JAMA cover, 2 September 1992 (reprinted with permission);
also from An Artist in the University Medical Center, plate 14, page 23.
©May H. Lesser
The Women in Medicine Society provides camaraderie for women medical students and meets their special needs, such as child care. The society has twenty members, six of whom are gathered together here. At each meeting a speaker discusses issues of concern to women in medicine. The scheduled speaker this noon is an internist. She's discussing her own practice and its effect on her two children and their effect on it. In addition to having speakers address them; the members try to help female patients, such as battered women.
A professor tells me, "The situation here is changing. The younger faculties, as well as many of the older professors, are much more sensitive to women's issues. Why, look at the big change in the number of female medical students. For example, in our department, we've two females for every six male students. In my opinion, the women are easily as good in every way as the men."
"I keep warning our women students and residents not to compete as males," the dean remarks. "I'm always worried about their trying to become one of the boys. I say to them, 'Be yourself because your qualities as women are unique. You bring to medicine a certain healing quality.'"
Last Reviewed: May 11, 2012