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The VHD–MMS Agent Retriever: An Image Retrieval System Based on Object-Oriented Architecture and Software Agents

Pietro Cerveri, M.S.
National Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Engineering
Bioengineering Department – Politecnico of Milano, Italy
Francesco Pinciroli, Professor
Coordinator of the "Visible Human Dataset – Milano Mirror Site " at CILEA
Chair of Medical Informatics – Bioengineering Department  – Politecnico of Milano, Italy

      Navigating and efficiently retrieving image and other multimedia object from WWW has become one of the primary efforts in a wide area of applications. In biomedical field this is justified due to great number of bio-archives distributed all around the world which, containing an extensive range of information such as biological text results, clinical reports, images, audio and video recordings, improve the information interchange and facilitate medical people in education and training, clinical analysis and surgery. VHD anatomical images are available through internet access but due to lack of a database architecture no driven query is allowed. At VHD-MMS (Milano Mirror Site) we planned to integrate the image repository with a query framework for content-based image retrieval. Not only the system will allow retrieving images through their general information but also by concept with semantic value and visual properties. The system is built through an Object-Oriented Database Management System. The image is mapped into an image model which contains attributes (meta, semantic, visual) and rules to manage them. Graphics User Interface allows the user to question the database based on keywords (organs, tissues, anatomical structures, ..) belonging to a well defined knowledge source such as UMLS and visual navigating the repository based on color, texture properties. Through a Software Agents (SA) technology, the performance of the system will be upgraded making the system able to provide a User-View of the database content according to the specialty of the user. While being the data structure single, the software agents architecture allows presenting the information under different points of view. Virtual data models are generated and customized to user skills. For instance while browsing an image a radiologist can be interested in skeletal apparatus and neglects soft tissues. The system can present a walk through into a set of images in which only the bones are visible.
Keywords: UMLS, database, image model, conten-based retrieval, software agents.
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