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Proposed Processing Algorithm

     In this section, a data processing algorithm to achieve the following will be introduced:       The proposed processing algorithm needs an initial contour of a specified anatomical entity in the first or the top layer CT image. Then the contour of the entity can be refined and extracted. In the next layer CT image, the contour of the entity can be extracted using the contour in the previous image as initial contour. In the following, the processing algorithm is detailed step by step.
    1. Data Preprocessing

    2. The input data are sequential CT images of fresh cadaver of size 512x512 of 12 bits. A thresholding operation is performed on each CT image. The threshold to extract external surface of human body is 700 and the threshold to extract surfaces of human skull is 1150. The gray scale of a pixel is set to zero if the original value is below the threshold. Fig.1(a) shows a CT image (c_vm1110.fre). Fig.1(b) and Fig.1(c) show the images after thresholding with threshold 700 and 1150 respectively. These images show that background noise and unwanted tissue are removed cleanly after thresholding.
    3. Contour Extraction and Registration

    4. Active contour model is first applied to extract and register contours. It consists of three steps: Level set is also used to extract contours. It has two steps: contour initialization and contour extraction, which are basically the same as the first two steps of active contour models. When extracting contours in the subsequent images, contours from the previous image are used as initial contours, but the information in the previous image won't be used in the contour extraction process.
    5. Contour Smoothing

    6. The extracted contour may not be smooth enough due to noise in the images. We use curve fitting to to remove the irregular jumping points, i.e. for each contour, a B-spline curve is fitted to the data and then new contour is generated by sampling points from the curve. This is done by a Surfacer program.
    7. Contour Alignment

    8. After extracting and smoothing contours from all CT images, thes contour points are stacked together to form 3-D surfaces. CT images in the Visible Human Dataset have different space resolutions and thickness. Each contour is assigned a z value according to the thickness of the CT images. The center of the images are chosen as the origin of each layer and the x, y coordinates of contour points are converted to actual measurement with respect to the origin. Then all contour points are combined into one entity and exported for mesh generation.
    9. Mesh generation
      The point cloud generated from contour alignment are exported to Nuages. The contours are arranged according to their z values. Nuages will generate triangular meshes from the input contours. The resulting surface can be viewed by Geomview.

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