NLM launched VSAC update version 2.9.5 on April 16, 2015.
NEW: Graphic Tree Hierarchy Display in Code Context Viewer
We redesigned the user interface of the Code Context window to create a visual representation of code hierarchies. When you click on any hyperlinked code that originates from a hierarchical code system such as SNOMED CT, the redesigned Code Context window will appear as a pop-up with the following user interface features. In the left column, the Description and Terms sections remain the same, and we have added a Hierarchy section that includes expandable subsections of Children, Parents, and Siblings by Parent. In these expandable subsections, you can view, sort and filter the codes and descriptors for each child, parent, and siblings for the term on which you originally focused. In the right column of the redesigned Code Context window, you will see a new section called Tree View: a graphic expandable tree structure for the term on which you originally focused. You can expand this graphic tree structure to view the branch terms and leaf node terms of your original term. Mouse over terms in the Tree View to reveal the code of the term. Right-click on any code in the left column Hierarchy section to set that code as the new top node in the tree view.
NEW: Added Program Type and Program Subtype Parameters to the SVS API
Using the VSAC SVS API, you may now retrieve a value set according to how a particular program is using it, such as MU2 (Meaningful Use Stage 2). Currently we support programTypes MU2 and VSAC. The programType=VSAC represents value set expansions using the most recent code system versions and not attached to any particular program. We have also added an optional subType parameter that you may combine with the programType parameter. Currently, we support the EH (Eligible Hospital) and EP (Eligible Professional) subType parameters when combined with the MU2 programType parameter. We are prepared to support more programTypes and subTypes as stakeholders inform us of their needs. Please see our VSAC SVS API documentation in the VSAC Support Center for more information.
NEW: Indexing Purpose Statements and Notes to Enable Searching Value Sets by this Content.
We now programmatically index the purpose statements and notes of published value sets. You can now search published value sets, in the Query box of Search Value Sets tab, by entering terms used within purpose statements and notes fields. Currently, the purpose statements and note fields are only visible within the VSAC Authoring Tool environment, and we are working on interface and download improvements to display the purpose statements in the future.
CHANGED: Message for Automatic Updates by VSAC
Since the launch of VSAC in 2012, VSAC recalculates the expansions of each value set based on terminology updates published by the underlying code system of each value set. We refer to these computed expansions as 'Automatic Updates by VSAC.' We changed the message for Automatic Updates in the Value Set Details view to the following phrases, in order to be more descriptive about our processes:
Example (extensional value set):
This update was generated by VSAC to align with code changes published by SNOMEDCT
Example (grouping value set):
This update was generated by VSAC to align with code changes published by the code system of one or more member value sets.
FIXED: Export Search Result and Download Excel in the My Value Sets section.
We fixed a paging problem in the My Value Sets section of the VSAC Authoring Tool. You can now download your entire search/filter result instead of only the visible rows of the table. For example, if your search/filter result is greater than the maximum 60 rows allowed by the paging of the table, you can now export your entire result.
FIXED: VSAC Support Center Menu
Previously, our VSAC Support Center pages had difficulty rendering the left column menu. We have redesigned these pages to eliminate the left column menu, replacing this design with drop-down menus from the horizontal menu bar near the top of the page.
Thank you for your continued support of the Value Set Authority Center at the National Library of Medicine. Please send any questions or feedback to: Contact Us
Last Reviewed: October 29, 2015