
Lifecycle of a blow fly
Blow fly maggot
Blow fly puparium
Blow fly (Phaenicia sericata)
Adult Black Blow Fly and Puparia (Phormia regina)
Photomicrograph of mandibular sclerite of maggot, 1935
Photomicrograph of left posterior stigma of maggot, 1935
Photomicrograph of left posterior stigma of maggot, 1935
Photomicrograph of left posterior stigma of a maggot taken from remains, 1935
University of Glasgow
Image 7 of 7

Life cycle of the black blow fly

Entomological evidence of the stages of insect development helped forensic investigators to estimate that body parts discovered in the case of the "Jigsaw Puzzle Murders" had been left at the site around September 16, 1935.