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SNOMED CT Permanent Package Downloads

SNOMED CT (R) Permanent Package Releases

Data Files
The files listed below were previously included in the SNOMED CT International Edition Release Format 1 (RF1) distribution. Because the files do not change from one release to the next, as of January 2015, the files have been made permanently available to IHTSDO Member National Release Centers and Affiliate Licensees via Internet download. They are no longer included in the International Edition.

To download the SNOMED CT Releases from this page click on the file name to start the download.

Release Name Notes
SNOMED CT RF2 to RF1 Conversion (44 MB) The RF2 Conversion Tool is an open source, Java-based, softward tool to facilitate the conversion of SNOMED CT files in RF2 format into RF1 format. The tool provides both a command line utility and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to facilitate configuration, progress tracking and the maintenance of additional data whenever it is not available as part of an RF2 release.
SNOMED CT Ordered Type Reference Set (12.81 MB) The SNOMED CT Ordered Type Reference Set is provided in UTF-8 encoded tab-delimited flat files which can be imported into any database or other software application.
SNOMED CT Navigation Subsets (0.79 MB) Navigation subsets allow SNOMED CT concepts to be organized and displayed in alternative hierarchies. Two example navigation subsets are included in the Developer Toolkit to illustrate how these subsets are defined. The use and implementation of navigation subsets is also explored in the Technical Implementation Guide. See Appendix B for the file description, and the Technical Reference Guide for details about the subset structure. The CTV3 hierarchy shows SNOMED CT concepts as they were organized in the Clinical Terms Version 3 (Read Codes) terminology, one of the predecessor terminologies of SNOMED CT.
SNOMED CT LOINC Integration File (1.768 MB) The SNOMED CT LOINC Integration File is provided in UTF-8 encoded tab-delimited flat files which can be imported into any database or other software application.
SNOMED CT Duplicate Terms Subset (0.208 MB) The SNOMED CT Duplicate Terms Subset is provided in UTF-8 encoded tab-delimited flat files which can be imported into any database or other software application.
SNOMED CT Bridge File Resource Package (1.297 MB) The SNOMED CT Bridge File Resource Package is provided in UTF-8 encoded tab-delimited flat files which can be imported into any database or other software application.


Last Reviewed: January 29, 2015