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Anatomical Model Generation for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation

G. Székely, Ph.D., J. Hug, M.Sc.
 Image Science Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
        ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland 
M. Bajka, M.D.
Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Hospital Uster
CH-8610 Uster Switzerland
M. Manestar, M.D., P. Groscurth, M.D.
Institute of Anatomy, University of Zürich, Switzerland 
U. Haller, M.D.
Department of Gynaecology, University Hospital Zürich
CH-8091 Zürich, Switzerland

      The goal of the presented work is the development of a surgical simulator for laparoscopic gynaecology. Major emphasis has been laid on a feasibly realistic simulation environment which is only possible on the basis of a detailed anatomical model. The Visible Human Female data set of the National Library of Medicine offers a consistent source of anatomical and morphological information by providing very high resolution and excellent tissue contrast at the same time. Accordingly, this data set has been selected as the basis of the anatomical model building. The presented paper analyses the segmentation requirements for the anatomical model-making, and describes the anatomical properties of the data set as well as the detailed geometrical model of the female abdomen resulting from the segmentation process.

Keywords: surgical simulator, 3D anatomical modeling, segmentation, augmented reality.
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