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Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)

Statistics - 2024AB

Official Counts:
Release version:    2024AB
Release format:    RRF
Concepts:    3,426,877
Number of concept names (AUIs):    16,709,195
Number of distinct concept names (SUIs):    13,775,220
Number of distinct normalized concept names (LUIs):    12,578,717
Number of sources (distinct source families by language):    170
Number of sources contributing concept names:    189
Number of languages contributing concept names:    28

Name Count by Language:

Language Name Count % of Metathesaurus
ENG 10378059 62.11%
SPA 1927045 11.53%
POR 459733 2.75%
FRE 402981 2.41%
DUT 370395 2.22%
JPN 349600 2.09%
RUS 312733 1.87%
GER 278902 1.67%
ITA 269585 1.61%
CZE 226201 1.35%
POL 186804 1.12%
SWE 166849 1%
KOR 155777 0.93%
EST 147416 0.88%
FIN 142602 0.85%
SCR 127148 0.76%
GRE 119323 0.71%
LAV 118518 0.71%
HUN 117831 0.71%
LIT 117113 0.7%
ARA 117113 0.7%
CHI 89731 0.54%
NOR 63797 0.38%
TUR 49859 0.3%
UKR 12177 0.07%
DAN 723 0%
BAQ 695 0%
HEB 485 0%

Name Count by Source Restriction Level (SRL):

SRL Source Count % of Sources
0 7073759 42.33%
1 184549 1.1%
2 22156 0.13%
3 5833957 34.91%
4 212271 1.27%
9 3382503 20.24%
0+4 7286030 43.6%

Count of Atoms by Suppressibility:

Suppressibility Status Name Count % of Metathesaurus
E 9887 0.06%
O 2009914 12.03%
N 14343020 85.84%
Y 346374 2.07%

Source Counts by Language (from MRSAB):

Language Name count % of Metathesaurus
ENG 105 55.56%
SPA 10 5.29%
GER 8 4.23%
FRE 8 4.23%
DUT 7 3.7%
POR 6 3.17%
ITA 5 2.65%
KOR 4 2.12%
RUS 3 1.59%
SWE 3 1.59%
FIN 3 1.59%
POL 3 1.59%
CZE 2 1.06%
JPN 2 1.06%
* 2 1.06%
LAV 2 1.06%
GRE 2 1.06%
EST 2 1.06%
HUN 2 1.06%
SCR 2 1.06%
NOR 2 1.06%
HEB 1 0.53%
LIT 1 0.53%
DAN 1 0.53%
BAQ 1 0.53%
TUR 1 0.53%
ARA 1 0.53%
CHI 1 0.53%
UKR 1 0.53%

*Note: 2 sources contribute relationships which have no associated language values.

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Last Reviewed: October 30, 2024