Transcript of a page from Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me
What is a “mood disorder” anyway?
Basically, it’s a condition where emotions are derailed for an extended period of time. The main types are:
Bipolar I: Alternating manic + depressive episodes (that’s me)
Bipolar II: Alternating hypomanic + depressive episodes
“hypomania” = mild mania
Cyclothymia: Alternating hypomanic + mild depressive episodes
Unipolar depression: single or recurrent episodes with no mania
Dysthymia: chronic, low-grade depression
…which refer to these mood states:
Mania: up up up up up!
Hypomania: up!
Mixed states: up + down at the same time
Rapid cycling: 4 or more episodes within 12 months
Euthymia: balanced “normal”, brass ring
Dysthymia: chronically low
Mild depression: low
Depression: low low low low low
Note: “Bipolar disorder” + “Manic depression” are the same thing.