.
1986 Sep:10
LOGIN procedures, chart.
1985 Nov:9
Login via TOXNET Gateway possible.
1988 Feb:1
maintenancee changes.
1988 Dec:4
manual chapter.
1982 Sep:Enc
MLA Continuing Education Class.
1991 Mar-Apr:3
MMS Demo Codes now have PDQ access.
1986 Dec:4
New Version Coming.
1994 Jul-Aug:17
offsearch costs.
1982 Dec:6
online NEWS.
1985 Aug:3
Online Users' Meeting
1989 annoucement.
1989 Mar:3
1990 announcement.
1990 Mar:3
user group.
1988 Jul:3
User Group Meeting at MLA.
1991 Mar-Apr:3
PAUSE OFF and PAUSE ON commands from print menus.
1989 Mar:3
PAUSE print option.
1987 Feb:3
PDQ Quick Reference Guide
available from NCI.
1989 Aug:7; 1992 Jan-Feb:60
PDQ User Guide.
1985 Jan:3; 1985 May:5; 1990 Sep-Oct:6; 1991 Jan-Feb:94; 1992 Jan-Feb:59;
1993 Jul-Aug:26
PRINT format, LOCS.
1984 Mar:3
printing results with Grateful Med - IBM version 4.0.
1989 Aug:7
promotion via Hospital Satellite Network.
1985 Jan:14
public enquiries about.
1982 Oct:5
Release of version 90.1.
1990 Jun:3
search continuation option.
1987 Mar:4
search request form from NCI.
1986 Dec:4; 1986 Dec:Appendix A
Simplified Title field (STI).
1984 Oct:3
standard therapy protocols.
1988 Jan:4
Statements available via CancerFax.
1992 Nov-Dec:16
state-of-the-art statement for 'myeloproliferative disorders'.
1989 Feb:3
1983 Jul:15
1991 May-Jun:1
1989 Feb:53; 1990 Feb:52; 1991 Jan-Feb:59; 1993 Jan-Feb:27
updated monthly; see Clinprot
1982 Dec:5
user surveys.
1983 Aug:6
Version 2.
1985 Dec:5
Access Software Product Support Ends.
1993 May-Jun:26
New PC software.
1987 Dec:9
1989 Feb:53
1983 Jul:4
1984 Jun:3
deletion of file.
1984 Oct:3; 1984 Nov:3
1983 Jun:5
free connect time.
1983 Aug:5; 1983 Sep:6; 1984 Jan:4
1983 Sep:6
1983 Sep:6
search hint.
1983 Jun:5
States field (STS).
1983 Sep:3
unit record.
1983 Jun:8