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Accessing HSDB Content from PubChem

HSDB content is migrated to PubChem. Follow the steps below to find the HSDB content in PubChem.

  1. Start a search in the PubChem search by entering a chemical name, molecular formula, CAS RN, SMILES, or InChI identifier.
    Start a search in the PubChem search by entering a chemical name, molecular formula, CAS RN,SMILES, or InChI identifier.

  2. Select the “Best Match” compound
    Select the “Best Match” compound

  3. HSDB content is distributed in the sections and fields in PubChem.

    Use the accordion style menu to expand/collapse the sections. Use “Ctrl F” shortcut key to find the field name.
    HSDB content is distributed in the sections and fields in PubChem. They may not match your familiar HSDB content organization. Use the accordion style menu to expand/collapse the sections. Use “Ctrl F” shortcut key to find the field name.

  4. IMPORTANT! How to find HSDB-ONLY content

    STEP 1: Scroll down to the LAST section “Information Sources
    STEP 1: Scroll down to the LAST section “Information Sources”

    STEP 2: Go to “Information Sources”, expand the “FILTER BY SOURCE” menu
    STEP 2: Go to “Information Sources”, expand the “FILTER BY SOURCE” menu

    STEP 3: Select HSDB under the TOXNET sources.
    STEP 3: Select HSDB under the TOXNET sources.

    Applying this filter will allow you to access HSDB-only content in PubChem.
    Applying this filter will allow you to access HSDB-only content in PubChem


Last Reviewed: September 24, 2019