2023AB Release Documentation
- Download Files
- What's New, Release Notes and Bugs
- New and Updated Sources (Expanded) -- Details of changes made to vocabularies for this release
- Vocabulary Documentation -- Synopsis, contact information and statistics for each new and updated vocabulary
- Copy of current license agreement and appendices
- MetamorphoSys, RRF Browser Documentation -- How to use the custom installation wizard and its browser
Release Metadata and Statistics
- Abbreviations Used in Data Elements
- Lists abbreviations and definitions of abbreviations used in Metathesaurus data elements, alphabetically by attribute type; includes relationship attributes.
- Attribute Names
- Lists column and data element abbreviations, names and descriptions in Metathesaurus files in alphabetical order by abbreviation; includes field length and SQL92 datatype information. Provided for both Original Release and Rich Release Formats.
- Columns and Data Elements
- Lists column and data element abbreviations, names and descriptions in Metathesaurus files in alphabetical order by abbreviation; includes field length and SQL92 datatype information. Provided for both Rich Release and Original Release Formats.
- Content Views
- Lists Content Views and descriptions in Metathesaurus files.
- Source and Term Types: Default Order of Precedence and Suppressibility
- Lists sources and term types in default order of rank or precedence, used to determine referred names in the Metathesaurus, and notes the default suppressibility status assigned to each Source|Term Type.
- Statistics
- Provides an overview of the current Metatheasaurus, including summary counts of concepts, names, sources and languages.
Last Reviewed: November 6, 2023