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NLMCatalogRecordSet XML Elements

Elements Index



In <Abstract>

In <OtherAbstract>


In <AuthorList>

In <InvestigatorList>


In <AuthorList>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


in <DateAuthorized>

in <DateCompleted>

in <DateCreated>

in <DateRevised>

in <DateRevisedMajor>


In <AuthorList>

In <InvestigatoList>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


In <AuthorList>/<Author>

In <Investigator>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


In <AuthorList>

In <InvestigatorList>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


In <DateAuthorized>

In <DateCompleted>

In <DateCreated>

In <DateRevised>

In <DateRevisedMajor>


In <AuthorList>/<Author>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


In <NLMCatalogRecord>

In <DeleteCatalogRecord>


In <AuthorList>

In <OtherSubjectList>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>

In <TitleAlternate>

In <TitleMain>

In <TitleRelated>


In <AuthorList>/<Author>

In <InvestigatorList>

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


In <TitleAlternate>

In <TitleMain>

In <TitleRelated>


In <Author>

In <OtherSubject>/<

In <PersonalNameSubjectList>


In <DateAuthorized>

In <DateCompleted>

In <DateCreated>

In <DateRevised>

In <DateRevisedMajor>

The elements presented in this document are defined in the NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD and are used in the CatfilePlus and Serfile XML output files. The NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD is available at // An alphabetical list and description of all element attribute values is available at //

Structure of the NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD:
The NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD defines a XML structure for bibliographic records in LocatorPlus Catalog. At the highest level, the DTD requires a the root element named “NLMCatalogRecordSet.” The <NLMCatalogRecordSet> root element is comprised of one or more instances of the top-level <NLMCatalogRecord> element, and may optionally contain one instance of the top-level <DeleteCatalogRecord> element.

Each <NLMCatalogRecord> element describes a single bibliographic item and is the equivalent of a single LocatorPlus Catalog bibliographic record. The <NLMCatalogRecord> element is comprised of a combination of child elements that describe specific aspects of the bibliographic item, such as title, author, and subject. <NLMCatalogRecord> and its child elements are defined and described in this document.

The <DeleteCatalogRecord> element is present in the <NLMCatalogRecordSet> when bibliographic records have been deleted from LocatorPlus Catalog. The <DeleteCatalogRecord> element contains only the unique identifier of each deleted record and is defined more fully at the end of this document.

Structure of the element descriptions in this document:
Following a description of the <NLMCatalogRecord> parent element, this document continues with descriptions of its 48 child elements based on their order in CatfilePlus and Serfile XML files.

Some of the <NLMCatalogRecord> child elements contain child elements of their own. These “sub-elements” are defined and described within the description of their parent elements.

Each section includes the following information, if applicable:

  • Required indicates Yes/No whether or not the element is required to appear within its parent envelope
  • Repeatable indicates Yes/No whether or not the element can be repeated within its parent envelope
  • Child elements are elements contained within a parent element envelope
  • Attributes are applied to an element to provide additional information about that element; each attribute links to a detailed description in the Alphabetical List of Attributes Used in the NLMCatalogRecord
  • A brief description of the element and its content
  • MARC 21 source provides a description or link to a description of the MARC 21 source of the data (for additional information on MARC 21, see //
  • Additional information/background provides contextual information that may be useful toward understanding the intent or purpose of the element

About Examples:
In most cases, multiple examples are given within the Examples section. When an example shows multiple occurrences of the same element without intervening blank lines, the intent is to demonstrate that the element repeats within a single parent envelope. Examples with blank lines between multiple occurrences of the same element indicate distinct instances of that element from different parent envelopes.

About the character set:
Information about the character set used in NLMCatalogRecordSet DTD is at //


Element Descriptions



Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner, Status
Child Elements: All elements except <DeleteCatalogRecord>

<NLMCatalogRecord>, a top-level or parent element within <NLMCatalogRecordSet>, encloses or envelopes a single bibliographic record.

Each <NLMCatalogRecord> is derived from one new or updated LocatorPlus Catalog record.


    <NLMCatalogRecord Owner="NLM" Status="Completed"> 
          <Title Sort="0">Report of the commissioners employed to investigate the origin and nature of the epidemic cholera of Canada.</Title>  
       <AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">  
           <CollectiveName> New York (N.Y.). Board of Health.</CollectiveName>  
             <ResourceUnit>remote electronic resource</ResourceUnit>  
              <Country>United States</Country>  
              <PlaceCode Authority="MARC">nyu</PlaceCode>  
              <Imprint ImprintType="Original" FunctionType="Publication">
              	<Place>New York,</Place>
              	<ImprintFull>New York, 1832.</ImprintFull>
            <Extent>68 p.</Extent>  
         <GeneralNote Owner="NLM"> Microfilm. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.</GeneralNote>  
         <LocalNote LocalNoteType="PreservationAction"> digitized. 2009 Cholera Online Permanent: Unchanging content.</LocalNote>  
         <Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="NLMClass"> WCB N532rc 1832</Classification>  
         <Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="ShelvingNumber"> Film 10516 no. 5</Classification>  

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Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child Elements: (none)

The <NLMUniqueID> is the 7-9 digit alpha-numeric identifier used to uniquely identify every record in LocatorPlus Catalog; therefore, it also is used to uniquely identify each <NLMCatalogRecord>.







MARC 21 source: Field 035 subfield 9 (local field in LocatorPlus Catalog).

Additional information/background:
For catalog records initiated in NLM's cataloging, acquisitions or serial record systems prior to Fall 1998, the <NLMUniqueID> may be 7 to 9 digits in length; the terminal digit may be numeric or the alphabetic characters "A" or "R".

Beginning with NLM's implementation of the LocatorPlus Catalog integrated library system in Fall 1998, each record initiated in or loaded from NLM or collaborative partner databases has an <NLMUniqueID> consisting of 9 numerics.

<NLMUniqueID> may be used to locate the bibliographic record in LocatorPlus Catalog at http://LocatorPlus where the user can have access to NLM holdings and item information.

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Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

The <DateCreated> is the date the record was first entered into an NLM or collaborative partner database.


MARC 21 source: Field 008 bytes 00/05 (year has been expanded to 4 digits)

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Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

The <DateRevised> is the system-supplied date of the most recent revision to the record. There is no indication of what the change was or how significant.


MARC 21 source: Field 0058 bytes 00/07

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

The <DateAuthorized> is the date when NLM authorized the cataloging of this record.


MARC 21 source: Field 995 subfield b (NLM-defined local MARC field)

Additional information/background:
The <DateAuthorized> exists only for records which have been cataloged by NLM.

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<DateCompleted> is the earliest of either:
1) the date when the record was authorized by NLM, or
2) the date when the record was completed by a collaborative partner.


MARC 21 source: The earliest of Field 995 subfield b or Field 995 subfield d or Field 998 subfield b where subfield a has the value "REL". (Fields 995 and 998 are NLM-defined local fields).

Additional information/background:
<DateCompleted> exists only on records which have reached "completion" according to the standards (which vary) of at least one participating organization.

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<DateRevisedMajor> is an operator- or programmer-assigned date. It identifies the most recent date a completed NLM cataloged record underwent a major revision other than global maintenance by the system. <DateRevisedMajor> is assigned for local tracking purposes. There is no indication of what the change was or how significant.


MARC 21 source: Field 995 subfield d (LocatorPlus Catalog local field)

Additional information/background:
<DateRevisedMajor> is optional and cannot exist unless <DateAuthorized> also exists. When it exists, <DateRevisedMajor> must be equal to or later than <DateAuthorized>.

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner, CollaborativeStatus
Child elements: (none)

<CollaborativePartnerDate> indicates the date a collaborative partner last modified the record and changed its status. It exists on records which contain data contributed by one or more NLM collaborative partners.

<CollaborativePartnerDate Owner="HSR" CollaborativeStatus=" In-House-Review">20030312</CollaborativePartnerDate>
<CollaborativePartnerDate Owner="KIE" CollaborativeStatus="Released">20010409</CollaborativePartnerDate>
<CollaborativePartnerDate Owner="NASA" CollaborativeStatus="Create">20030330</CollaborativePartnerDate>

MARC 21 source: Field 998 (LocatorPlus Catalog local field) subfields a and b.

Additional information/background:
Multiple collaborative partners may be associated with a single record, regardless of whether the record is owned by and/or cataloged by NLM. <CollaborativePartnerDate> is repeated for each collaborative partner associated with a record.

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Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: Sort
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<TitleMain> is an envelope for the title proper and authorship or statement of responsibility information, transcribed directly from the resource. Data values in the Roman alphabet are transcribed exactly as they appear on the resource; however, data values in non-Roman alphabets (such as Chinese and Russian) are transliterated to Romanized form. In most cases, punctuation is retained from the LocatorPlus Catalog record.

<TitleMain> has two child elements:

<Title> contains the main title, including named and/or numbered parts
<OtherInformation> contains the statement of responsibility as well as other information pertinent to the main title, such as the form or material designation of the resource


   <Title Sort="0">Acta agriculturae Scandinavica. Section A, Animal Science</Title>

   <Title Sort="0">20 common problems : ethics in primary care</Title>
   <OtherInformation> [edited by] Jeremy Sugarman.</OtherInformation>

   <Title Sort="4">The El Paso Physician.</Title>

   <Title Sort="0">Natural health encyclopedia</Title>
   <OtherInformation>[electronic resource] / by Dia Spriggs.</OtherInformation>

MARC 21 source: Field 245

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements: (none)

<MedlineTA> contains the NLM standard abbreviation for the title of a journal cited in NLM's online services. Each journal title indexed by NLM is assigned a unique title abbreviation.

See the NLM Fact Sheet "Construction of National Library of Medicine Title Abbreviations" at for more information on the rules currently used by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to construct title abbreviations for journals indexed by NLM.

<MedlineTA>20 Century Br Hist</MedlineTA>
<MedlineTA>Allg Wien Med Ztg</MedlineTA>
<MedlineTA>ASA Audio Rev Anesthesiol</MedlineTA>
<MedlineTA>Tuberculosis (Paris)</MedlineTA>
<MedlineTA>VA Annu Rep Act Veterans Adm Med Sch Assist Health Manpower Train Act 1972</MedlineTA>

MARC 21 source: Field 210 (when Indicator 2=0 and subfield 2=DNLM)

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner, TitleType
Child elements:

Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: Sort
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<TitleAlternate>contains titles that may be commonly understood or designated as an alternate to the <TitleMain>. This may include varying forms of the title, uniform titles, former titles, and translated titles.


<TitleAlternate Owner="Undetermined" TitleType="Key">
   <Title Sort="0">JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association</Title>

<TitleAlternate Owner="NLM" TitleType="Other">
   <Title Sort="N">Journal of arthroscopic and related surgery</Title>

<TitleAlternate Owner="NCBI" TitleType="Other">

<TitleAlternate Owner="NCBI" TitleType="OtherTA">
   <Title Sort="N">Aust. J. Bot</Title>

<TitleAlternate Owner="NLM" TitleType="Uniform">
   <Title Sort="2">L'Opinion économique et financière.</Title>

<TitleAlternate Owner="NLM" TitleType="Other">
   <Title Sort="N">Biologia. Section botany</Title>

MARC 21 source: May include fields 130, 210 (when not MedlineTA), 222, 240, 242, 246, 247, and 730 (when indicator 2=”2”) and 740 (when indicator2=”2”).

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner, TitleType
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: Sort
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<TitleRelated> contains titles of resources that are related to the resource identified by the <TitleMain>, but are not the same as the <TitleMain> resource. This may include related serial titles, series titles, translated titles, etc.


<TitleRelated Owner="NLM" TitleType="Series">
   <Title Sort="N">DHEW publication</Title>

<TitleRelated Owner="NLM" TitleType="AbsorbedBy">
   <Title Sort="N">Youth Policy (Washington, D.C.)</Title>

<TitleRelated Owner="NLM" TitleType="MergedTo">
   <Title Sort="N">Software law journal</Title>

<TitleRelated Owner="NLM" TitleType="Preceding">
   <Title Sort="N">Runaway youth</Title>

<TitleRelated Owner="NLM" TitleType="Series">
   <Title Sort="N">War Department official training film ; T.F.8 1423</Title>

<TitleRelated Owner="NASA" TitleType="SeriesAuthority">
   <Title Sort="0">Handbook of physiology (Bethesda, Md.) ;</Title>
   <OtherInformation>sect. 4.</OtherInformation>

MARC 21 source: Various 4XX, 730 (when indicator 2 is blank), 740 (when indicator 2 is blank), 76X, 77X, and 78X fields.

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: CompleteYN
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes, if there is no collective/corporate author or contributor
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Source
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes, if there is no personal author or contributor
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: CodedYN

<AuthorList> is an envelope for names and related data regarding personal and collective or corporate authors of and/or contributors to the creation of the resource.

The <Author> child element is itself an envelope for data regarding a single personal or collective/corporate author or contributor.

A. Each personal name may be comprised of the following group of <Author> child elements:

<LastName> contains the surname.
<ForeName> contains the remainder of the personal name, specifically first name, middle name, and name initials, if recorded.
<Initials> contains up to two initials derived from <Forename> data.
<Suffix> contains one of the following suffixes: Jr, Sr, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, II, III, IV.
<DatesAssociatedWithName> contains dates of birth, death, flourising, or any other date used with a name.
<NameID> contains an authority record control number identifying the Source of the controlled form of the author's name.
<NameQualifier> contains the fuller form of the <Forename> value if available.
<TitleAssociatedWithName> contains a uniform title, title part of a work, or series title associated with this author (used to co-locate by name/title combinations).
<OtherInformation> contains any remaining author data of importance from the LocatorPlus Catalog record, including any suffix-like data not included in <Suffix>.
<Affiliation> the name of or abbreviation for the organization that the researcher was affiliated with at the time the work was written.
<Role> indicates the contribution made to the resource by the author, e.g., author, illustrator, editor, etc.

B. Each collective or corporate name may be comprised of the following group of <Author> child elements:

<CollectiveName> contains the corporate, jurisdiction, or meeting name followed by the name(s) of subordinate unit(s), as appropriate.
<OtherInformation> contains related information dependent on the type of collective or corporate name, such as, the location and/or date of a meeting or the number of a part/section/meeting.
<TitleAssociatedWithName> contains a uniform title, title part of a work, or series title associated with this author (used to co-locate by name/title combinations).
<Role> indicates the contribution made to the resource, e.g., author, illustrator, editor, etc.

Every <AuthorList> for NLMCatalogRecord is considered to be complete (CompleteYN="Y" in all cases), regardless of the number of <Author> elements present.


<AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">
         <ForeName>Christian Friedrich</ForeName>
         <DatesAssociatedWithName>1745-1813, </DatesAssociatedWithName>
         <Role CodedYN=”N”>author</Role>
         <Role CodedYN=”N”>illustrator</Role>

<AuthorList CompleteYN="Y">
         <ForeName>A T</ForeName>
         <ForeName>Andrew A</ForeName>
         <OtherInformation>Stanford University</OtherInformation>
         <ForeName>William S</ForeName>
         <NameQualifier>(William Saul),</NameQualifier>
         <ForeName>William H</ForeName>
         <TitleAssociatedWithName>Office techniques for diagnosing skin disease.</TitleAssociatedWithName>
         <NameID Source="DLC">n 79081429</NameID>
          <CollectiveName>National Library of Medicine (U.S.)</CollectiveName>
          <NameID Source="DLC">n 80044831</NameID>
         <CollectiveName>Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.</CollectiveName>
         <CollectiveName>United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Printing.</CollectiveName>
         <CollectiveName>Healthcare Information Management Systems Society Conference</CollectiveName>
         <OtherInformation>(1999: Atlanta, Georgia)</OtherInformation>
         <CollectiveName>Katholische missionsärztliche Fürsorge.</CollectiveName>

MARC 21 source: Fields 1XX and 7XX (various)

Additional information/background:
The contents of the <Initials> element is constructed from the data going to the <Forename> element. An individual initial is found at the beginning of the <Forename> string or following a break. A break is a space or hyphen. Only capital letters in <Forename> are candidates for initials except for the letter following a hyphen. The letter following a hyphen is a candidate for an initial unless the string following the hyphen is 'ichi'. If <Forename> is only initials, there will be spaces between initials. Initials include the following particles: de, do, da, du, del, dos, el-, le and el. All except 'el-' are followed by a space and are preceded by a space or are at the beginning of the name string. All particles are converted to lower case in the <Initials> element. If language is Bulgarian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian (Roman), or Ukrainian, then the <Initials> element content may be a 2-4 character transliterated mixed-case initial.

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<InvestigatorList> exists on NLMCatalogRecord citations created or maintained by one of NLM's collaborative partners, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

<InvestigatorList> is an envelope for names of the NASA-funded principal investigators who conducted the research discussed in the resource.

The <InvestigatorList> child element is in itself an envelope for a single investigator name and is comprised of the following child elements:

<LastName> contains the surname.
<ForeName> contains the remainder of the personal name, specifically first name, middle name, and name initials.
<Initials> contains up to two initials derived from <Forename> data.
<Suffix> contains one of the following suffixes: Jr, Sr, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, II, III, IV.
<Affiliation> the name of or abbreviation for the organization that the researcher was affiliated with at the time the work was written (this use does not include detailed address information).

An investigator's name may appear in the both the <Author> and <Investigator> elements.

<InvestigatorList> is always complete.


      <ForeName>J M</ForeName>

      <ForeName>D J</ForeName>

MARC 21 source: Field 700 when subfield e contains "Investigator". NASA use only.

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Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)

<ResourceInfo> is an envelope for information about the format(s) of the resource described in the <NLMCatalogRecord>.

<TypeOfResource> contains one of the following values: Book, Book Chapter, Collection (manuscript), Collection (print), Electronic Resource, Electronic Serial, Kit, Manuscript, Map, Mixed Material, Nonmusical Recording, Serial, Still Image, Three Dimensional Object, Undetermined, Visual Material.

<Issuance> contains one of the following values: monographic, continuing.

<ResourceUnit> contains one or more of the following values: aperture card, art original, art reproduction, comic strip, diorama, diskette, electronic resource (undifferentiated), filmstrip, flashcard, globe, graphic, kit, map, microfiche, microfilm, microform (undifferentiated), microopaque, microscope slide, model, motion picture, music, nonprojected graphic (undifferentiated), optical disc, picture, projected graphic (undifferentiated), realia, remote electronic resource, remote-sensing image, slide, sound recording, tactile material, technical drawing, text, toy, transparency, videorecording.

<Resource> is an envelope for grouping the <ContentType>, <MediaType>, and <CarrierType> elements, which represent related format data.

   <ContentType> is the form of communication through which a work is expressed.
   <MediaType> is the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource.
   <CarrierType> is the format of the storage medium and type of housing of the carrier for the media type.



      <TypeOfResource>Book Chapter</TypeOfResource>

      <ResourceUnit>remote electronic resource</ResourceUnit>

      <TypeOfResource>Nonmusical Recording</TypeOfResource>
      <ResourceUnit>sound recording</ResourceUnit>

      <ResourceUnit>electronic resource undifferentiated)</ResourceUnit>

      <TypeOfResource>Visual Materials</TypeOfResource>
          <ContentType>moving image</ContentType>

MARC 21 source: Leader bytes 06-07, various bytes of fixed fields 007 and 008, Fields 336, subfield a, 337 subfield a, and 338 subfield a.

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Format

Four MARC fields (344-347) describe characteristics of specific resource formats: sound, projected moving images, video, and digital files. The data in these fields is captured in the <ResourceCharacteristics> element with a Format attribute to identify the resource format.


<ResourceCharacteristics Format=”Sound”>digital ; optical ; stereo ; dolby </ResourceCharacteristics>
<ResourceCharacteristics Format=”DigitalFile”>video file ; MPEG-4 ; 107,430 KB ; 640X480 ; 2.6Mbps </ResourceCharacteristics>
<ResourceCharacteristics Format=”ProjectedMovingImage”>Cinerama ; 20 fps </ResourceCharacteristics>
<ResourceCharacteristics Format=”Video”>laser optical ; HDTV </ResourceCharacteristics>

MARC 21 source: fields 344-347 and 256.

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: UI

<PublicationTypeList> is an envelope for a list of <PublicationType> child elements associated with the resource.

The <PublicationType> values are MeSH terms describing what the resource is, rather than what it is about. A list of MeSH publication types or characteristics, including definitions, is available at //


    <PublicationType UI=”D016417”>Bibliography</PublicationType>
    <PublicationType UI=”D016423”>Congresses</PublicationType>
    <PublicationType UI=”D016456”>Historical Article</PublicationType>
    <PublicationType UI=”D016500”>Statistics</PublicationType>

MARC 21 source: Field 655, various bytes of fixed fields 007, 008

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)

<GenreList> is an envelope for the list of elements associated with the resource.

The values in <Genre> are similar to <PublicationType> values but are not MeSH Publication Types terms. Each occurrence of <Genre> contains one of the following values: autobiography, discography, drama, filmography, folktale, font, game, history, language instruction, law report or digest, legal article, loose-leaf, memoir, monographic series, newspaper, novel, numeric data, poetry, rehearsal, remote sensing image, reporting, short story, sound, speech, theses, treaty, web site.


    <Genre>monographic series</Genre>

MARC 21 source: Fixed fields 007 and 008 (various bytes) which do not correspond to values in <PublicationTypeList>

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Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: Authority
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ImprintType, FunctionType
Child elements:

Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: FrequencyType

<PublicationInfo> is an envelope for a number of child elements containing information regarding the publication of the resource.

The values in <Country> are found in the MARC Country Code list, Part 1: Name List at // The two or three-digit <PlaceCode> reflects the MARC Country code list, Part II: Code Sequence at //

If the place of publication is unknown, the <PlaceCode> will contain "xx" (the code for unknown) and there will be no value in the <Country> element.

If the place of publication is within the United States, the <PlaceCode> may contain a specific three-digit state code (such as "mdu" for Maryland) or the more generic "xxu" (meaning "United States, location not further specified"). In each case, however, <Country> will be United States. Provinces in Canada and the parts of the United Kingdom and Australia are handled similarly.

In the <Imprint> envelope, the data from the Imprint Statement in the bibliographic record is parsed into three separate elements: <Place>, <Entity>, and <DateIssued>. Those same values also are grouped collectively in <ImprintFull>.

There may be multiple occurrences of <Imprint> for both original and current data.

<ProjectedPublicationDate> gives the anticipated 2-digit year and 2-digit month of publication, as announced by the publisher. It exists only on records created by NLM at the pre-publication stage and is removed if/when NLM subsequently acquires and catalogs the material.

<CopyrightDate> parses out the copyright date from other issuance dates, in accordance with copyright treatment in the RDA rules.

<PublicationFirstYear> and <PublicationEndYear> each contains 4 characters; unknown digits are indicated with the letter 'u'.

<PublicationFirstYear> occurs once in every record, unless the data source in the LocatorPlus Catalog record is totally blank (allowed only for B.C. publication dates). In that case, there is no <PublicationFirstYear> element in the record.

The <PublicationEndYear> element occurs in a record when one of the following conditions exists:

  • <Issuance> is continuing. If the work is still published ("open"), the <PublicationEndYear> value will be 9999.
  • <Issuance> is monographic but publication occurred over a period of years. In this case, the <PublicationFirstYear> and <PublicationEndYear> will give the range of publication dates.
  • <Issuance> is monographic but the single publication date is questionable. In this case, the <PublicationFirstYear> and <PublicationEndYear> will give the range of possible publication dates.
  • <Issuance> is monographic and the LocatorPlus Catalog record contains a reprint/reissue date in addition to the original publication date. This situation is identifiable when the value in <PublicationFirstYear> is greater than the value in <PublicationEndYear>.

<Edition> contains information relating to the edition of the work.

<DatesOfSerialPublication> contains information about the beginning and/or ending dates (which may include textual information, such as “began with” or “ceased with”) or sequential designations (such as volume/issue) of the resource being described.

<Frequency> contains information about the frequency of publication of a serial. While only one current frequency is allowed, the element is repeated for each former frequency.


    <Imprint ImprintType=”Original” FunctionType=”Publication”>
        <Place>New York</Place>
        <ImprintFull>New York : Penguin, 1988-</ImprintFull>
    <Imprint ImprintType=”Current” FunctionType=”Publication”>
        <Entity>Field & Wood,</Entity>
        <ImprintFull>1990- Philadelphia : Field & Wood.</ImprintFull>
    <Imprint ImprintType=”Original” FunctionType=”Distribution”>
        <Place>New York</Place>
        <Entity>Macmillan Pub. Co. </Entity>
        <ImprintFull>New York : Macmillan Pub. Co.</ImprintFull>
    <Imprint ImprintType=”Current” FunctionType=”Distrubution”>
        <Place>New York</Place>
        <Entity>W.W. Norton, </Entity>
        <ImprintFull>1990- New York : W.W. Norton.</ImprintFull>
    <Imprint ImprintType=”Original” FunctionType=”Manufacture”>
        <Place>New York</Place>
        <ImprintFull>New York : Wiley</ImprintFull>

    <Country>United States</Country>
    <PlaceCode Authority="MARC">xxu</PlaceCode>

    <PlaceCode Authority="MARC">xx</PlaceCode>
    <Imprint ImprintType=”Original” FunctionType=”Publication”>
        <Place>New York</Place>
        <ImprintFull>New York, Interscience Publishers, 1949-54</ImprintFull>
    <Edition>2d completely rev. and augm. ed.</Edition>

    <PlaceCode Authority="MARC">ilu</PlaceCode>
    <Imprint ImprintType=”Original” FunctionType=”Publication”>
        <Entity>American Medical Association,</Entity>
        <ImprintFull>Chicago : American Medical Association, 1960-</ImprintFull>
    <DatesOfSerialPublication>Vol. 173, no. 9 (July 2, 1960)-</DatesOfSerialPublication>
    <Frequency FrequencyType="Current">Weekly</Frequency>

MARC 21 source: Field 044 subfield 9 (LocatorPlus Catalog local subfield), various fixed field 008 bytes, Fields 250, 260, 264 (LocatorPlus Catalog local field), 310, 321, 362

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: <LangType>
Child Elements: (none)

<Language> contains the three-letter MARC 21 code for the language associated with specific aspects of the resource, such as the main or primary language of the resource, an abstract, a table of contents, and/or the original language of a work in translation. The aspect is indicated by the LangType attribute. <Language> is repeated for each aspect in a different language and when one aspect occurs in multiple languages within the resource.

The values in <Language> are found in the MARC Language Code list, Part II: Code Sequence at //

<Language LangType="Primary">eng</Language>
<Language LangType="Summary">rus</Language>
<Language LangType="Original">rus</Language>

<Language LangType="Primary">eng</Language>
<Language LangType="TableOfContents">chi</Language>

<Language LangType="Primary">eng</Language>
<Language LangType="Captions">fre</Language>
<Language LangType="Captions">spa</Language>

MARC 21 source: Field 04l subfield a, b, f, h and j

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<PhysicalDescription> contains a list of child elements that describe certain physical aspects of the resource.

<Form> contains one of the following values: braille, electronic, microfiche, microfilm; or a textual note describing the file characteristics of a computer file.

<Extent> contains information about the extent and dimensions of the resource, and physical details of any accompanying material. For chapter records, <Extent> contains information which is duplicated in <ChapterPgn>.

<Runtime> gives the total running time in minutes (values between 001 and 999) of a motion picture, video recording or similar visual resource.

<ChapterPgn> exists on records for resources that are chapters of a larger work; it gives the inclusive page number range of a chapter within a larger work. Unlike MEDLINE, the ending number of a page range in LocatorPlus Catalog includes the full number, e.g., p. 417-427 rather than p. 417-27.



      <Extent>415 p. illus.</Extent>

      <Extent>1.25 linear ft. (3 boxes)</Extent>

      <Extent>1 atlas : ill., port. ; 43 cm. + 1 map index card.</Extent>

      <Extent>1 audiocassette (2-track. mono. 10 min.), 4 guides, 5 x-rays (10x10 cm) in container (23x16x7 cm).</Extent>

      <Extent>Answer print : 1 reel of 1 (770 ft.) : sd., b&w ; 16 mm.</Extent>
      <Extent>Viewing copy : 1 videocassette of 1 (VHS) (22 min.) : sd., b&w ; 1/2 in.</Extent>

      <Form>Computer program.</Form>
      <Extent>1 computer disk ; 5 1/4 in.</Extent>

      <Extent>1 computer optical disc : col. ; 4 3/4 in.</Extent>

      <Extent>8 p.</Extent>

      <Extent>p. [5]-10.</Extent>
      <ChapterPgn>p. [5]-10.</ChapterPgn>

      <Extent>p. 417-427 : ill.</Extent>
      <ChapterPgn>p. 417-427 :</ChapterPgn>

      <Extent>9 pieces ; 21 x 36 cm.</Extent>

      <Extent>1 film reel of 1 (200 ft.)</Extent>
      <Generation>answer print safety</Generation>

MARC 21 source: Fixed Field 008 (various bytes), Fields 256, 300

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

The <Abstract> element contains an abstract written by the author(s) of the bibliographic work.

It is possible for a single record to contain both <Abstract> and <OtherAbstract> elements.


      <AbstractText>NASA's Johnson Space Center Flight Data Systems personnel requested [...text removed for this example...] The approach and results of the KC-135 evaluations are discussed in detail.</AbstractText>

      <AbstractText>PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To summarise the current scientific knowledge on the causes, diagnosis and treatment of back pain. [...text removed for this example...] Prolonged bed rest or other significant motion restriction may have a harmful effect and, in uncomplicated cases, should be limited to a few days, or two weeks in cases with radiating pain to the lower arm or lower leg.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)</AbstractText>

MARC 21 source: Field 520 when Indicator 1=3 or blank and subfield 9 contains "AUTHOR"

Additional information/background:
Due to historic data entry policies or limitations in source or NLM legacy systems, abstracts may be truncated. An indication of truncation is a phrase at the end of the abstract, enclosed in parentheses, which begins with the words ABSTRACT TRUNCATED.

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Type
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

The <OtherAbstract> element contains abstract material which was not written by the author(s) of the bibliographic work.

It is possible for a single record to contain both <Abstract> and <OtherAbstract> elements.


<OtherAbstract Type="Producer">
      <AbstractText>(Producer) For maintaining health through the natural use of herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other substances. Covering over 100 herbs, discusses principal uses, with waring of side effects, aggravation of other conditions, and substances not to be taken with specific ones.</AbstractText>

<OtherAbstract Type="NTIS">
      <AbstractText>A method is presented to capture a 3D ultrasound volume from a series of 2D cross-sectional images [...text removed...] This technique is but a pilot forerunner of optical methods to be employed in a project whose goal is to achieve real-time interactive display of 3D ultrasound.</AbstractText>

MARC 21 source: Field 520 EXCEPT when that data qualifies as an <Abstract>.

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      Required: No
      Repeatable: Yes
     Attributes: (none)
     Child elements: (none)

The <ContentsNote> element contains information about the contents of the work, such as chapter headings drawn from the table of contents, or the titles of separate parts/volumes contained within the larger bibliographic work. It may include a statement of responsibility for the separate parts.

<ContentsNote>The Anatomy of the inguinal region -- Clinical aspects.</ContentsNote>
<ContentsNote>pt. 1. The differential diagnosis of acute renal failure.--pt. 2. The management of acute renal failure.</ContentsNote>
<ContentsNote>Contents : v. 1. Complete dentures.--v. 2. Fixed partial dentures.--v. 3. Removable partial dentures.</ContentsNote>
<ContentsNote>Contents (partial): "De' rimedii naturali d'Ischia": p. 7-274; "Tavoladelle infermitá": 38 unnumbered pages; "Aenariarum balnea ex Ioanne Elysio ... cum scholiis Io. Francisci Lombardi": p. 1-12. The "Aenariarum" has separate unnumbered half title page.</ContentsNote>

MARC 21 source: Field 505

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: IndexingTreatment, IndexingStatus
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<IndexingSourceList> is an envelope containing elements used to specify the publications or databases in which a title has been indexed and/or abstracted, if known.

Within the <IndexingSourceList> envelope, separate occurrences of <IndexingSource>, with its child elements <IndexingSourceName> and <Coverage>, are used to identify multiple indexing sources and, optionally, the extent of the resource covered by the indexing source.

For non-serial material held by NLM's History of Medicine Division (HMD), the <IndexingSourceList> contains a reference to a published description of that item in a standard source. All data is concatenated in <IndexingSourceName>; <Coverage> is not used for HMD materials.


          <IndexingSourceName IndexingTreatment="ReferencedIn">Garrison-Morton (5th ed.) 4596.1</IndexingSourceName>

          <IndexingSourceName IndexingTreatment="Unknown">NLM Gateway meeting abstracts</IndexingSourceName>

          <IndexingSourceName IndexingTreatment="Full" IndexingStatus="Continued-by-another-indexed-title">Index medicus</IndexingSourceName>
          <Coverage>v9, 1975-v16, 1978</Coverage>

          <IndexingSourceName IndexingTreatment="Full" IndexingStatus="Currently-indexed">PubMed</IndexingSourceName>
          <Coverage>v28n12,Dec. 1965-</Coverage>

          <IndexingSourceName IndexingTreatment="Selective" IndexingStatus="Deselected">Hospital literature index</IndexingSourceName>
          <Coverage>v1n1, 1986-v4n6,Jul.-Aug. 1990</Coverage>

MARC 21 source: Field 510

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner, NoteType
Child Elements: (none)

<GeneralNote> contains supplemental or descriptive information related to the work which is not appropriate for any of the more specific elements.

<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Includes bibliographical references (p. 434-472) and index.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Some issues accompanied by supplements on special topics.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Place of publication varies.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Includes index.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Rev. ed. of: Office techniques for diagnosing skin disease / William H. Eaglstein and David M. Pariser. c1978.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">"Publication of the Joint Committee on Printing, Congress of the United States."</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Title from title screen.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Related item: United States. Congress. Congressional record (Daily ed.) 0363-7239 (DLC) 80646573 (OCoLC)2437919</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Not in Thorndike & Kibre: Liber sapientie artis medicine ... Inc.: Quoniam in diebus illis ceperunt demones irritare in filios hominum ... -- [De bono habitu] Inc.: Habitus significat omne permanens et difficile solubile ... -- [De parvae pilae exercitio] Inc.: Quam quidem bonum ad sanitatem ...</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM" NoteType="FindingAid">Finding aid available in Library and electronically: folder level control.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Dr. Webster was appointed professor of Anatomy at the Geneva Medical College in 1842.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM" NoteType="Restriction">No restrictions on access.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM" NoteType="CopyrightStatus">Copyright was transferred to the public domain.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM" NoteType="CopyrightHolder">Audio Productions, Inc. Research date: 04/19/2010 Source: Item.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM" NoteType="CiteAs">Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vat. Lat. 2378.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Microfilm. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NLM">Holder of originals: Biblioteca apostolica vaticana; Cortile del Belvedere, 00120; Vatican City; vc</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NASA">NS22716.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NASA">NAS9-17900.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NASA">582 ref.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NASA"> Space biology and medicine series edited by A.E. Nicogossian, S.R. Mohler, O.G. Gazenko and A.I. Grigoryev.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NYA">Includes bibliographical references.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="NYA">Also available via the Internet.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="KIE">Includes bibliographical footnotes.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="KIE">15 fn.</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="KIE">KIE BoB Subject Heading: genetic counseling</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="KIE">KIE BoB Subject Heading: medical ethics/codes of ethics</GeneralNote>
<GeneralNote Owner="KIE">Dissertation, Ph.D. in History, University of North Carolina, 1995. Order No. 9631980.</GeneralNote>

MARC 21 source: Fields 255, 257, 340, 351, various 5XX and 7XX note fields, Field 960 (LocatorPlus Catalog local field, KIE use only)

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: LocalNoteType
Child Elements: (none)

<LocalNote> contains NLM-specific data about copies or parts of materials held at NLM.

<LocalNote LocalNoteType="DashedOn">Part of title on microfilm. Film copy. HMD reel 63-61, no. 1</LocalNote>
<LocalNote LocalNoteType="DashedOn">-- --- Copy 2.</LocalNote>

<LocalNote LocalNoteType="PreservationAction">10 lin. ft.processed and cataloged. Awaiting future deposit of his memoirs. 1991</LocalNote>
<LocalNote LocalNoteType="PreservationAction">19950524 Not printed on acid-free paper</LocalNote>

MARC 21 source: Field 583, Field 590 (LocatorPlus Catalog local field)

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<PersonalNameSubjectList> is an envelope for names of persons who are the subjects of the resource being described.

The <PersonalNameSubject> child element is itself an envelope for a single personal subject. Each <PersonalNameSubject> may be comprised of the following group of child elements:

<LastName> contains the surname.
<ForeName> contains the remainder of the personal name, specifically first name, middle name, and name initials, if available.
<Initials> contains up to two initials derived from <ForeName> data.
<Suffix> contains one of the following suffixes: Jr, Sr, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, II, III, IV.
<DatesAssociatedWithName> contains dates of birth, death, flourishing, or any other date used with a name.
<NameQualifier> contains the fuller form of the <ForeName> value, if available.
<TitleAssociatedWithName> contains a uniform title, title part of a work, or series title associated with this person (used to co-locate by name/title combinations).
<OtherInformation> contains any remaining personal data of importance from the LocatorPlus Catalog record, including any suffix-like data not included in <Suffix>.



          <LastName>Jabir ibn Hayyan</LastName>
          <OtherInformation>philosopher and alchemist.</OtherInformation>

          <LastName>George II</LastName>
          <DatesAssociatedWithName>1683-1760. </DatesAssociatedWithName>
          <OtherInformation>King of Great Britain,</OtherInformation>


          <DatesAssociatedWithName>1667-1741. </DatesAssociatedWithName>
          <TitleAssociatedWithName>The drop and pill of Mr. Ward, consider'd.</TitleAssociatedWithName>

          <ForeName>John S</ForeName>
          <DatesAssociatedWithName>1838-1913. </DatesAssociatedWithName>
          <NameQualifier>(John Shaw),</NameQualifier>

MARC 21 source: Field 600

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: MajorTopicYN, Type, UI
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: MajorTopicYN, UI

NLM's controlled topical subject vocabulary, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®), is used to characterize the subject content of works in LocatorPlus Catalog. See // for information about MeSH.

When MeSH headings have been assigned to a LocatorPlus Catalog record, <MeshHeadingList> provides an envelope for each heading within its <MeshHeading> child element.

The <MeshHeading> element itself is a parent element for the following child elements:

<DescriptorName> contains MeSH “Descriptors” or main subjects.
<QualifierName> contains “Qualifiers” to the MeSH Descriptors. A qualifier indicates that the subject in <DescriptorName> is limited or specific to a particular aspect.


          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="Y" UI="D008511">Medicine</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="Y" UI="D014930">Women</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="D001291">Attitude of Health Personnel</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="D013486">Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="D002648">Child</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="D010781">Photography</DescriptorName>
          <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="Y" UI="Q000379">methods</QualifierName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="D010100">Oxygen</DescriptorName>
          <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="Q000032">analysis</QualifierName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="Y" UI="D010033">Otitis Media</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" Type="Geographic" UI="D013019">South Africa</DescriptorName>

          <DescriptorName MajorTopicYN="N" Type="Geographic" UI="D009820">Ohio</DescriptorName>
          <QualifierName MajorTopicYN="N" UI="Q000453">epidemiology</QualifierName>

MARC 21 source: Fields 650 and 651 when Indicator 2=2

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: No
Attributes: MajorTopicYN
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<OtherSubjectList> is an envelope for subject information which does not qualify for inclusion in the elements <MeshHeadingList>, <PersonalNameSubjectList>, <SpaceFlightMission>, or <KeywordList>. <OtherSubjectList> is repeated for each different subject owner or source.

On records cataloged by NLM, the large majority of LocatorPlus Catalog data contained in <OtherSubjectList> are Corporate or Meeting names and Uniform titles used as subjects. On records owned by or shared with collaborative partners or the NLM Staff Library, the terms in <OtherSubjectList> may also be Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH), geographic terms not included in MeSH, or other special vocabulary.

<OtherSubjectList> contains the <OtherSubject> element, which is in turn an envelope for the following child elements:

<OtherSubjectName> contains the main subject term.
<OtherInformation> may contain a subject qualifier, subordinate term, or any other information associated with the subject.
<TitleAssociatedWithName> contains a title associated with the subject.


<OtherSubjectList Owner="NLM">
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="CorpName">Paris. Institut Pasteur.</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">Chemistry / Organic</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Title">Union list of serials in the libraries of the United States and Canada.</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherInformation>3d. ed.</OtherInformation>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="CorpName">National Academy of Sciences (U.S.).</OtherSubjectName>
            <TitleAssociatedWithName>The biological effects of atomic radiation; summary reports.</TitleAssociatedWithName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Title">Bible.</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherInformation>O.T. Pentateuch.</OtherInformation>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="CorpName">United States.</OtherSubjectName>
            <TitleAssociatedWithName>Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999.</TitleAssociatedWithName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">Scholarly publishing</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherInformation>United States.</OtherInformation>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">Zip codes</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherInformation>Washington Metropolitan Area. Maps.</OtherInformation>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">United Nations. General Assembly. Special Session on HIV/AIDS,</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherInformation>(2001 : New York, N.Y.)</OtherInformation>

<OtherSubjectList Owner="PIP">
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">English Speaking Africa</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">Achievement</OtherSubjectName>

<OtherSubjectList Owner="NASA">
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Other">United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.</OtherSubjectName>

<OtherSubjectList Owner="KIE">
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="Y" SubjectType="CorpName">American Medical Association.</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Title">Evans v. Bellevue Hospital.</OtherSubjectName>
            <OtherSubjectName MajorTopicYN="N" SubjectType="Title">The Murderer.</OtherSubjectName>

MARC 21 source: Various 6XX fields EXCEPT those in <MeshHeadingList>, <PersonalNameSubjectList>, <SpaceFlightMission>, or <Keyword>.

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child Elements: (none)

<SpaceFlightMission> is used exclusively by the NLM collaborative partner NASA. This element contains the space flight mission name and/or number when results of research conducted in space are covered in a publication.

Following the pattern established in the MEDLINE XML records, in cases where there are multiple space flight missions, a specific mission name is not directly linked to the descriptive values manned/unmanned or long/short duration, as they are in LocatorPlus Catalog. For records containing more than one Space Flight Mission name, see the Space Flight Mission Summary Table at that provides the manned/unmanned status and duration of each mission.

<SpaceFlightMission>Apollo Project</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Biosatellite Project</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Discoverer Project</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Long duration</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Mercury Project</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Project Gemini (U.S.)</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Short duration</SpaceFlightMission>
<SpaceFlightMission>Skylab Project</SpaceFlightMission>

MARC 21 source: Various 610, 630, 690 (LocatorPlus Catalog local field) which correspond to the values listed in the Space Flight Mission Summary Table ( NASA use only.

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Owner
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: MajorTopicYN

<KeywordList> is an envelope for one or more <Keyword> elements.

<Keyword> contains controlled terms that are assigned by the collaborative partners KIE, NASA, and PIP. The list of controlled terms differs for each partner and is subject to change.

There is a separate <KeywordList> envelope for each collaborative partner that has added keywords to the record.


<KeywordList Owner="KIE">
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="Y">Genetic Services</Keyword>
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="Y">International Aspects</Keyword>
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="N">Genetics and Reproduction</Keyword>

<KeywordList Owner="NASA">
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="N">NASA Discipline Number 26-10</Keyword>
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="N">NASA Program Biomedical Research</Keyword>
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="N">NASA Discipline Musculoskeletal</Keyword>
      <Keyword MajorTopicYN="N">Non-NASA Center U CA, Los Angeles</Keyword>

MARC 21 source: Fields 593 and 690 (NLM-defined local field); Field 700 subfield e when subfield e contains "Investigator" (NASA use only)

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)

<BroadJournalHeadingList> contains one or more occurrence(s) of <BroadJournalHeading>, the broad MeSH subject headings used for the Broad Subject Terms of Indexed Journals. All titles indexed in MEDLINE are assigned at least one <BroadSubjectHeading>.




MARC 21 source: Field 698 (NLM-defined field)

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: NLMCallNumberYN, Authority, CallNumberType
Child Elements: (none)

<Classification> contains information about the classification and/or call numbers assigned to the resource.

Note that only resources with <Classification> attributes NLMCallNumberYN=“Y” and Authority=“NLM” can be accessed at NLM.


<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="ShelvingNumber">HF1634</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="NLMClass">WC 140 VC no.19 1947</Classification>

<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="ShelvingNumber">1996 G-412</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="N" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="NLMClass">WG 210</Classification>

<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="ShelvingNumber">2000 E-962</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="N" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="NLMClass">W 50 Z999 2000</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="N" Authority="KIE" CallNumberType="Other">R725.5.S84 2000</Classification>

<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="ShelvingNumber">2002 M-860 (p.[5]-10)</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="Other">HQ 18.U5 B498k 1954</Classification>

<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="Y" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="ShelvingNumber">Film 1021 no.7</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="N" Authority="NLM" CallNumberType="NLMClass">WG</Classification>
<Classification NLMCallNumberYN="N" Authority="Other" CallNumberType="NLMClass">WS 462 2001</Classification>

MARC 21 source: Field 060, Field 090

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ValidYN
Child Elements: (none)

<GovDocClassNumber> contains a classification number assigned to a government document by a government agency at any level. No distinction is made between numbers assigned according to the US Superintendent of Documents Classification System and any other system.

<GovDocClassNumber ValidYN="Y">HEA 445-3 ANABO 99-127</GovDocClassNumber>
<GovDocClassNumber ValidYN="Y">HE 23.1309/2:</GovDocClassNumber>
<GovDocClassNumber ValidYN="Y">X 1.1/A:</GovDocClassNumber>
<GovDocClassNumber ValidYN="N">H 20.3320: AR 7/</GovDocClassNumber>

MARC 21 source: Field 086

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes, if it exists
Repeatable: No
Attributes: EIdType, ValidYN
Required: Yes, if there is no <ELocationID>; otherwise, No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<ELocationList> is an envelope for data used to locate and access electronic resources. Each electronic location for the resource being described is contained in a sub-envelope called <ELocation>.

Each <ELocation> element contains one of two possible child elements:

<ELocationID> contains valid URL (Uniform Resource Locator) information.
<DescriptiveInformation> contains non-URL or invalid URL electronic location information.

            <DescriptiveInformation> no longer valid</DescriptiveInformation>

            <ELocationID EIdType="url" ValidYN = "Y"></ELocationID>

MARC 21 source: Field 856

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child Elements: (none)

<Host> contains information about the host or "parent" item when the resource being described is a constituent unit of a larger work, e.g. a chapter of a book. The amount of detail supplied varies considerably, but at a minimum contains the title of the host item.

<Host>Harvard Community Health Plan clinical guidelines and algorithms</Host>

<Host>Sulzman FM, Genin AM, eds. Space biology and medicine, vol. 2. Life support and habitability</Host>

<Host>Gaylin, Willard; Macklin, Ruth; Powledge, Tabitha M., eds. Violence and the Politics of Research</Host>

<Host>Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD]. Development Centre. Mortality in developing countries. Tome 2. Data bank</Host>

<Host>Los Alamos Life Sciences Symposium (1st : 1973). Mammalian cells, probes and problems : proceedings of the first Los Alamos Life Sciences Symposium held at Los Alamos, New Mexico, October 17-19, 1973 [Oak Ridge, Tenn.] : Technical Information Center, Office of Public Affairs, U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration ; Springfield, Va. : available from the National Technical Information Service, 1975</Host>

MARC 21 source: Field 773

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ValidYN
Child Elements: (none)

<LCCN> contains a unique alpha-numeric identifier or control number assigned to the resource by the Library of Congress. Valid LCCNs have the attribute "ValidYN" set to "Y", and there can be only one <LCCN> with ValidYN="Y" per record. By contrast, there can be more than one <LCCN> with the attribute "ValidYN" set to "N" within one record.


<LCCN ValidYN="Y">92-640104</LCCN>
<LCCN ValidYN="Y">sn 90-31375</LCCN>

<LCCN ValidYN="N">85647127</LCCN>
<LCCN ValidYN="N">sn 85000493</LCCN>

MARC 21 source: Field 010

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ValidYN
Child Elements: (none)

<ISBN> contains an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and, optionally, qualifying descriptive information about edition, such as bindings, paper quality, and/or volume numbers of a multi-volume monographic set.

<ISBN ValidYN="Y">0534575730</ISBN>

<ISBN ValidYN="Y">007063369X (alk. paper)</ISBN>

<ISBN ValidYN="Y">354065920X (softcover : alk. paper)</ISBN>

<ISBN ValidYN="Y">0415924499 (v. 1 : alk. paper)</ISBN>
<ISBN ValidYN="Y">0415927374 (v. 2 : alk. paper)</ISBN>

<ISBN ValidYN="Y">0838514944 (domestic : alk. paper)</ISBN>
<ISBN ValidYN="N">0071181853 (international : alk. paper)</ISBN>

<ISBN ValidYN="N">008037044 (pbk. :)</ISBN>

MARC 21 source: Field 020

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ValidYN, IssnType
Child Elements: (none)

<ISSN> contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), a unique 8-character alpha-numeric identifier assigned to a serial by an authoritative ISSN Network center.

Not all serials contain an <ISSN> because ISSNs have not been assigned to all serial titles. In some cases, there will be more than one valid <ISSN> because NLM uses a single record approach and records the ISSN for each format available in that one record.

<ISSN ValidYN="Y" IssnType="Print">1053-1459</ISSN>
<ISSN ValidYN="Y" IssnType="Print">0272-541X</ISSN>

<ISSN ValidYN="Y" IssnType="Print">0022-538X</ISSN>
<ISSN ValidYN="Y" IssnType="Electronic">1098-5514</ISSN>

<ISSN ValidYN="Y" IssnType="Print">1054-6456</ISSN>
<ISSN ValidYN="N" IssnType="Undetermined">0740-0101</ISSN>

MARC 21 source: Field 022

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ValidYN
Child Elements: (none)

The <ISSNLinking> element contains the ISSN designated by the ISSN Network to enable collocation or linking among the different media versions or formats of a continuing resource. The first ISSN assigned to any media version of a continuing resource shall also be designated to function as the linking ISSN (aka ISSN-L) and shall apply to all other media versions of that resource.


<ISSN ValidYN="Y">1234-1231</ISSN>

<ISSNLinking ValidYN="Y">1234-1231</ISSNLinking>

<ISSN ValidYN="Y" IssnType="Print">8756-7547</ISSN>

<ISSNLinking ValidYN="Y">1940-5286</ISSNLinking>

MARC 21 source: Field 022

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child Elements: (none)

<NCBIIssnAlias> contains an 8-character International Standard Serials Number (ISSN) used by NLM’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in its databases. The same ISSN values may appear in both <NCBIIssnAlias> and <ISSN>.


MARC 21 source: Field 922 (NLM-defined local field)

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child Elements: (none)

<STRN> contains a Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) formulated according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or International Standards Organizations (ISO) standards.

All occurrences of <STRN> are assumed to be valid.


<STRN>DOT HS 808 641</STRN>


MARC 21 source: Field 027

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child Elements: (none)

<Coden> contains the CODEN designation, a six-character unique identifier for scientific and technical journal titles.

All occurrences of <Coden> are assumed to be valid.


MARC 21 source: Field 030

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: Prefix, Source
Child Elements: (none)

<OtherID> contains identifying numbers which link a LocatorPlus Catalog record to its precursor record in an NLM legacy system, an NLM collaborative partner's database, or the WorldCat database at OCLC.

Since some records are created new in LocatorPlus Catalog or come from sources which are not recorded, <OtherID> may not be present on all records. Conversely, it is possible for a record to have more than one <OtherID>.


<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="NLM">SR0003345(s)</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="NLM">J41260000(s)</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(OCoLC)" Source="OCLC">01783311</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(OCoLC)" Source="OCLC">49759873</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="CIT">13461</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="HSR">HSTAR:94904932</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="KIE">KIE:16686</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="NASA">NASA:98617062</OtherID>
<OtherID Prefix="(DNLM)" Source="PIP">PIP:00005171</OtherID>

MARC 21 source: Field 035 when Source is NLM "SEQ" (pre-LocatorPlus Catalog NLM identifier), NLM collaborative partner, or OCLC

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)

<AcquisitionInfoList> is an envelope for data about the source from which the resource was acquired. When NLM collaborative partners catalog a resource in LocatorPlus Catalog, they use <AcquisitionInfoList> to record National Technical Information Service (NTIS) data for that resource.

<AcquisitionInfoList> contains one child element: <AcquisitionInfo>.

<AcquisitionInfo> contains two child elements:

<StockNumber> is used to record vendor alpha-numeric stock numbers.
<AcquisitionSource> contains free-text information, usually a supplier name and address.


            <AcquisitionSource>Medical Economics, 5 Paragon Drive, Montvale, NJ 07645</AcquisitionSource>

            <AcquisitionSource>NTIS, Springfield, VA</AcquisitionSource>


MARC 21 source: Field 037

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Required: No
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: ValidYN
Child Elements: (none)

<ReportNumber> contains a report number that is not a Standard Technical Report Number (STRN). Within LocatorPlus Catalog, <ReportNumber> is used to record report numbers and the Secondary Source Identifiers established by the collaborative partners NASA and PIP.


<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">EPA 747-R-94-003</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">68-D2-0139</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">DOT/FAA/AM-98/25</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">CPFH 05588cr976</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">PIP 670301</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">IND 8025336</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="Y">NASA 00007057</ReportNumber>
<ReportNumber ValidYN="N">NASA-TN-D-8008</ReportNumber>

MARC 21 source: Field 088

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Required: No
Repeatable: No
Attributes: (none)
Child elements:

Required: Yes
Repeatable: Yes
Attributes: (none)

<DeleteCatalogRecord> contains NLM unique identifiers for those bibliographic records in LocatorPlus Catalog that were deleted since the last CatfilePlus distribution. This is a top-level or parent element within NLMCatalogRecordSet and is not a sublement of NLMCatalogRecord.



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Last Reviewed: January 16, 2024