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    In the second lecture of the series, the focus is on the perineum. This is the region between the thighs and corresponds to the subfloor of the pelvis from which is suspended the external genitalia.  This is a particularly difficult area to dissect because the structures are small and condensed into an extremely compact space.  This region is taught as a series of layers comprising two pouches. But many of the contents of these pouches are essentially invisible by conventional dissection.

    We have designed a tutorial that allows the students to build the perineal structure from the pelvic diaphragm out or from the outermost fascial layer in [Figure 8].  The layers can be moved sequentially to allow views of deeper or more superficial layers respectively [Figure 9].

    Images of this region obtained from the Visible Human [Figure10] show spectacular detail and the important anatomical structures are well illustrated.  The male perineal data gives the student an opportunity to view structures that otherwise go undissected and poorly understood.  It should be possible to separate these structures from the Visible Human and incorporate them into the same sort of tutorial as we have generated from illustrations [Figure 9, Figure 10]. Once this area is built as separate components other structures can be added and correlations made with internal pelvic structures of the urogenital system.

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