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NLMCatalogRecordSet XML Element Attributes

U. S. National Library of Medicine
NLMCatalogRecordSet Data in XML Format

This document contains an alphabetical list of the NLMCatalogRecordSet.dtd attributes and associated values. Each attribute is followed by a hyperlinked list of the Element(s) to which it may be applied, a Description of the attribute, and the valid attribute Values.


Elements: <Classification>, <PlaceCode>

Authority indicates what organization's authority or rules are used to determine the value in the element using this attribute.


  • KIE: indicates the attribute value (used in <Classification> element) was determined by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgeton University, Washington DC
  • MARC: indicates the attribute value (used in <PlaceCode> element) was determined from the MARC Code List for Countries //
  • NLM: indicates the attribute value (used in <Classification> element) was determined by the National Library of Medicine
  • Other: indicates that the CallNumberType and/or Authority assigning the call number (used in <Classification> element is other than NLM or KIE. Occurrences of <Classification> that use the attribute value "Other" are most commonly found on records not yet cataloged by NLM, such as those with Status="In-Process", "On-Order", or on those that do not represent NLM Cataloging, where Status="Not-Our-Cataloging".
  • Undetermined: indicates that the attribute value for Authority cannot be determined from data in the record

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Element: <Classification>

CallNumberType identifies the method used to assign the data in a particular occurrence of the <Classification> element.


  • NLMClass: indicates that the data was assigned according to the rules for assigning NLM call numbers. For more information, consult
  • Other: indicates that the <Classification> data is neither an NLM call number or an NLM Shelving Number, but no further type can be determined.
  • ShelvingNumber: a successively assigned NLM accession number with no mnemonic meaning, used only to locate material in the NLM stacks

The attribute values are determined by the content of MARC field 060 subfield a.

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Element: <Role>

In the original MARC bibliographic records, role or relator information can be in coded or uncoded format. The CodedYN attribute identifies the original formatting of the role/relator information..


  • Yes: indicates that the role/relator data was recorded as a code in the original MARC bibliographic record.
  • No: indicates that the role/relator data was recorded as a term in the original MARC bibliographic record.

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Element: <CollaborativePartnerDate>

CollaborativeStatus indicates the processing status assigned by an NLM collaborating partner to track a record's progress as it moves through that partner's processing stream.

A single record may be shared by more than one partner (with or without NLM as the overall owner) and the meaning of the four active attribute values may differ for each partner, depending on what types of local data they may be authorized to add. Some partners use all four active values while others may use only a subset of these values (most often Create and Released).

In this instance, the value "Other" is essentially an error code which indicates that none of the four active codes can be assigned.

NLM does not use the CollaborativeStatus attribute; instead NLM indicates a record's stage of processing with the Status attribute in the <NLMCatalogRecord> element.


  • Create: record is in "create" status, as defined by the collaborative partner
  • In-House-Review: record is in "in-house review" status, as defined by the collaborative partner
  • Other: indicates that none of the 4 active (valid) codes above was assigned to this attribute
  • Released: recod is in "released" status, as defined by the collaborative partner
  • Review: record is in "review" status, as defined by the collaborative partner

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Element: <AuthorList>

In <NLMCatalogRecord> output, all lists are assumed to be complete, even when not explicitly indicated. The CompleteYN attribute is used to provide a DTD structure that is parallel to that used in Medline XML, particularly with <AuthorList>.


  • Yes: indicates that a list is complete, e.g. that all occurrences of a repeatable element included in a list element are included and none have been truncated
  • No: indicates that the list is incomplete

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Element: <ELocationID>

EIdType is used to indicate the type of electronic location referenced. The default value is “url.”


  • url: indicates that the location is a URL or Uniform Resource Locator

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Element: <ResourceCharacteristics>

Format attribute to identifies the resource format in order to put the values in the <ResourceCharacteristics> element in context.


  • Sound
  • Video
  • ProjectedMovingImage
  • DigitalFile

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Element: <Frequency>

FrequencyType is used to distinguish between the current (to the best of NLM's knowledge) and former publication frequencies for a serial.


  • Current: indicates that the data in this occurrence of the <Frequency> element is the current frequency of publication, reflecting the most recent change if there have been any changes over time. The data for <Frequency FrequencyType="Current"> come from the (non-repeatable) MARC field 310.
  • Former: indicates that the data in this occurrence of the <Frequency> element is a former frequency of publication of the material. The data for <Frequency FrequencyType="Former"> come from an occurrence of the (repeatable) MARC field 321, and is used only when the current frequency is also present.

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Element: <IndexingSourceName>

FullyIndexedYN specifies whether or not the abstracting and indexing coverage includes references to all articles in a serial and/or all issues within each volume.


  • Yes: indicates that NLM considers the serial fully indexed
  • No: indicates that NLM considers the indexing coverage either to be less than full or undetermined

The attribute values are determined by the first indicator in the MARC 510 field.

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Element: <Imprint>

The FunctionType attribute is used with the <Imprint> element within the PublicationInfo envelope to identify the kind of “publication” appropriate to each imprint instance. This reflects the RDA rules that distinguish among publication, manufacture, distribution, and production.


  • UnpublishedProduction
  • Publication
  • Distribution
  • Manufacture

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Elements: <Imprint>

ImprintType is used with the <Imprint> element within the <PublicationInfo> envelope to distinguish between current and original place of publication, publisher etc. Many NLM serial records contain both current and original publication information, though if the data has not changed over time, the content of both elements may be the same (or similar).


  • Current: indicates the data is current (to the best of NLM's knowledge). The data for Imprint elements with the value Current come from the MARC field 260 with the first indicator of 3, if there is more than one 260 field in the record, or from the MARC 260 field with first indicator blank, if that is the only 260 field.
  • Original: indicates the data reflects information that was valid at the time of original cataloging. The data for Imprint elements with the value Original come from the MARC field 260 with the first indicator of blank.

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Element: <IndexingSourceName>

IndexingStatus indicates the current status of indexing of a serial by NLM.


  • Ceased-publication: indicates that the serial has ceased publication.
  • Continued-by-another-title: indicates that the serial has ceased publication and is continued by another serial title that is indexed by NLM
  • Currently-indexed: indicates that the serial is currently indexed by NLM
  • Deselected: indicates that the title was once indexed by NLM but has been deselected for indexing

The attribute values are derived from the NLM locally-defined subfield 9 in the MARC 510 field.

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Element: <IndexingSourceName>

IndexingTreatment indicates the degree of completeness of the indexing coverage.


  • Unknown: abstracting and indexing coverage is not specified
  • Full: abstracting and indexing coverage includes references to all articles in a journal and/or all issues within each volume and is considered to provide complete coverage
  • Selective: abstracting and indexing service does not include references to all articles in the periodical
  • ReferencedIn: specific location (e.g., volume, page number) of a citation within the source is given in field 510
  • ReferencedInNoDetails: specific location (e.g., volume, page number) of a citation within the source is not given

The attribute values are derived from the MARC 510 field indicator 1 codes.

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Element: <ISSN>

IssnType is used to distinguish ISSNs referencing different formats of a serial publication on a single bibliographic record. NLM creates one serial bibliographic record in LocatorPlus which contains information about both the print and electronic formats of the serial.


  • Electronic: indicates that the ISSN refers to the electronic form of the serial
  • Print: indicates that the ISSN refers to the print form of the serial
  • Undetermined: indicates that there is insufficient data in the record to determine whether the ISSN is for a print or electronic form, or no attempt was made to make this determination; for example, when the ISSN is not valid, e.g., <ISSN ValidYN="N">, then IssnType="Undetermined"

The attribute values are derived from the NLM locally-defined subfield 0 in MARC field 022.

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Element: <Language>

LangType identifies how the <Language> value applies to resource.


  • Primary: indicates the main or primary language of the resource (derived from the MARC field 041 subfield a)
  • Original: indicates the language of the original and/or intermediate translations of the text (derived from the MARC field 041 subfield h)
  • Summary: indicates the language of the summary or abstract/overprinted title or subtitle (derived from the MARC field 041 subfield b)
  • TableOfContents: indicates the language of the table of contents (derived from the MARC field 041 subfield f)
  • Captions: indicates the language of captions or subtitles associated with a moving image (derived from the MARC field 041 subfield j)

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Element: <LocalNote>

LocalNoteType identifies the type of information displayed in the <LocalNote> element.


  • DashedOn: denotes a 'dashed-on' entry in a cataloging record, which provides information about additional copies or editions; dashed-on entries were discontinued several decades ago, however the data has been retained pending future clean-up
  • Other: indicates data that is not DashedOn or PreservationAction
  • PreservationAction: denotes information about microfilming or other preservation activities carried out by the former Preservation and Collection Management Section, Public Services Division, NLM (for more information, consult Archive version)

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Elements: <DecriptorName>, <Keyword>, <OtherSubjectName>, <QualifierName>

MajorTopicYN indicates whether or not the data in a subject-related element is considered to be a central concept.


  • Y - the data is a central concept
  • N - the data is not a central concept

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Element: <Classification>

NLMCallNumberYN indicates whether or not the data in a particular occurrence of the <Classification> element can be used to request materials from the National Library of Medicine.

Note that this is not directly linked to circulation information and does not reflect current availability. For information about borrowing materials from NLM, consult DOCLINE // For information about using NLM materials on-site in our Reading Room, consult //


  • Y - the resource has a NLM assigned call number; therefore it is part of NLM's collection and can be requested by this number
  • N - the resource does not have a NLM assigned call number and is not part of NLM's collection or cannot be requested by this number

The attribute value is determined by indicator values in MARC fields 060 and 090.

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Element: <GeneralNote>

NoteType is optional and is used to specify certain types of content so notes can be individually identified, extracted and displayed in the NLMCatalog display.


  • Binding - binding information (MARC field 563)
  • Biography - biographical information about an individual or historical information about an institution or event (MARC field 545)
  • BoundWith – when the physical item contains 2 or more resources bound together, this note contains information about the other resource(s) (MARC field 501)
  • CiteAs - format preferred by the resource custodian for the citation of the resource (MARC field 524)
  • Dissertation - information pertaining to the dissertation or thesis aspect of the resource (MARC field 502)
  • FindingAid - finding aids for archival and manuscripts control and visual materials (MARC field 555)
  • LinkComplexNote - describes the complex relationship between the item described in the record and other items that cannot be adequately generated from other linking entry fields (MARC field 580)
  • Provenance - the immediate source of acquisition; this attribute is used primarily with original or historical items, or other archival collections (MARC field 541)
  • ProvHistory - ownership and custodial history (MARC field 561)
  • Restriction - restrictions that govern access (MARC field 506)
  • CopyrightStatus - terms governing use after access has been provided (MARC field 540)
  • CopyrightHolder - the owner of the copyright in the work (MARC field 542)

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Elements: <NLMCatalogRecord>, <CollaborativePartnerDate>, <TitleAlternate>, <TitleRelated>, <GeneralNote>, <OtherSubjectList>, <KeywordList>

In the top-level element, <NLMCatalogRecord>, Owner indicates the organization which is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the bibliographic record in LocatorPlus. If responsibility is shared between NLM and any other organization(s), the Owner value will be set to NLM and the other organizations will be identified in the <CollaborativePartnerDate> Owner value.

When used with other elements, the Owner value indicates the organization responsible for the creation and maintenance of the data contained in that element.


  • CIT - Center for Information Technology, NIH
  • HMD - History of Medicine Division, NLM
  • HSR - National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology, NLM
  • IHM - Images of the History of Medicine, NLM
  • KIE - Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington DC
  • NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information, NLM
  • NLM - National Library of Medicine
  • NOTNLM - Owner designation used where data creation is specifically delegated to an entity (not further specified) outside NLM. For example, where TitleType="OtherTA" will have Owner="NOTNLM" because abbreviated key title is supplied by ISSN centers, based on the Key Title (MARC Field 222)
  • NYA - New York Academy of Medicine, New York NY
  • PIP - Population Information Program; Johns Hopkins School of Health, Baltimore MD
  • Undetermined - Ownership cannot be determined from data in the record

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Element: <OtherID>

The Prefix attribute indicates the exact organization code from the MARC field 003 of the incoming MARC source record that was loaded into LocatorPlus. It is an optional attribute in the <OtherID> element and if present, will always be in parentheses. Due to the multitude of possible organization codes, their changing nature, and their lack of mnemonic content, no controlled list of values has been established for this attribute.

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Elements: <Title>

The Sort attribute indicates the number of initial characters which should be disregarded in order to sort the element data string by its first "significant word," ignoring initial articles.

Note that when the Sort attribute is required, but no numeric count of non-filing characters is available in the source data, the Sort value will be set to "N". This can be taken to mean “No data” to distinguish it in origin from "0"; however, in application both "N" and "0" have the same effect, i.e., no leading characters in the data string are ignored in sorting and/or indexing.


  • 0-9 - a single digit numeric indicating non-filing characters
  • N - No data

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Element: <OtherID>, <RecordID>

The Source attribute indicates the institutional source of a value in the <OtherID> and <RecordId> elements.

Values for use with <OtherID>:

  • CIT - Center for Information Technology, NIH
  • HMD - History of Medicine Division, NLM
  • HSR - National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology, NLM
  • IHM - Images of the History of Medicine, NLM
  • KIE - Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington DC
  • NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information, NLM
  • NLM - National Library of Medicine
  • NOTNLM - Owner designation used where data creation is specifically delegated to an entity (not further specified) outside NLM. For example, where TitleType="OtherTA" will have Owner="NOTNLM" because abbreviated key title is supplied by ISSN centers, based on the Key Title (MARC Field 222)
  • NYA - New York Academy of Medicine, New York NY
  • PIP - Population Information Program; Johns Hopkins School of Health, Baltimore MD
  • Undetermined - Ownership cannot be determined from data in the record

Values for use with <RecordID>:

  • LC -Library of Congress
  • NLM - National Library of Medicine
  • OCLC - Online Computer Library Center

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Element: <NLMCatalogRecord>

The Status attribute indicates the current processing or cataloging status of the resource being described.


  • Brief - A skeletal bibliographic record that does not constitute true cataloging has been created for the resource.
  • Cataloging-in-Publication - NLM has cataloged the resource at the level of prepublication, as part of NLM's participation in the Cataloging-In-Publication (CIP) program administered by the Library of Congress.
  • Completed - NLM has completed cataloging of the resource. Cataloging may be at the full, core, or limited level.
  • In-Process - The resource has been received and is in the process of being cataloged.
  • Not-Our-Cataloging - Assigned to records which were added to LocatorPlus for items that are not held in the NLM collection.
  • On-Order - The resource is on order.
  • Undetermined - The status of the resource either cannot be determined because it is uncoded or it is not relevant because it is contained in the CollaborativeStatus attribute of the <CollaborativePartnerDate> element.
  • Withdrawn - The resource has been withdrawn from the NLM collections.

The attribute values are derived from data in NLM locally-defined MARC field 999 subfield a.

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Element: <TitleAlternate>, <TitleRelated>

TitleType indicates the type of title displayed in each <TitleAlternate> and <TitleRelated> element.

Values used with <TitleAlternate>:

  • Former – a former title proper (MARC field 247)
  • Key - a key title assigned by the ISSN Center to a serial publication (MARC field 222)
  • Other - an alternate or analytic title data (MARC fields 246 or MARC field 740 when indicator 2 does not equal 2.)
  • OtherTA - a title abbreviation that is not a MEDLINE title abbreviation (MARC field 210)
  • Translated - a translated title (MARC fields 242 and 767)
  • Undetermined - the TitleType cannot be determined from data in the source record
  • Uniform - a uniform title (MARC field 240 or an occurrence of MARC field 730 when indicator 2 does not equal 2)

Values used with <TitleRelated>:

  • Absorbed - a preceding title which was absorbed into the current title (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 5 or 6)
  • AbsorbedBy - a succeeding title which absorbed the current title (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 4 or 5)
  • AbsorbedInPart - Title in hand absorbed in part the preceding entry (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 6)
  • AbsorbedInPartBy - the target item has been absorbed in part by the succeeding entry (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 5)
  • Analytic - the data is an analytic title (MARC fields 730 or 740, when indicator 2 = 2)
  • MergedTo - a succeeding title formed from the current title (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 7)
  • MergerOf - a preceding title which merged to form the current title (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 4)
  • Other - an alternate or analytic title data (MARC fields 246 or 247 or MARC field 740 when indicator 2 does not equal 2.)
  • Preceding - a preceding title which is continued by the current title in some unspecified way (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 0)
  • PrecedingInPart - a preceding title which is continued in part by the current title in some unspecified way (coming from MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 1)
  • Related - a related title (MARC fields 770, 772, or 774)
  • Reversion - a preceding title, to which the current title reverted (coming from MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 8)
  • Series - a title for a series (MARC fields 400, 410, 411, 490, 760 or 762)
  • SeriesAuthority - the authorized title for a series (MARC field 830)
  • SplitFrom - a preceding title from which the current title split (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 7)
  • SplitTo - a succeeding title formed when the current title split (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 6)
  • Succeeding - a succeeding title which continues the current title in an unspecified way (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 0)
  • SucceedingInPart - a succeeding title which continues in part the current title in an unspecified way (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 1)
  • SupersededBy - a succeeding title to the current title (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 2)
  • SupersededInPartBy - a succeeding part title to the current title (MARC field 785 when Indicator 2 = 3)
  • Supersedes - a preceding title to the current title (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 2)
  • SupersedesInPart - a preceding title to the current title (MARC field 780 when Indicator 2 = 3)
  • Translated - a translated title (MARC fields 242 and 767)
  • Undetermined - the TitleType cannot be determined from data in the source record

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Element: <OtherAbstract>

The Type attribute indicates the type of abstract in the <OtherAbstract> element.


  • AAMC - Association of American Medical Colleges, Washington, DC
  • HMD - History of Medicine Division, NLM
  • HSR - National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology, NLM
  • KIE - Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington DC
  • NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information, NLM
  • NLM - National Library of Medicine
  • NTIS - National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA
  • NYA - New York Academy of Medicine, New York NY
  • PIP - Population Information Program; Johns Hopkins School of Health, Baltimore MD
  • Producer - Abstract taken from a producer catalog
  • Undetermined - Ownership cannot be determined from data in the record

Element: <DescriptorName>

The Type attribute indicates the kind of subject in the <DescriptorName> element.


  • Geographic: indicates a geographic subject heading

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Elements: <DescriptorName>, <QualifierName>, <PublicationType>

This is an optional attribute providing the MeSH unique identifiers for descriptors, qualifiers, and publication types.

Values: MeSH unique identifiers

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Elements: <ELocationID>, <GovDocClassNumber>, <Investigator>, <ISBN>, <ISSN>, <ISSNLinking>, <LCCN>, <ReportNumber>

This atttribute is used with most elements that contain standard identifiers. Standard identifier elements, such as <Coden>, <STRN>, and <OtherID>, that do not have the ValidYN attribute are always considered to contain valid data.


  • Y = the data in this element is considered valid (to the best of NLM's knowledge)
  • N = the data is cancelled or invalid

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Last Reviewed: January 16, 2024