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Gallery: Family Planning

节育安全期参考指示表 (Calculator calendar for rhythm method, instruction meter and meter envelope), 1956

节育安全期参考指示表 (Calculator calendar for rhythm method, instruction meter and meter envelope), envelope back, Shanghai Hygiene Press, 1956

The rhythm method is a type of birth control used in “natural family planning.” This calculator calendar allows a woman to monitor her fertile periods to assist planned pregnancies and avoid unplanned pregnancies. Made for the 1959 calendar year, this calendar was published with an instruction meter and an envelope, shown here.

About the Collection

Front cover of a rectangular handheld calendar with dark blue border and yellow background and circular dial on top

To support and encourage the implementation of birth control, Chinese family planning campaigns suggested the use of the rhythm method. This 1959 rhythm calculator calendar, published by the Shanghai Hygiene Press, serves as one of the many free tools given to women and families during Chinese family planning campaigns.

More Information on this Topic

MedlinePlus Health Topic:
Birth Control