Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection

NLM and Common Data Elements

NIH Common Data Element Repository

The NIH Common Data Element Repository is a platform to find common data elements which have been recommended or required for use by NIH institutes and centers. The repository provides machine-readable definitions of data elements and forms.

NIH has endorsed collections of CDEs that meet established criteria. NIH-endorsed CDEs are designated in the repository with a gold ribbon.

NIH CDE Repository home page screenshot

This is an example of a record inside the CDE Repository for the Patient Health Questionnaire 9. It contains a rendering of what the form might look like in a data collection tool, and other information such as reference documents and question text for each question.

NIH CDE Repository screen shot of PHQ-9 Quick depression assessment form, questions 1-6

NIH CDE Repository screen shot of PHQ-9 Quick depression assessment form, questions 6-11 with a general description

Users can search CDEs and forms with keywords or browse by NIH institute or initiative. Users can export in many different formats such as CDISC’s XML – Operational Data Model, ONC’s XML – Structured Data Capture, and HL7’s Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR).

Additional Training

For an in-depth demonstration of searching the NIH CDE Repository, take the on-demand course: Standardize Your Research Data with the NIH Common Data Element Repository.