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VSAC Support Center

FHIR Terminology Service for VSAC Resources

The FHIR Terminology Service for VSAC Resources is a REST API service for accessing the VSAC value sets and supported code systems. This service requires a free Unified Medical Language System® Metathesaurus License, due to usage restrictions on some of the codes included in the value sets.

The VSAC FHIR API is subject to change as we update it according to the developing HL7 Quality Measure Implementation Guide (QMIG) specifications and CMS requirements. Please refer to our Capability Statement for full documentation of the VSAC FHIR API.


Use basic authentication with your UMLS API Key. For example, if you are using a platform such as Postman, choose:
Authorization Type = Basic Auth;
Username = ‘apikey’ or leave it blank;
Password = user’s actual UMLS API Key.
You can find your API Key in the My Profile area after signing in to the UMLS.

Additional Information

FHIR version 4.0.1

Base URI:
Base URI for Testing:
Contact us for permissions to use the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) server.
Capability Statement (public): JSON | XML
Capability Statement (UAT): JSON | XML

If you need to access the previous FHIR version 3.0, use the MIME-type parameter fhirVersion in your Accept header to indicate which version of the FHIR release you intend to use. If you do not specify a FHIR version in the Accept header, then the default FHIR 4.0.1 shall be used. Any other Accept fhirVersion value shall return an error.
Accept:   application/fhir+json; fhirVersion=3.0

Sample Queries

Study the Capability Statements above to discover all supported parameters.

FHIR Resource FHIR Operation Examples Use Case
ValueSet Retrieve FHIR compose statement (VSAC definition) for specified intensional (logically defined) value set. Retrieve the FHIR compose statement (VSAC definition) for specified extensional value set.
  $expand$expand Retrieve expansion for specified extensional value set.
  $expand$expand?filter=spine Retrieve expansion of codes and descriptors matching filter=spine within specified extensional value set.
  $expand$expand Retrieve expansion for specified intensional (logically defined) value set.
  $validate-code$validate-code?system= Validate that a coded value is in the set of codes allowed by specified value set.
CodeSystem Retrieve details of a code system.
  $lookup$lookup?system= Retrieve details of a code from a code system.
  $lookup$lookup?system= Retrieve details of a code from a code system version.
  $lookup$lookup?system= Retrieve details of a code from a code system as of specified date.
  $subsumes$subsumes?system= Test subsumption relationship between code A and code B.
  $subsumes$subsumes?system= Test subsumption relationship between code A and code B, given a code system version.

Special Cases with No UMLS Authentication Requirement

FHIR Resource FHIR Operation Examples Use Case
ValueSet$covid Retrieve the current list of COVID-19 value sets designated by authors in VSAC. More information. Retrieve FHIR compose statement (VSAC definition) for specified COVID-19 value set.
  $expand$expand Retrieve expansion for specified COVID-19 value set.
CodeSystem $lookup$lookup?system= Retrieve details of a specified code from RxNorm.

Last Reviewed: August 20, 2024