Transcript for original artwork for The Infinite Wait and Other Stories
Julia Wertz ‘11
[Top left panel]
The next morning:
[Top right panel]
[Woman’s thoughts] Aaah!! What the hell?!!
[Center left panel]
[Woman] …yeah, ma, it’s getting worse, it’s pretty much the worst. I can’t even get out of bed… No, I haven’t gone because I’m young and stupid and assumed it’d all just go away magically.
[Center right panel]
[Woman] Calm down, ma. No one ever died because they were in pain and couldn’t move… Oh, you’re right, that is exactly what happens to a lot of people right before they die…
[Bottom left panel]
[Woman] …yes, okay. I’ll call the doctor right now, I promise… Yes, then I’ll call you and let you know… Okay, love you ma, bye
[Bottom right panel]
[Woman’s thoughts] I feel like a 90 year old stuck in the body of a 20 year old woman who’s stuck in the mind of an 80 year old man.