Figures 4-8 show the surface rendered anatomical structures. A snap shot of VHVis is shown in Figure 4. From the anatomical structure tree as shown in the left window, the user can select the structures of interest. The selected structures are loaded into the virtual 3D universe and can be manipulated in the workshop as shown in the right window of Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the rendered left lung with its appearance editor. By increasing the transparency of the lower lobe of the left lung, the junction between the two lobes can be seen as shown in Figure 6. Multiple 3D-anatomy structures obtained from different VHIF-VOI files can be rendered and composed into the same scene as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8.
Figures 9-14 show the images obtained using the volume and hybrid models of VHVis. Figure 9 shows a reconstructed trachea volume obtained from one VHIF-VOI file and a view of the volume with 3 orthogonal cutting planes. Figure 10 shows the rendered trachea. Figure 11 is the rendered heart in its volume. Figure 12 is the rendered left lung from one VOI file. Figure 13 is the rendered left lung with a view of 3 cutting orthogonal planes. Figure 14 shows a mixture of rendered structures using volume and surface rendering algorithms. The bronchi of left lung were rendered using volume rendering algorithm. The surface of left lung is semi-transparent. The surface of lung is growing from back to front until the surface is closed.