Index of Images
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y
abortive fever, 57
Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seaman (1798), 2
Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 107
Addiction Research Center, 133, 134
adopted children, 164
adulteration of food, drink, and drugs, 105, 108, 109
advocacy, Native Americans, 148
Africa, 169
Agency of International Development (AID), 169
Aiken, Charles V., 25
air travel, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156
aircraft inspection, 19, 152, 155
Albania, 158
ambulances, 7
American Eskimos, 149
American Legion, 93
American Medical Association, 106
Apollo moon landings, 42
applied science, biomedical research, 58
Arctic region, 136
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 99
Army Medical Library, 99
Army Medical Museum, 99
Army Surgeon General's Office, 99
arthritis, 88
aspirin, 120
atomic bombardment mass spectrometer, 90
atomic contamination of foods, drugs, cosmetics, 114
bacterial toxins, 57
bacteriology, 47, 54, 71, 76, 77, 78, 93, 109
Baden Pond, NC, 65
Bayley Seton Hospital, 47
Bear (Coast Guard cutter), 136
Bethesda, MD, 46, 49, 50, 82, 99
Billings, John Shaw, 100
biologic products, 46, 58, 117
biologics, 54, 55, 90, 91, 119
Biologics Control Act (1902), 52, 53
biology, 58
Bitteroot Valley, MT, 70
Blackbeard Island, GA, 13
Blackburn Laboratory of Pathology, 122, 123
blacks. see Afro-Americans.
blood transfusions, 97
Bolton, Frances, 137
Boston, MA, 3
Boston Marine Hospital, 4
bubonic plague, 25, 73, 74, 75
Bureau of Chemistry, 109
Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance, 140
Bureau of Radiological Health, 114
Bush, George, 98
Cadet Nurse Corps, 137
California, 74
Camp E. A. Perry, FL, 16
Carville, LA, 139
Carville Leprosarium, 139
Castle Island, MA, 3
cell differentiation, 126
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, 90, 91, 117
Center for Devices and Radiological Health, 114, 115
Center for Environmental Health, 43
Center for Veterinary Medicine, 118
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 39, 41, 42, 43, 66, 93, 94, 168, 169
Chang Kan Tai, 166
chemical toxicants, 119
chemical wastes, 43
chemicals in food and cosmetics, 113
chemistry, 109
Chicago, IL, 103
chicken pox, 156
- childhood disease, 36
- Combatting Childhood Communicable Disease (project), 169, 170
- international adoption, 164
- mental illness, 127
- psychometric tests, 126
- quarantine, 156
- trachoma, 26
- see also infants.
chlorides, 116
chorionic villus biopsy, 86
chronic disease, 58
Cincinnati, OH, 78
Civil Works Administration, 30
clinical medicine:
- alcoholism, 129
- genetic blood diseases, 86
- graduate female nurses, 145
- immunization program, 147
- mental illness, 124
- neurology, 123
Close, Dr., 156
clothing disinfection, 27
Coast Guard, 136
Cobb, Julius O., 70
Collier's Weekly (magazine), 107
Color Additives Amendment (1960), 113
Combatting Childhood Communicable Disease (CCCD) (project), 169, 170
Commissioned Corps, 10, 135, 138
commissioned officers, 10, 11, 135, 138
communicable diseases, 21, 147
Comprehensive Radiation Health and Safety Act (1968), 115
construction funds, 141
consumer protection, 103 to 116, 120
coronary heart disease, 84
county health boards, 31
CT scans, 92
cytology, 126
Da Nang, Vietnam, 143
Daufuskie Island, SC, 17
De Paolis, Ferdinando, 163
death rate:
- African children, 169
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports, 94
- heart disease, 84
- neonatal tetanus, 170
Delaney, James, 113
dental clinics, 9
dental research, 96
diagnosis, communicable diseases, 21
- alcoholism, 128, 129
- childhood diseases, 36
- chronic disease, 58
- Combatting Childhood Communicable Disease, 169, 170
- communicable disease, 21, 147
- eye diseases, 95
- genetic blood diseases, 86
- Hansen's Disease, 139
- heart disease, 84
- hookworm, 31, 58
- malaria, 27, 35, 80, 81, 142
- mosquito-borne disease, 152
- overseas outbreaks, 165
- pneumonia, 33, 93
- quarantinable disease, see quarantine
- sanitary engineers, 138
- smallpox, 32, 156, 168
- syphilis, 34, 68, 161
- trachoma, 20, 26, 76, 77, 162
disinfection, 13, 15, 17, 18, 23, 51
dispensaries, Public Health Service, 9
Division of Biologics Control, 55
Division of Foreign Quarantine, 165
Division of Mental Hygiene, 121
Division of Nurse Education, 137
Division of Pathology and Bacteriology, 54
Division of Venereal Diseases, 67
Doull, James A., 167
- adulteration, 108
- atomic contamination, 114
- cosmetics and drugs, 112
- drug abuse, 121, 128 to 134
- drug inspectors, 109
- over-the-counter drugs, 120
- patent medicine, 106, 107
- pure food and drugs, 103
- research, 101
- safety of drugs, 105 to 107
- veterinary drugs, 118
Dry Tortugas, FL, 12
duramater, 123
earthquakes, 73
- Cadet Nurse Corps, 137
- graduate nurses, 145
- heart disease, 84
- medical education, 150, 167
- Thomas Parran, 66
El Paso, TX, 140
Emmart, Emily, 56
employment, drug addicts, 132
endothelial sarcoma, 123
engineers, sanitary, 138
Environmental Protection Administration, 115
Epidemic Intelligence Service, 93
Epidemiology Program Office, 94
- AIDS, 44, 98
- bubonic plague, 73, 75
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 94
- epidemic disease, 82
- interstate problem, 10
- MMWR, 94
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 69, 71, 70, 72
- trachoma, 26
- yellow fever, 64
Ermenegildo, Franco, 160, 162, 163, 164
Eskimos. see American Eskimos.,
European examination stations, 162, 164
Evans, Alice C., 57
exploration, Arctic, 136
eye diseases, 95
fallout from atomic bomb tests, 114
"Fatoff" obesity cream, 111
Fauci, Anthony, 98
Federal Bureau of Prisons, 142
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 103
fellowship training program, 167
fleas, 74
- additives, 104
- adulteration, 108
- hospitals, 135
- preservatives, 104
- pure food and drugs, 103, 104
- radiation safety, 114
- safety of food, 105, 108, 109, 110
- unprocessed foods, 110
Food Additives Amendment (1958), 113
Food and Drug Act of 1906, 105, 108
Food and Drug Administration, 53, 103, 108, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 103, 112, 113
foreign quarantine inspectors, 151, 152
- see also under quarantine.
Fort Worth, TX, 130
Franklin, LA, 64
Frost, Wade H., 79
Gallo, Robert C., 97
garment making industry, 29
Geiger counters, 114
genetic blood diseases, 86
George H. Lanier Memorial Hospital, 141
Gillis W. Lang Hansen's Disease Center, 139
Godding, W. W., 122
Goidherger, Joseph, 58, 59, 60
gonorrhea, 34
Good Housekeeping (magazine), 107
habit-forming narcotics, 130
hair tonic, 112
Hansen's Disease, 139
Harrison Act of 1914, 106
Hawaii, 1
Hawthorne, NV, 163
health care delivery, 135
- Alaska natives and Eskimos, 149
- Bolton Act, 137
- Cadet Nurse Corps, 137
- Coast Guard, 136
- Federal prisons, 142
- Hansen's Disease, 139
- hard-to-reach populations, 147
- Hill-Burton Act, 141
- merchant marine, 1, 2, 7, 165
- migrant workers, 140
- National Health Service Corps, 144
- Native Americans, 148
- nurses, 137
- sanitary engineers, 138
- Vietnam, 143
- visiting nurses, 145, 146
health education:
- childhood diseases, 36
- food and drugs, 105
- health fraud, 106, 107, 111, 112
- trachoma, 76
- venereal disease, 66 to 68
Health Resources and Services Administration, 135, 140
heart disease, 84
Herod, Gilbert P, 143
Hill-Burton Act (1946), 141
HIV, 97
homeless persons, 128
Hong Kong, 166
Hospital Survey and Construction Act (1946), 141
- Boston Marine Hospital, 4
- building program, 135
- drug abuse, 121,130, 131
- Dry Tortugas, FL, 12
- Franklin, LA, 64
- Hansen's Disease, 139
- Hill-Burton Act (1946), 141
- mental hospitals, 122
- merchant seamen, 1, 2, 3
- New Orleans Public Health Service Hospital, 9
- Rolla, MO, 77
- San Francisco Public Health Service Hospital, 7
- Stapleton, Staten Island, NY, 47
- trachoma treatment centers, 76
- Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center, 92
- Washington Point, VA, 6
house-to-house canvass, 30
hydrocyanic acid gas, 15
hydrotherapy, 124
hygiene, personal, 76
Hygienic Laboratory, 32, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 69, 70, 78 see also National Institutes of Health.
Hygienic Table, 104
immigrants to U.S., 157 to 166
- adopted children, 164
- Angel Island, CA, 23, 24
- Asian immigrants, 22, 24
- Ellis Island, 20, 21
- health inspection, 20, 21, 158 to 162
- inspection, 151
- quarantine, 157, 161
immunology, 91
Index Medicus (publication), 100, 102
Indian Health Service, 135, 148, 149
Indians. see Native Americans.,
- Combatting Childhood Communicable Disease, 169, 170
- Infant Formula Act of 1980, 116
- visiting nurses, 146
infectious diseases:
- bubonic plague, 25
- Liberia, 167
- quarantine stations, 10
- research, 54
- venereal diseases, 34, 68
- yellow fever, 16, 17
influenza, 33
inland quarantine, 16
inoculation programs, 28, 52, 53, 168, 169, 170
insecticides, 81
inspection officers, 153
inspection, aircraft, 19, 152, 155
Inspector's Manual (1908 publication), 110
inspectors, food and drug, 109
insulin pump, 87
international health, 150
- foreign quarantine, 165
- mosquito, to, borne diseases, 152
- overseas examinations, 157 to 164
- passenger health inspection, 151, 153, 154
- tuberculosis, 159, 160
International Office of Public Health, 150
iron lung, 38
Jackson, KY, 76
John E. Fogarty International Center, 150
Johnston, Helen L., 140
The Jungle (Sinclair book), 103
Kennedy International Airport, 156
Kentucky, 76
Kinyoun, Joseph J., 46, 51, 73
Kinyoun, to, Francis sterilizer, 51
Klippel, John, 88
Koop, C. Everett, 44
- consumer protection, 104, 113
- cosmetics, 112
- drugs, 105, 112
- interstate commerce, 108
- of food, 104
- medical devices, 115
- over, to, the-counter drugs, 111, 112, 120
- patent medicine, 106
- adulteration of milk, 109
- diet laboratory, 63
- drug addictions, 131
- food adulteration, 108
- Laboratory of Biologics Control, 55, 56
- Laboratory of Hygiene, 47
- Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism, 85
- Laboratory of Pathobiology, 72
- mental hospitals, 122, 123
- plagues, 75
- spotted fever, 69
- virology, 94
- water-borne diseases, 78
- see also Hygienic Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Laboratory.
Ladies Home Journal (magazine), 107
LaGuardia Alrport, NY, 151, 153, 154, 155
lakes, pollution, 79
Langdale, AL, 141
Langmuir, Alexander, 93
laser cell separation, 91
lead poisoning, 29
Leake, James P., 38
Legionella pneumophilis, 93
leprosy. see Hansen's Disease.
Lewis, Nolan, 125
Lexington, KY, 130, 131, 132, 133
Liberia, 167
libraries. see National Library of Medicine.
life expectancy, 36
limberneck, 57
Lincoln, Abraham, 108
Lind, John, 125
lipstick, 113
Lister Hill Center, 101
Los Angeles, CA, 37
loud-speakers, 147
Love Canal, Niagara Falls, NY, 43
Lumsden, Leslie L., 30, 31, 58, 79
lupus, 88
magazine journalism, 107
Marine Hospital Service, 1, 9, 16, 17, 46, 47, 48
mass spectrometers, 90
McDade, Joseph E., 93
McMullen, John, 76
meat packing plants, 103
mental retardation, 126
merchant marine, 1, 2, 6, 7, 165
Metheny, Adam, 126
Mexicans in U.S., 140
migrant workers, 140
Migrant Health Act of 1962, 140
Mississippi lilver Valley, 64
Missouri, 77
Mme. Vale's Hair Tonic, 112
MMWR: see Morbidify and Mortality Weekly Report.
mobile examination centers (NHANES), 39
molecular biology, 126
Montauk Point, NY, 11
moon, exploration, 42
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 94
morphine, 134
mortality. see death rate.
mosquito control, 27, 65, 80, 81, 152
mothers and children, 146
multiple pressure method of vaccination, 32
Myslin, Osmany, 158
napalm burns, 143
Naples, Italy, 157, 158, 162, 163, 164
narcotic farms, 130
narcotics. see under drugs.,
narcotics law, 106
National Cancer Institute, 97
National Center for Health Statistics, 39
National Center for Toxilogical Research, 119
National Eye Institute, 95
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 39, 40
National Health Service Corps, 135, 144
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 83, 84, 85, 86
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 43
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), 88
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), 126
National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR), 96
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), 85, 87
National Institute of Mental Health, 121, 129
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 129
National Institute on Drug Abuse, 134
National Institutes of Health, 46, 47, 50, 53, 58, 60, 82, 98, 99
- see also Hygienic Laboratory.
National Library of Medicine, 99, 100, 101, 102, 150
national maritime quarantine system, 14
Native Americans, 32, 135, 148
Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C. 49
neonatal tetanus mortality, 170
nervous diseases, 123
New Orleans, LA, 9, 18, 25, 75
New York, NY, 14, 15, 20, 21, 151 to 156
niacin, 59
Niagara Falls, NY, 43
NIH. see National Institutes of Health.
Nirenberg, Marshall W., 83
nonprescription drugs, 111, 112, 120
Norfolk County, VA, 6
- Bolton Act (1943), 137
- in-home education, 146
- Native Americans, 148
- rural areas, 145
- yellow fever hospital, 64
obesity, 111
Office of International Health Relations, 167
over-the-counter drugs, 111, 112, 120
Ozark Mountain area, 77
Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 150
Panama Canal Zone, 81
Parker Act (1930), 138
Parker, Ralph R., 69
pathology, 46, 54, 99, 122, 123, 129
penicillin, 34
penitentiaries. see prisons.
Perry, E. A., 16
Pesticide Amendment (1954), 113
PET scan. see positron emission tomography.
Petry, Lucile, 137
Philadelphia, PA, 93
Philippines, 35
physical examinations:
plague. see bubonic plague.
Poindexter, Hildrus A., 167
Poison Squad, 104
poisonous substances, 103, 113
positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, 134
poverty, 62
prenatal tests, 86
psychiatry, 127
psychometric tests, 126
Public Health Reports (publication), 12
Public Health Service officers, 11
publicity, hard-to-reach populations, 147
Puerto Rico, 17
puppets in child psychiatry, 127
quarantine, 11
- adopted children, 164
- Baltimore harbor, 19
- Blackbeard Island, 13
- disinfection service, 51
- Dry Tortugas, NY, 12
- foreign, 42, 157, 162, 165
- fumigation of ships, 15
- inland, 16
- mosquito-borne diseases, 152
- Naples office, 157, 162
- New York City harbor, 14
- passenger health inspection, 153
- Philippines Public Health Rehabilitation Program, 35
- San Francisco, 73
- smallpox, 156
- space programs, 42
quinine, 80
radiation hazards, 29, 41, 114, 115
radioactive materials, 49
radium, health hazards, 49
receptor sites (nervous system), 131
reform movements:
- food additives, 104
- Food and Drug Act of 1906, 105
- patent medicine, 106, 107
- pure food and drugs, 103
refugees, 158
- biologic products, 56, 117
- food and drugs, 105
- food safety, 104
- pure food and drugs, 103
- vaccines and serums, 53
relapsing fever, 72
- addiction, 133, 134
- AIDS, 98
- alcohol abuse, 128, 129
- bacteriology, 47
- biologics, 55, 90, 91
- biomedical research, 46, 48, 49
- brain research, 123
- bubonic plague, 74
- child psychiatry, 127
- clinical medicine, 92
- dental research, 96
- diabetes, 87
- drug abuse, 89, 131
- eye diseases, 95
- genetic code, 83
- human development, 126
- immunology, 91
- infectious diseases, 54
- insect-borne diseases, 72
- international health, 150
- libraries, 99, 101, 150
- lupus, 88
- mental health, 121
- NHANES, 39, 40
- pellagra, 59, 63
- poliomyclitis, 38
- radiation safety, 115
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 69, 71, 70, 72
- safety of biologics, 117
- spirochetal relapsing fevers, 72
- toxicology, 119
- tumor cell biology, 97
- viruses, 97
- water-borne diseases, 78
- water supply, 79
- yellow fever, 65
Reserve Corps of the Public Health Service, 138
retail drugs, 106, 107, 111, 120
rivers, pollution, 79
Rocky Mountain Laboratory, 70, 71, 72
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 69 to 72
Rolla, MO, 77
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 103
Rotundo, Francesco, 162
rural areas:
- bubonic plague, 74
- Hill-Burton Act, 141
- migrant workers, 140
- nurse visits, 145
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, 69 to 72
- sanitary surveys, 30
- trachoma, 76, 77
- typhoid fever inoculations, 28
- chemical toxicants, 119
- Delaney amendment, 113
- food, drugs, and cosmetics, 103
- over-the-counter drugs, 120
- radiation safety, 115
- unprocessed foods, 110
Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, 121 to 125
Saint Mary's River, FL, 16
San Francisco, CA, 7, 22, 23, 24, 73, 74
sanitary engineers, 138
- bubonic plague, 73
- mosquito control, 27
- privy-building, 30
- surveys, 30, 31
- typhoid fever inoculations, 28
- unprocessed foods, 110
- water, to, borne disease, 79
- workplace sanitation, 29
Sapelo Sound, GA, 13
sarcoma, 123
Schereschewsky, Joseph, 29
Schmidt, Gail, 41
science, biomedical research, 58
Seagonville, TX, 142
seamen. see merchant marine.
Sebrell, William Henry, Jr, 60
serums, 53
"sheep run" (airports), 153
Shepard, Charles C., 93
Shore, Milton, 127
sickle cell anemia, 86
silicosis, 29
Sinclair, Upton, 103
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 52
"soothers" (patent medicine), 106
soy-based infant formula, 116
space exploration, 42
Spanish-American War (1898), 17
spectrometers, 90
Spencer, Roscoe R., 69
spirochetal relapsing fevers, 72
spotted fever. see Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
squirrels, 74
Stapleton, NY, 47
statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, 39
streams, pollution, 79
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 121
sulfanilamide, 103
Surgeon General (Public Health Service), 14
Surgeon General (title), 11
systemic lupus erythematosus, 88
Tarbett, Ralph E., 27
tax, tonnage, 7
therapy, mental illness, 124, 125
Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident (1979), 41
tonnage tax, 7
tooth decay, 96
toxic substance identification, 43
toxicology, 119
Trans World Airlines, 155
tsetse fly, 167
tumor cell biology, 97
tuna, 114
TWA. see Trans World Airlines.
undulant fever, 57
uniform (clothing), 11
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 104, 108
U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, 130 to 133
vaccination, 32, 69, 71, 82, 168
- AIDS, 98
- hard-to-reach populations, 147
- polio, 169
- pure food and drugs, 117
- smallpox, 168
- spotted fever, 69, 70
- tetanus, 170
venereal disease, 34, 66, 67, 68
veterinary medicine, 118
Vietnam, 143
Virginia, 6
visa, 159
visual loss, 95
vitamin B complex, 59
vocational therapy, 132
von Ezdorf, Rudolph, 27
"Walter Wyman" (boarding launch), 14
Warren G. Magnuson Clinical Center, 92
Washington, D.C., 46, 48, 49, 99, 109, 121, 124, 137
Washington Point, VA, 6
waste disposal, 30, 43, 78, 114, 138
watch dials, 115
water-borne disease, 78
water fluoridation, 96
Welsh, Thomas, 3
West, (Mrs.) Bobby, 164
West, Elias, 164
Wetherill, Charles, 108
Wilson, [Thomas] Woodrow, 26
Woodworth, John M., 12
workplace sanitation, 29
Works Project Administration, 30
World Health Organization, 66, 150
World War I (1914-1918), 27, 145
World War II (1939-1945), 34, 35, 67, 137
Wyman, Walter, 14
Wyngaarden, James B., 98
yellow fever, 16, 17, 64, 65, 72
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